2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- working holy tonic
- Shower Meditation
- Energy Protection Strategies - Zip Up
- Energy Protection Strategies - Smudging
- Light Meditation
- Forgiveness Prayer
- Prayer for Lost and Attached Souls
- Become a Neko
- Psychic Shielding
#481 - working holy tonic
1 cup = 1 hour of holy energy at your disposal.
2. fill the blender with water from the jug.
3. add the all the ginger and cinnamon to the water in the blender.
4. close the lid on the blender, set to liquefy, and turn in on for five minutes.
5. when five minutes are up, add this new mixture to the water that is already in the jug.
6. close lid on the jug, shake well for one minute, and then chill for one hour.
7. enjoy after one hour of chilling in your fridge.
do not drink more than 3 cups of this a day, or else you will be changed into a holy creature, and will not be able to eat human food. And avoiding drinking more then three cups a day will be difficult as this drink has a really good flavor.
this also can be used to treat and relieve illness of all sorts.
#482 - Shower Meditation
#484 - Energy Protection Strategies - Zip Up
#485 - Energy Protection Strategies - Smudging
To cleanse your energy field, using your hand or a feather, sweep smoke over all areas of your body, head, front and back and under feet.
To cleanse a room, go to each corner of the room starting at the floor and let smoke rise to ceiling. Complete for each corner ensuring that smoke dissipates throughout the entire room.
#486 - Light Meditation
Relax and Be.
#487 - Forgiveness Prayer
''If anyone or anything, including God, has hurt me in the past, knowingly or unknowingly, I forgive and release it with love and compassion. If I have hurt anyone or anything, including myself, knowingly or unknowingly, I forgive and release it with love and compassion.''
#488 - Prayer for Lost and Attached Souls
ie. lost or attached soul/ghost/spirit that has not passed over.
''Source, please release this soul from this energy field so that it can complete its path in the highest good of all.''
#489 - Become a Neko
-Before you begin the spell-
-You'll need to know what color ears and tail you want before you start.
-This takes 7 days to complete (not all at once, of course!) and 9 days to work.
-You don't have to be Wiccan, this (when done correctly) works for anyone regardless of age, sex, religion, race, and body type!
-Start on a full moon, or the Friday/Saturday before it- or if the Friday/Saturday IS a full moon, perfect!
-You need to do it 3 times a day- this includes when you wake up, so you may want to make a reminder note or alert on your phone.
-The spell-
Do this 3 times a day for 7 days- first thing when you wake up in the morning, after lunch/as soon as you get home from school/work, and right before bed. IMPORTANT- If you're more of a night person, you may choose to do the spell only right before bed on the first day OR the night before the first day. This just makes it so you've launched the spell at night- which may be more effective for different people.
For each session, sit down in a private, cozy place and repeat aloud 3 times...
"I wish to be a Neko,
half-human half-cat,
with (color*) ears and a (color*) (length"**) tail,
and with claws and (color*) eyes!
I'll be able to retract them all at any time
Just by doing (action***)!
Please, please grant this gift upon me,
I wish to be a Neko,
half-human, half-cat,
meow meow!"
*Fill this in with your own color you want the fur of your ears/tail to be. If it's the eyes, you have the option... you can say "bright" just to keep your same color. You can specify a color (e.g. brown, purple, etc). You can even do mismatched- just say "with claws and mismatched eyes- one (color), one (color)."
**Fill this in with a length for your tail in inches. One foot is 12 inches. 18-30 inches is recommended, but you can do shorter or longer. Think big!
***Fill this in with a simple action or gesture that will cause your ears/tail/claws/fangs to appear/retract. Something simple and easy to remember is best, such as snapping your fingers on your NON-dominant hand- if you're right-handed, say, snapping your finger son your left hand. Because you'll have to snap sometimes without transforming!
Do this 3 times a day for 7 days, you'll likely get side effects if your spell is working, but they'll go away after 9 days when your spell should give you final results.
After the Spell - Try not to look at your reflection in the mirror until the spell is done if you're changing your eye color. If you have cravings for milk/fish, eat them. Don't hold back. If you have the instinct to growl/whimper/scratch or other cat instincts, follow them and don't prevent them!
-Side effects (will go away when spell is complete)-
-Itchy body
-Aching head, tailbone, back, teeth or hands
-Cravings for fish/milk
-Natural cat instincts
-Watery, tired eyes (if changing eye color)
If you try this spell, be sure to mail me your story, what you did and if it worked!
~Nya~ =^.^=
Last edited on Nov 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#490 - Psychic Shielding
Be in a comfortable position.
In a quiet room.
Close your eyes and focus on the light.
Picture a bright ball of warm light.
That has everything good your trying to be.
Have it spoke down to you but not growing any weaker.
Have it flow down and expand around you creating a shield.
When it is big enough say this:
"There is one power in this universe and I
Am the perfect manifestation of that power as such
I will the boundaries of my aura to be strong and healthy
Repelling all negative energy while replacing with positive healing energy.
Inside these boundaries nothing can harm me for I am filled with the
Strength of the goddess by my will so mote it be and it is so."
Now have the boundaries grow smaller and smaller till it is your core
And have it return to the ball above your head.
Last edited on Dec 07, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.