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2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2963 Health Spells
2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2963 Health Spells
  1. Heal Minor Injuries
  2. Edchael Vimtoloch's army busting energy death blade.
  3. Goofer Dust Jack Ball Hex
  4. Muscle Pain Oil Blend
  5. Curse the one you hate
  6. Curse *WARNING: this is very harmful*
  7. How to Curse Someone
  8. The Magick Potion Of The Four Thieves
  9. About iadians and how to become one.(works)
  10. baby of god's own race

#491 - Heal Minor Injuries

This spell is only created with the intention to heal and not to harm. If you are another individual have a major injury or is really ill, contact the doctor instead of searching for spells to solve that issue.
You may need:

  • Only your belief that the spell will work
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    You may need:

  • Only your belief that the spell will work
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    Imagine positive white energy flowing throughout your body. Channel the energy flow towards your wound and imagine your wound slowly healing overtime until it has completely healed. While in doing so, chant:

    (For Yourself):

    "With this energy that flows throughout my body
    I wish for my energy to heal the wound that has been inflicted on me
    I wish to call upon kindhearted and friendly spirits around to assist in this healing
    Please hear my wish o’ kind and friendly spirits
    Make this wish of mine come true to heal
    So mote it be."

    (For A Friend):

    "With this energy that flows throughout my body
    I wish for my energy to be channeled towards this injured person in front of me
    I wish to call upon kindhearted and friendly spirits around to assist in this healing
    Please hear my wish o’ kind and friendly spirits
    Make this wish of mine come true to heal
    So mote it be."

    Please understand that the only way for this spell to work is for you to completely believe that it will work with the intention of healing while casting it. It may also depend on how much spell-casting experience you have prior to attempting to cast this spell. Note that it is only able to heal small wounds and may not work for everyone based on their beliefs. This spell was created with the intention to heal and if it doesn’t work for you, you can certainly change a few words in accordance to your beliefs. Do note that you may feel a drain on your energy after you have casted this spell and that you may also feel a slight tingling which is a side effect. Otherwise, there is nothing else to worry about since I created this spell with the intention to heal and not to harm. Thank you and have a great day/night! ^-^

    P.S. Being the only one to cast this spell when it was first created, I say that it has worked and if it didn’t for you, I’m very sorry. This spell was only created according to my beliefs and because my beliefs may not match up to yours, there is a fifty percent chance it may not work. Also, I have already stated that spell only works on small wounds so if you are really ill or have some other major injury, please contact the doctor instead.

    Added to on Nov 07, 2017
    Last edited on Nov 11, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #492 - Edchael Vimtoloch's army busting energy death blade.

    Need an army wiped out? this one is for you.

    This is the very same technique used by the angel of death, Edchael Vimtoloch when she took down the Assyrian army in the defense of Israel.
    You may need:

  • experience drawing and manipulating holy energy.
  • pratice
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    You may need:

  • experience drawing and manipulating holy energy.
  • pratice
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    If you have not trained in drawing and using holy energy, you are not ready to use this. Holy energy simply cannot be substituted by other types of energy. see:


    1. extend you arm in the direction of the enemy group and open your hand so your palm is facing them.

    2. draw holy energy and channel it to form a ball of energy in your open hand.

    3. continue adding energy until you feel until you feel an intense tingling throughout your hand. when you begin feeling pain in your hand, you are ready for the next step.

    4. form the energy ball into a double-edged curved blade that's parallel to the ground, the ends curbed towards you, and the blade as long as the area the enemy group resides in is wide.

    5. launch the blade towards the enemy group by slapping down your open hand in their direction.

    6. watch the entire group die.

    Added to on Nov 05, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #493 - Goofer Dust Jack Ball Hex

    For your enemies.
    You may need:

  • 1 black candle
  • enemy's finger clippings, hair, clothing, etc.
  • Your own urine
  • Goofer dust
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    You may need:

  • 1 black candle
  • enemy's finger clippings, hair, clothing, etc.
  • Your own urine
  • Goofer dust
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    1. Carve and dress a black candle to suit the purposes of your hex. Proceed to melt the candle.

    2. Roll the soft wax into a ball, roll pieces of your target into it.

    3. Put a couple of drops of your own urine and a few spoonfuls of goofer dust on it.

    4. Roll it all into a ball and bury it in the target's yard.

    Added to on Nov 02, 2017
    Last edited on Nov 03, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #494 - Muscle Pain Oil Blend

    A simple essential oil blend to apply topically to help pains associated with muscle strain, cramps, sprains, etc. Provides an intense yet pleasant cooling sensation when applied.
    You may need:

  • Carrier Oil (I like sweet almond)
  • Clary Sage Essential Oil
  • Eucalyptus Essential Oil
  • Lavender Essential Oil
  • Peppermint Essential Oil
  • Amethyst (optional)
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    You may need:

  • Carrier Oil (I like sweet almond)
  • Clary Sage Essential Oil
  • Eucalyptus Essential Oil
  • Lavender Essential Oil
  • Peppermint Essential Oil
  • Amethyst (optional)
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    Combine the oils as follows in a container that is NOT metal (metal and essential oils do not mix!)

    10 drops of your carrier oil
    3 drops Clary Sage
    2 drops Eucalyptus
    3 drops Lavender
    2 drops Peppermint

    The amount of drops used can be modified to make a larger amount, just be sure to follow the 10:3:2:3:2 ratio above.

    Take a hot shower or bath. Apply the oil as soon as possible after your shower topically to the pain site. If you wish, hold the amethyst to the site and imagine it absorbing all of the pain and negative energy. Apply as often as needed. Be sure to take pain medication or see a doctor if necessary.

    Added to on Oct 29, 2017
    Last edited on Jul 29, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #495 - Curse the one you hate

    curses the person you want it to
    You may need:

  • ~thought
  • ~hate
  • ~lighter/matches
  • ~paper
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    You may need:

  • ~thought
  • ~hate
  • ~lighter/matches
  • ~paper
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    Think of the person you want to curse and think of what you want to happen to them. When you have done that light the piece of paper on fire in front of you and watch the paper burn into ashes. Some may think of their person to die, it may happen.

    Added to on Oct 29, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #496 - Curse *WARNING: this is very harmful*

    This spell can be used to severely harm or even kill your target. I suggest you only cast this if you are experienced and if the person you are casting on has harmed you.
    You may need:

  • •red candle
  • •blue candle
  • •yellow candle
  • •green candle
  • •black candle
  • •altar cloth
  • •pentagram
  • •picture of victim(s)
  • •black permanent marker
  • •lighter/matches
  • •Salt (preferably sea salt
  • •envelope
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    You may need:

  • •red candle
  • •blue candle
  • •yellow candle
  • •green candle
  • •black candle
  • •altar cloth
  • •pentagram
  • •picture of victim(s)
  • •black permanent marker
  • •lighter/matches
  • •Salt (preferably sea salt
  • •envelope
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    Place down your altar cloth and cast your circle with wind (yellow) in the East, fire (red) in the south, water (blue) in the west, earth (green) in the north, and black in the center. Place the pentagram next to the black candle and sprinkle salt all the way around the circle to seal it. Sit outside the circle and draw an X over your target's picture. Call out to Satan for help and chant what you wish to happen o your target until you fell the energy all around you. Drip black wax onto the picture and seal it in an envelope. Blow out the candeles and your done!

    Tested and it actually works.

    Added to on Oct 23, 2017
    Last edited on Nov 07, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #497 - How to Curse Someone

    This spell with tell you how to curse someone. NOTE: NOT MY ORIGINAL SPELL!
    You may need:

  • you do not need anything for this spell
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    You may need:

  • you do not need anything for this spell
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    Rise from your bed at midnight. Sit cross-legged on the floor in a dark, empty room and whisper the words: “Evil, live, live, evil” over and over for one minute. In your mind’s eye, picture the person you want to curse.

    As the image of the person appears to you, visualize great harm coming to him or her. For example, you might watch with delight as a car runs over him or her or they fall down a flight of stairs.

    Savor the victim’s agony – but don’t forget: the misfortune you visualize is the misfortune your victim will suffer in real life.

    If you visualize the victim losing an eye, the victim should lose an eye. If you visualize death, the victim should die. Carefully consider the consequences of your actions before you proceed.

    As you continue to revel in the imaginary evil you have brought to your enemy, whisper: “Powers of darkness, make this so.”

    Added to on Oct 17, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #498 - The Magick Potion Of The Four Thieves

    The legend goes:

    Over 2 centuries ago, a group of 4 thieves commited crimes in London during a bad plague.

    They'd break into houses and steal... they'd even steal from the dead.

    Not only were people outraged, but they couldn't understand how the thieves could come into contact with plague ridden corpses and not get sick at all...

    They were finally caught and sentenced to death, but they negotiated a trade.

    They traded their secret formula for a reduced sentence.

    This secret formula kept them healthy, and kept them free from harm (until they were finally caught)...

    Believe the legend or not, I've been drinking this potion for years and I can't remember the last time I was ill... and negative energy seems to avoid me and my family.

    It doesn't taste good, but it's a small price to pay for it's healing powers and it's ability to keep problems away...
    You may need:

  • Bottle or big jar
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Garlic cloves
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    You may need:

  • Bottle or big jar
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Garlic cloves
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    STEP 1: Get some apple cider vinegar, and add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar for every cup of water in a big jug or bottle.

    STEP 2: Peel and crush garlic cloves and add them to the mixture. The amount of garlic you put in depends on you...

    STEP 3: Next, you must add 4 more ingrediants based on your tastes. You can choose 4 more ingrediants to add from this list (1 for each thief): black pepper, cayenne pepper, chili pepper, coriander, lavender, mint, rosemary, rue, sage, thyme, or wormwood.

    STEP 4: Allow this to sit for 4 days, shaking once daily before using.

    STEP 5: Simply drink a glass of this once every few days..

    Added to on Oct 13, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #499 - About iadians and how to become one.(works)

    found this spell, and hoping this will be useful. just correcting spelling errors i see and filling in information that this Iadian forgot to add in.

    nothing really, although this is a permanent deal. The spell told here is totally irreversible.

    If you do this, everything about you will be changed on a fundamental level. You'll never be human again.

    I'll say it now. Unless you really want to do this, do not use the spell you'll see here. Iadian magic works regardless of whether believe in magic or not.

    do the spell and you will instantly become an Iadian. I did it, and I have to live with it and live with the fact of being what I now am and having to live with strict expectations placed upon me as I am under Iada's thumb.
    You may need:

  • Iadians are the name of the race the androginous goddess Iada, who many refer to as god is a part of. this tells you about them, and how to become one like I did
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    You may need:

  • Iadians are the name of the race the androginous goddess Iada, who many refer to as god is a part of. this tells you about them, and how to become one like I did
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    Iada has always existed and always will. She is all powerful and of both genders as well as all present and all knowing. Even others like her never come close to her standard of being considered a god by her standard. The standard being that you must be able to raise the dead using your own power, without invoking another's power, exactly as they were, the age the were upon the moment of their death, and with their memories completely and totally intact. By Iada's standards, if you can't do this, you are not a god.

    at any rate I am now going to tell you the traits all Iadians have that makes them what they and myself are. I minding you every one of us are different as we're individuals. Although with those like me who were converted, apart from the physical traits, most or our abilities become latent, but this can be solved by doing a spell or ritual to unlock your latent abilities. other paths to unlocking these are waiting for ten years, or running ten miles a day six days a week for a year.

    1. Can create just about anything that they want by the conversion of energy into matter. but this is dependent upon what you already know how to create, plus how powerful you are. Yes, You'll have to do your homework studying blueprints, chemical compositions, all sorts of things to get good at this.

    2. Bones reinforced with cartilage. You can fall from the roof of your house and hardly suffer any damage. I took a spill one time and did not feel pain whatsoever.

    3. 95% of your muscles are of the fast-twitch sort but with no inhibitors whatsoever. with lots of exercise, an Iadian becomes 150% physically stronger than a vampire (a vampire 20 times stronger than a human male). but this is also a double edged sword. I actually have to take care not to damage my muscles as I use them. Iada told me that I must regenerate my muscles after each day of training to repair them.

    4. Bodies infused with holy energy and the ability to draw and use holy energy to physically enhance ourselves and regenerate. This also makes every part of us ten times more toxic to unholy creatures than silver. We can also recover from illness faster somewhere between 10-20 times faster than humans. And from my experience, drawing holy energy works about 5 times better than coffee in the morning.

    5. can do any magic spell with our own energy by invoking our own names. We can also cast spells using our thoughts too. and by sharing our names, humans can freely and safely make use of our power.

    6. all Iadians are innately psychic from the get go.

    7. All Iadians are creatures of both genders--just like Iada. Although there are variations in the range between both genders. This is common for all Iadians. Some of us look just like men or woman, while most have an overall female appearance. But since we are of both genders, our psychology is a fusion of male and female, and as such we can think in the same matter is either gender as well as think in a gender neutral way. It is what makes us Iadians ideally suited for use in leadership roles.

    8. we can adapt to any exercise routine practcally overnight. I was able the get right into running ten miles a day on day two. this is due to the fact that your heart, lungs, kidneys, and cardiovascular system is made of tough stuff.

    9. can fly, teleport, phase through walls, walk on walls and ceiling.

    10. invulnerability to environmental extremes and can survive in the vacuum of space.

    11. innate mastery of all forms of psychokinesis.

    12. can do nuclear level physical energy attacks with our psychokinesis combined with our energy.

    13. can conceive children at will as well as asexually reproduce ourselves inside a host using the power of invoking our names. (Anything that's female can be used as a host.)

    14. full control of our bodies.

    15. Can completely regenerate and also reproduce ourselves using this same mechanism. If we are blown to bits, every piece that lay on the ground will regenerate into a clone of us. It's call fragmentation.

    16. can change our physical appearance at will. An example being we can be any age we want, as beautiful as we want, and be what gender we want.

    17. and we can also change the physical aspects of anyone and anything. We can do things transmute material, and change people and animals into anything we want.

    18. can create things like angels and other spiritual servants at will. But there is a spell for that too which I'll post in future posting.

    As for me, most of these are still latent. and now for telling you how to become an Iadian yourself.


    ''I invoke the holy name of Cainulu Olovime. Turn me and transform me into an Iadian like you. make me powerful and just like you. This is me wish, so mote it be.''

    You should fell a tingling throughout your entire body thus indicating you have been changed.

    side effects:

    1. fiery emotions.

    2. slight discomfort in your muscles.

    3. attraction to both genders.

    4. changes in the way you think.

    5. awareness in telepathic activity.

    6. Increased hunger.


    Once you do this, the goddess Iada will contact you shortly. Your own Holy name and title will be granted to you shortly after that as well.

    And if you are doing this, you might want to unlock your latent abilities after your conversion into an Iadian. Unless of course you are willing to wait ten years, or run 60 miles a week for a year. Well it is your call in the end.

    good luck.

    p.s. You must meditate of Iada's name to contact her if she does not contact you.

    Added to on Oct 12, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #500 - baby of god's own race

    Iadians are the race responsible for the creation of the universe. And now, you can have a baby of this race.

    *no intercourse required!
    You may need:

  • nothing.
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    You may need:

  • nothing.
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    say thee words:

    ''I call upon the holy name of Nikuma Olovime. Your child into me. Caw nee faw Aut.''

    you should feel a tingling in your womb indicating that the spell worked.

    Iadians are able to take care of themselves from the get go, so a minimum of attention is required as opposed to human children who required near constant for several years.

    The child this spell will produce will grow to adult size by age three, and fully mature by age six! And they'll make their own clothing too, as well as help you in many ways.

    Added to on Oct 10, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters