2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- anger boils
- Potion to Promote Happiness
- Aura Cleanse
- Bones of Anger... Hex
- Healing a Relationship
- Life Flower
- Change eye color
- Powerful Sigils Awakener
- Stronger Power Ritual
- Tea for Irritated Throats
#631 - anger boils
This dead flower
By this curse,
I make it worse Drop in the flower. Repeat the words again, this time saying your victim's name three times at the end. Repeat again. Watch the water boil and feel your own anger bubbling inside of you. Direct that energy into your spell, and then leave the pot to boil for a few more minutes. Do not let it boil dry! Take the pot off the heat, and pour the hot water into your bottle. Let it cool down and drop in another bit of salt. Seal up the bottle. Repeat the spell words again, including the name of your target. Keep the bottle somewhere safe until the curse has worked its magick.
#632 - Potion to Promote Happiness
First, pour some milk into your favorite mug. Once you do that, place the mug in a microwave. Microwave the mug with the milk in it for forty seconds, or until it's heated up to the temperate you want.
Once it's finished microwaving, mix a teaspoon of honey into the milk. (You can add more or less if you so choose.) After that, pour in some cinnamon - there doesn't need to be a set amount. Just pour as much in as you want.
Optional: Add a cinnamon stick to the drink! It adds a nice aesthetic, which always makes me happy.
Last edited on Oct 02, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#633 - Aura Cleanse
Use the Besom to cleanse your area of negative energies. Then cast a circle using either the chalk, stones salt, or rope. Then say as many times as you feel necessary:
"I call to thee, pure witches fire.
Through vortex flow the heavenly mire.
Cleanse brackish aura of debris.
From dark to light sweep history."
When you are done you should feel more pure than before.
Last edited on May 07, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#634 - Bones of Anger... Hex
I invoke Cthulhu, God of Anger and the creatures of the underworld
hear me now... "Bones of anger, bones to dust
full of fury, revenge is just
I scatter these bones, these bones of rage
take thine enemy, bring him pain
I see thine enemy before me now
I bind him, crush him, bring him down
With these bones I now do crush
Make thine enemy turn to dust
torment, fire, out of control
With this hex I curse your soul"
So it be!
Last edited on Mar 02, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#635 - Healing a Relationship
-light the 3 candles
-hold the crystal of your choice in your hand
-replay the memory in your mind until it comes crystal clear
(you should feel a sort of vibration or pulse from the crystal when doing this)
-once you're able to clearly see, repeat the following x3:
clear our relationship of negativity
let us live in happiness for all eternity
keep our bonds strong, keep them tied
forever and always, til the end of time
-blow out the candles, sending your energy out
This is not meant to control the person, neither will it make all the problems go away overnight. For the spell to work, keep frustration and negative thoughts to a minimum or else the spell may not manifest the way you want it to.
#636 - Life Flower
''Flower, flower, do what I say. Keep this person alive, allow him/her to see each next day. Flower, flower, listen to me. Should you die, so does he/she! So mote it be!''
The flower should start glowing, and implant itself in the person's head. The flower cannot be removed by any means at this point. As long as the person cares for the flower, it will keep them alive. Should they neglect the flower, it will warn them by making them slowly grow progressively sicker. If the person still does not care for the flower and allows it to wilt, the person will perish. IT IS VITALLY IMPORTANT THAT YOU LET THEM KNOW WHAT COULD HAPPEN BEFOREHAND! DON'T HAVE SOMEONE DO SOMETHING THEY DONT WANT TO GET IN TO!
#637 - Change eye color
#638 - Powerful Sigils Awakener
!!READ THE SUMMARY FIRST!! 1:Place your sigil on clean table/something. 2:Clear your mind and heart,now point your hands on the sigil. 3:Visualize a red flowing energy from your mind to your fingers and it's flowing to the sigil. 4:Remember the feelings,what is it feel?Cold?Hot?Happy?Windy? Place the feeling to the flowing energy. 5:After 2 minutes,you done.You should do it for a bout 2 weeks to strengthen the sigils back. If you want to do it again,repeat the process,bookmark this page for sure :) It's not working? You lack belief and ingredient needs or maybe the instruction you've done is wrong.
Last edited on Dec 14, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#639 - Stronger Power Ritual
Get in your dark silent place. Sit on the ground(or on pillow). Light the candle, turn your binaural beat in headphones, put on you blanket, and put your head on the wall. When you get started, don't listen to your breath because it can make you astral projection. Listen to your hert beats and think about unreal thing, people or symbols. You will see se many things and you will feel vibrations. After 5 mins in this vibrations, wake up. You will feel full of energy and strong. First time can your eyes hurt. But that's good.
I did it and it worked for me. Inbox me how did you felt before and after that. And don't forget to give meh some stars!
Last edited on Jan 30, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#640 - Tea for Irritated Throats
Boil tea bags in water. You can o this in a microwave or on stovetop. Once tea is done, stir in two tablespoons of honey. Make sure it is dissolved. Squeeze a slight amount of lemon juice in, and add the pinch of sugar. Stir thoroughly. Drink until gone.
Last edited on Jan 28, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.