2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Vampire transformation incantation
- Fuse a fiend with negative energy
- Mermaid (For Girls)
- Kitsune Shape-Shifting
- Fleeing Flu
- Darken a Life
- Draconic Power
- Misery
- To Heal A Relative Or Friend
- Stop Minecraft Griefers
#641 - Vampire transformation incantation
#642 - Fuse a fiend with negative energy
#643 - Mermaid (For Girls)
First, mix the salt in the water. Then rub it on your legs. Then look at the moon and chant
"Mermaids out there hear my call
I wish to swim through the sea, make me what I wish to be
Make me a mermaid without regret, when I am wet, so mote it be!"
Last edited on Jan 28, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#644 - Kitsune Shape-Shifting
Get as near the light as possible. Now chant this x5 at the least: "Inari, goddess above, I plea for thee to make me what I wish to be, a celestial kitsune. Should I be discovered, I shall be stuck in human form for 24 hours. Let me be a bearer of light to mortals."
Get in the darkest possible place, chant x5: "Inari, the darkness draws me in, and I wish to see it in it's fullest.For this to be true, I need you, mighty Inari, to grant me this, make me a Void Kitsune. A creature of the dark, my corrupt soul forever yours."
Get in a windy place, chant this x5: "Wind, wind blow me away. Inari, if you make me a wind kitsune, then my life, soul and heart are forever yours. So mote it be."
Chant x5: "Inari, the spirits are calling me to join them, I wish to, and therefore I boldly ask of you to make me a spirit kitsune."
Get near flame and chant x5: "Fire, hot and fierce. Alike we are, in this place I plead to you, Inari, to make me a fire kitsune, in mind, body and soul."
Get dirt in hands and chant x5: "Inari, in my hands I hold only part of my happiness, the rest deoends on you alone. I speak to you now asking to be a earth kitsune."
Dip hand in fresh/saltwater and chant x5: "Inari, with my hand in the fresh/saltwater, I plead of you, make me a river/ocean kitsune, and I shall forever be in debt."
Hold rocks and chant x5: "The mountains, strong and tall, I ask of Inari to give me control in the firm of Kitsune, for life I shall be onewith mountains."
Hold wood and chant x5: "The wood, sturdy and still, us like me, ontop of a hill. Standing strong, Inari, make me a forest kitsune."
Hold clock. Chant x5: "Time is important for many reasons, and Inari i ask of you to let me control this in form of a time kitsune, so mote it be."
Hand on object while chanting this x5: "Sounds loud and quiet, chaotic and peaceful, i want to control it.Inari, please let me, and make me a sound kitsune"
Last edited on Jan 28, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#645 - Fleeing Flu
Fill a small glass with water. Put 1 tablespoon of salt into the glass. Put 1 tablespoon of lemon juice into the glass. Be prepared to throw up. Drink small amounts until the throw up becomes clear
Last edited on Jan 28, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#646 - Darken a Life
Write the victim's full name on the piece of paper in the middle of a dark pentagram. Light the candles in the order Black, Red, Black. Then light the paper while chanting, "Darkness, Air, Earth, Water, Fire. Darken this soul, now for me. Darken his life, give him pain." The final chant should have the words "So mote it be!" exclaimed loudly at the conclusion.
Continue chanting this until the paper has burned to nothing but ashes. Mix the ashes with the pepper flakes and salt. (Remember- replace the 'him' with a 'her' if your target is a female). Wait thirty seconds in meditative silence, and fiercely blow out the candles. With a blow just as fierce, blow the ash-salt-pepper mix out into the air. Your spell is complete.
Last edited on Jan 28, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#647 - Draconic Power
Light the candles, and dip the blank paper in the holy water. Set the dragon charm onto the paper. Hold the paper above the three candles (which are placed in a triangular formation in the middle of a magickal pentagram).
Chant: "Dragon, Air, Earth, Water, Fire. Make this spell Magic, so mote it be. Formidable dragons, show me your power. Take my offering, and give me strength." Drip the liquid Dragonsbane onto the dragon charm. Then rub the leaves of Dragonsbane and pinch of Dragon Blood onto the rope.
Continue chanting: "Your strength will be mine, so mote it be." Tie a strong knot in the rope. String the dragon charm onto the rope and blow out the candles. Lay the charm (still on the rope) under your pillow, and go to sleep. The next morning, wear the dragon charm on a regular string (no longer on the rope) around your neck, and dragon power will be yours.
Last edited on Jan 21, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#648 - Misery
So mix all herbs bloods and dirt together. If its still like water, add more graveyard dirt. Put it in still hot bath and mix. You need a black/grey disgusting mess. Close your mouth while going in it.
Last edited on Jan 28, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#649 - To Heal A Relative Or Friend
This spell is for healing a friend or family member. It is best done when the moon is full, but you can do it whenever you feel it necessary.
Light the candle and fill the small vase with water. Place the freshly cut violets in the little vase and say a chant, focusing on the well being of the person and the healing of their ailment. Cut a heart out of the purple and write the name of the person on one side, and a short but heartfelt "Get Well!" message on the other side.
Poke a small hole in the top right side of the heart and thread the white string through it, tie it, and attach it to the vase. Give the little vase of violets to the target person and await their recovery.
Last edited on Jan 28, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#650 - Stop Minecraft Griefers
You must repeat this powerful phrase three times for the spell to work.
"With my diamond diamond pick I swing,
and my diamond sword with bling,
the griefers will leave me alone
if they don't I'm gonna blow!"
Last edited on Jan 28, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.