2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- 10 Struggles Casting
- Net Shield/Healing
- Death Potion
- Finger Fun
- Curing Spell
- Deadly Clairvoyance
- Vampire
- Healing
- Crocodile/Aligator Shifter
- Rainbow Moonstone Rose Quartz Water
#721 - 10 Struggles Casting
1.) Belief
This is like the biggest problem people have with it. People say that the spell don't work for them and get frusterated and the reason for that is they don't believe.
Belief is the biggest key in spell casting. Saying a spell don't work or is fake lowers the chance of the spell working and also lowers your belief which results in spells not working for you.
Don't ask people how to believe in spell or give tips on believing. Only depend on yourself not other people cause they might tell you things that will make you not believe in spells. Believe and the spell will achieve.
2.) Questioning
On almost all of the videos people keep asking "Does it work?" That is what makes spells fail for them. Do NOT ask that cause if you want spells to truly work for you then you wouldn't ask that.
3.) Asking for "Proof"
People ask this a lot on my channel. Like when I post a mermaid spell they ask "Show your tail and powers for proof that this spell works." or something like that.
Don't ask that cause like I said it is NOT believing. And also you can't post or record a video of your tail and powers anyway cause it will take them away and you know how people are. You don't need proof in order to believe in a spell cause if you ask for that then spells will fail and you not believing.
4.) Other People
This is another big problem people have with spell casting.
Mean people that think they know everythang telling that spells aren't real or they don't work just to let other people down. But let me tell ya, don't listen to them. They don't make spells, post videos of them, get a lot of support, and all that.
I am trying my best to not listen to them.
Anyways, don't listen to them just ignore and continue believing.
Believe what you believe in
5.) Confidence
I know spells has results that you may not know about cause of what will might happen but don't worry about it. Confidence is another key to spells. Being too scared cause some spells to not work for you.
Don't be scared cause spells is about confidence too.
Keep calm and keep casting.
6.) Instructions
Some instructions be too complicated But some spells are easy
Just read the instructions and spells over and over again till you get what it is saying. If you still don't get it, you can always ask me.
If some spells don't have instructions and just the spell just make your own instructions and do something that goes with the spell.
For example, if you see a mermaid spell that just has the spell and no instructions just put your hand in water just to be sure and safe.
7.) Side Effects
When people do spells, they don't know the side effects of it. On some of videos I don't put the side effects cause I be like in a "rush" to get the video.
To know the side effects, think of what the spell and the instructions will do if you cast it and it worked.
for example, if you don't know the side effects for a vampire spell just know that vampires have cravings for blood, can't go out in the sunlight, like the night, etc.
So that means that the side effects for a vampire spell is more energetic at night, feeling more hot in the sun, teethaches, etc.
8.) Magic Level
Magic has certain levels like beginner, intermediate, and advanced.
If you are starting out in magic, I recommend looking for spells that are easier to do like healing spells, wish spells, spell to stop a cold or something like that.
As you get used to that and getting what spells does you can do to higher level which is intermediate with spells like summoning spells, spell to control your dreams, energy spells ,etc
Once you get all of that move on to advanced spells, which are like spells to control the weather, shapeshifting, flying, etc.
9.) Patience
I know some of you that want to be something so bad that you can barely wait for it. Some spells don't work right away. Some spells take time. Don't expect a spell to work in like 1 minute or instantly. Patience is also a key to spell casting. If you don't wait then you will frustrated and lose your belief which results in spells failing. Try to wait and the spell will have a higher chance of working.
10.) Results
Some spells come out with good results some come out with bad. Certain spells have certain results when you cast them. Depending on what the spell is and what it does comes out with good results or bad results.
If it is a spell to like kill someone and stuff then the result might be bad on you.
Not only spells have certain results it has backfires too. Backfires comes mostly with bad spells.
Just in case some of you don't know, backfires are bad results of when you do something bad. Like for instance if you cast a spell to hurt someone then it might backfire of yourself getting hurt. That is why I don't do bad spells which are called black magic.
I would suggest you don't do black magic or bad spells cause it might not work out the way you want to.
Some spells might backfire on you if you do certain things. Like on vampire spells I see, if you cast one and try to reverse it, it might cause bad results on you.
Some spells are permanent and you can't reverse them. If you don't to be something for so long then I wouldn't suggest you do it.
Last edited on Dec 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#722 - Net Shield/Healing
First imagine your chest opening up and a ball of light coming out.
Then imagine string coming out of the light and weaving into a web. This is all pure light energy, then send good thought and breath in and out. Open your eyes and there will be an invisible shield/health. This takes a lot of concentration be careful.
Last edited on Jan 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#723 - Death Potion
Add the water, cut up mint, aloe, and 1 1/2 whole roses and say " Death to those who've made me mad and death to those who deserve to die". Then say who should die and say why they need to die. Then say "He/she who rots within my mind shall die tonight for he/she is my enemy. So mote it be" say it 10-20 times and drink the potion or give it to thy enemy.
Last edited on Dec 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#724 - Finger Fun
First think/look at the mean/bad person and close your eyes think of all the bad things they have done, then close your thumb and pointer finger together (both hands for more power) the squise them as hard as you can and imagine them feeling pain but not physical (sorta like growing pains)
Last edited on Dec 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#725 - Curing Spell
Recite the following once:
yurja taquwadim lee alsh shifa min almarad anna ayni.
ashku rukum eelay aiteammanikum,
Last edited on Dec 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#726 - Deadly Clairvoyance
Oh Balor, King of Fomorians, God of Drought and Blight
I ask that you lend me your deadly eye, bestow apon me that piercing gaze and grant me clairvoyance
Then on your piece of paper, draw a single eye inside of a circle and draw a + through it with your red pen. Keep this piece of paper on you at all times, and it would be best to keep it under your pillow at night.
#727 - Vampire
At the night of the full moon go somewhere in a quiet place where you have to be alone.draw the pentagram in the ground and put the candles in each corners of the star. Then wait ten more seconds just to relax.
After that, start to light the candels and then chant: "sanguis cute pallida lunam traheret est sitim extingure,iam venis corpurs sentire dolorem meum." chant it 12 times while envisioning your vampire self.
**Side Effects**
- feeling dizzy after 5 minutes you will feel energetic.
- high speed
- uncontrolable thirst
- stronger than normal
- sensitive to sunlight
- become more beautiful
- you like blood and hate any food and drinks
- burn in sunlight
Last edited on Dec 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#728 - Healing
Then consume safflower. (The pure herb works best.)
Give everything to your deity for added comfort while healing.
#729 - Crocodile/Aligator Shifter
Say this at night time 5 times then drink the water: "Spirits of the moon, I wish to be a (crocodile/alligator) shifter that can transform just by thinking of myself as a crocodile or alligator. So please bless this water with the power to make me a crocodile or alligator shifter".
Last edited on Dec 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#730 - Rainbow Moonstone Rose Quartz Water
Place the stones into the bowl and add the water. Leave it in the windowsill where it can soak up the moonlight. The next day, remove the stones from the bowl and pour the water through the funnel and into the container(s). There are two ways to use the water. Either dab it on the skin or drink it and it should help.