Add the water, cut up mint, aloe, and 1 1/2 whole roses and say " Death to those who've made me mad and death to those who deserve to die". Then say who should die and say why they need to die. Then say "He/she who rots within my mind shall die tonight for he/she is my enemy. So mote it be" say it 10-20 times and drink the potion or give it to thy enemy.
If somebody isnt nice to you or your friend add some finger fun to your life to make them suffer.
You may need:
You may need:
First think/look at the mean/bad person and close your eyes think of all the bad things they have done, then close your thumb and pointer finger together (both hands for more power) the squise them as hard as you can and imagine them feeling pain but not physical (sorta like growing pains)
A spell designed to allow the castor to see, feel, sense or predict the deaths of others, can vary from visions/dreams to feelings of dread when introduced to someone close to death.
You may need:
A quiet place
A voice
A piece of paper
A new red pen
You may need:
A quiet place
A voice
A piece of paper
A new red pen
In your quiet place, recite the following phrase in a clear, calm voice:
Oh Balor, King of Fomorians, God of Drought and Blight
I ask that you lend me your deadly eye, bestow apon me that piercing gaze and grant me clairvoyance
Then on your piece of paper, draw a single eye inside of a circle and draw a + through it with your red pen. Keep this piece of paper on you at all times, and it would be best to keep it under your pillow at night.
1 pentagram drawn in the ground with the help of a chalk
You may need:
5 black candles
1 pentagram drawn in the ground with the help of a chalk
At the night of the full moon go somewhere in a quiet place where you have to be alone.draw the pentagram in the ground and put the candles in each corners of the star. Then wait ten more seconds just to relax.
After that, start to light the candels and then chant: "sanguis cute pallida lunam traheret est sitim extingure,iam venis corpurs sentire dolorem meum." chant it 12 times while envisioning your vampire self.
**Side Effects**
feeling dizzy after 5 minutes you will feel energetic.
A spell that allows you to transform into a crocodile or alligator whenever you want just think of yourself as one to transform.
You may need:
You may need:
Say this at night time 5 times then drink the water: "Spirits of the moon, I wish to be a (crocodile/alligator) shifter that can transform just by thinking of myself as a crocodile or alligator. So please bless this water with the power to make me a crocodile or alligator shifter".
I make this whenever I am feeling stressed or in physical pain and it helps a great deal.
You may need:
1 rainbow moonstone
1 Rose Quartz
bottle or vial of some sort
a bowl, preferably glass
a funnel for pouring the liquid
You may need:
1 rainbow moonstone
1 Rose Quartz
bottle or vial of some sort
a bowl, preferably glass
a funnel for pouring the liquid
(Make sure the stones are cleansed and charged for this before use. As with most spells it is advisable to cast a circle. The best time to make the water is during a Full or Waning moon, but you can make it whenever you need it.)
Place the stones into the bowl and add the water. Leave it in the windowsill where it can soak up the moonlight. The next day, remove the stones from the bowl and pour the water through the funnel and into the container(s). There are two ways to use the water. Either dab it on the skin or drink it and it should help.
Go outside, get a good look at at least one of the clouds, memorize the spell and say:
''Ancient Gods and Goddesses, I invoke thee, hear my plea, and let it be. ( say request)
Ancient Gods and Goddesses, I invoke thee, hear my plea, so mote it be.''
This has worked every time for me, even on my first test, so I'm pretty sure you will be successful . This is also my first spell and am really proud of it.