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2961 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2961 Health Spells
2961 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2961 Health Spells
  1. Reinforcement of Items
  2. Potion to Get Revenge
  3. Health Potion
  4. Healing
  5. Eternal Youth
  6. Have My Nightmares
  7. Healing New Cuts
  8. Healing
  9. Life Bundles
  10. Fat

#741 - Reinforcement of Items

This spell allows you to increase the strength of an item. Results may vary.
You may need:

  • An item
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    You may need:

  • An item
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    First, channel all your magikal energy into your hand. Next let it flow from your hand, into the item you are holding. Then imagine it strengthening, and hardening. If it was done properly, it should be slightly more durable. But only while you continue channeling energy into it. Remember, the more you practice this, the better you will be at it.

    Added to on Aug 15, 2016
    Last edited on Dec 22, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #742 - Potion to Get Revenge

    Do you have an enemy? Do you want to give him revenge? Then use this potion, give it to them, and they'll pay!
    You may need:

  • Voodoo Doll
  • Lemon
  • Honey
  • Mundane Cup
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    You may need:

  • Voodoo Doll
  • Lemon
  • Honey
  • Mundane Cup
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    Make a tea, but add extra lemon (to make your enemy’s life sour) and no sugar (because you don’t want to sweeten the enemy’s problems). Try to make it taste, and look as disgusting as possible. Do not drink it, or give it to a friend! Only let your enemy drink it. Put a little honey, but not too much, in your disgusting tea to sweeten the smell, so they don’t know this is a black magick potion, and so they’ll drink it! While making the tea, say, “Maledictionem super vos!”
    Your doll named the name of your enemy, you must pour a drop of tea on it. Then go to the true enemy, the true one, not just the doll.
    (When going to your enemy to give him/her tea, say, “I am sorry. Things got off to the wrong foot. To make up for all of it, and to start over, here’s some tea. You don’t have to forgive me, but at least take my present. This tea, I worked hard on all by myself. I worked so very hard, and I hope you enjoy it!” If they get suspicious, take a cup of tea. Don’t fill it up, only put in a little. And then, when you leave after the enemy takes at least one sip of the tea, discard the tea far from your home and your family. That way, you won’t drink. If they don’t ask, don’t get any tea!)
    Then chant, while they aren’t noticing, “Maledictionem super vos!” even though you’d said it earlier. Then say, if they ask, “Just praying that a friendship grows from the tea present. I really hope we start becoming better friends, even though you’re way righter than I am.”

    Added to on Aug 14, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #743 - Health Potion

    Is the Healing Spell I gave you not really your thing? Is it not perfect enough for you? Try this healing POTION instead of the healing spell!
    You may need:

  • 2 parts Willow tree bark
  • 1 tbsp of vanilla extract
  • 12 dried Apple or a dash apple juice
  • A pinch of Rosemary
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    You may need:

  • 2 parts Willow tree bark
  • 1 tbsp of vanilla extract
  • 12 dried Apple or a dash apple juice
  • A pinch of Rosemary
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    Boil the two parts of the willow tree bark, the teaspoon of vanilla extract, the dried apple or apple juice, and the rosemary pinch. Just a pinch, a tiny pinch, though. Keep boiling for a good amount of time. It may vary, but Id say the average time it takes for tea. But it depends on how it works for you, in your case.

    After boiling, wait for it to cool. Wait about 5 minutes. Itll cool down very, very quickly! Then add some sugar to sweeten the status of your health. You may put in lemon, but as Ive said in Aphrodites Love Potion, make the lemons amount none or small. You dont want your health to be sour, so limit your amount to a small pinch, or none at all!

    Chant if you want. Choose words that flow. Also chant, "Let there be remedies" a declaration demanding politely and powerfully your physical healths welfare.

    Added to on Aug 14, 2016
    Last edited on Dec 21, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #744 - Healing

    Do you have a wound? (If somebody else has a physical pain, then do this with revising accordingly.) Use this spell to help-of course, with professionals assistance!
    You may need:

  • Rosemary
  • Chalice or Blessed Cup
  • Athame
  • Wand
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    You may need:

  • Rosemary
  • Chalice or Blessed Cup
  • Athame
  • Wand
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    Open the magickal circle with your altar. Raise the wand and athame across your chest in the Osiris position.

    Visualize the wounded person feeling better, or if youre hurt yourself, visualize yourself feeling better overall. Then zoom into details. Visualize the God and his lover the Goddess saying, "Let there be remedy! This is thy will so mote it be!" Then, suddenly you, wearing nothing, feel better. Then you close up your third eye, or you stop your visualization.

    Now, chant,
    "Let there be remedy,
    as the Deities say,
    let there be remedy,
    to rescue me today
    This is thy will,
    this is my will,
    this is His will,
    this is Her will,
    so mote it be!"

    Then eat the mint, whispering, "Let there be blessings!" Then visualize the God and Goddess declaring proudly, "Let there be blessings" Chew and say, "Blessed be, blessed be me!"

    Give some rosemary as an offering to the Goddess and the God. Then say, "Blessed be. Let there be remedy, let there be blessings. Blessed be, so mote it be! To the goddess (Gaia) and the god (Ahone)!"

    Drink the water from the chalice.

    Added to on Aug 14, 2016
    Last edited on Dec 21, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #745 - Eternal Youth

    This spell will make you look forever youthful. Can be done on girls, boys, or any nonbinary person.
    You may need:

  • Cinnamon Incense
  • Peppermint Tea Leaves
  • Blue Vervain Leaves
  • Dark Moon
  • 2 8oz cups of water
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    You may need:

  • Cinnamon Incense
  • Peppermint Tea Leaves
  • Blue Vervain Leaves
  • Dark Moon
  • 2 8oz cups of water
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    Make Peppermint tea, then make Vervain tea. Light the cinnamon incense. Say the following:
    "puer aeternus
    ut det mihi
    a caelis
    so mote it be"

    which roughly translates into

    "Forever young
    give it to me
    from the heavens
    so mote it be"

    Drink both teas, vervain first, then peppermint. Remember, you can change this however you want to fit with your needs.

    Added to on Aug 14, 2016
    Last edited on Jan 21, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #746 - Have My Nightmares

    This spell will make anyone you hate have painful nightmares.
    You may need:

  • Belief
  • 2 black candles
  • A drawing of the victim
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    You may need:

  • Belief
  • 2 black candles
  • A drawing of the victim
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    Set the candles in a position that makes a triangle and light them. Set the drawing of the person in the middle of the candles and say 'As I set this drawing down I give -name of the person- dreadful nightmares for -time period-. They shall suffer until the -time period- are over. " That night until the deadline your victim will have restless nights.

    Added to on Aug 14, 2016
    Last edited on Dec 21, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #747 - Healing New Cuts

    This is a spell for healing new cuts big or small
    You may need:

  • Human saliva
  • Dragon saliva
  • Cobwebs
  • Water
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    You may need:

  • Human saliva
  • Dragon saliva
  • Cobwebs
  • Water
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    Put some of the saliva ( human& dragon) on the cut then rub in saying: "What I rub in may rub out my wound". Then wash it with water and say: "With this water I cleanse and purify". Then place the cobwebs over it and say: I lay mothers plasters on my cut. Then put the remaining saliva on it and say: "I seal this let it seal me so mote it be".

    Added to on Aug 14, 2016
    Last edited on Dec 21, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #748 - Healing

    Are you feeling ill? (This is only for yourself; if somebody else is ill you must do it for yourself.)
    You may need:

  • A drawing of Uruz the rune
  • Offering for Kumugwe the god
  • Mint
  • Cinnamon in any form
  • Water from river
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    You may need:

  • A drawing of Uruz the rune
  • Offering for Kumugwe the god
  • Mint
  • Cinnamon in any form
  • Water from river
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    Take a small bit of the cinnamon, and eat the mint. Give your offering to Kumugwe, the Native American god that healed the injured and sick. Draw your name and write "health problem gone, good health return" below the drawing of the Uruz.

    Then chant:

    "O, Kumugwe, bless me please
    From the bottom of the ocean
    To the top of the trees
    Bring my health problem away from me
    Please, o please, I beg thee."

    Meditate for a few minutes. Then eat your form of cinnamon and your mint. Then drink at least one gulp of fresh river water. Then chant:

    "O, Kumugwe, as I drink from your Sacred Dwelling,
    I beg of you to bless me with a well physical being."

    This is best done on a Full Moon or Waning Moon. (Waning, weakening the health issue. Full moon, making your good health at its fullest.)

    Added to on Aug 11, 2016
    Last edited on Jul 29, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #749 - Life Bundles

    This bundle of herbs and other things will give all the needed things in life: memory improvement, cleansing, love, security, friendship, phycic power, protection, healing, hex breaking, wisdom, courage, faith, happiness, energy, dispelling of fear, mind strength and peace.
    You may need:

  • Bay Leaf
  • Bamboo
  • Iris flower petal
  • Lily petal
  • Mint leaf
  • Nettle
  • Orchid petal
  • Lavender
  • Basil leaf
  • Bluebell
  • Rosemary
  • String/ ribbon
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    You may need:

  • Bay Leaf
  • Bamboo
  • Iris flower petal
  • Lily petal
  • Mint leaf
  • Nettle
  • Orchid petal
  • Lavender
  • Basil leaf
  • Bluebell
  • Rosemary
  • String/ ribbon
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    Get all the items into a bundle and tie the string around it then you carry it around with you and should give you all things above

    It works for me :)

    Added to on Aug 09, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #750 - Fat

    This spell is used for fun.
    You may need:

  • Lots and lots of food
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    You may need:

  • Lots and lots of food
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    Caution:While using this spell stay away from windows or mirrors you can in flate at anytime!

    Place your food in front of you. Say this:

    "I call upon god to grant my wish to become bigger, fatter.
    I don't need anything else from you that is all that matters.
    (Starts to yell) Make me fat!
    (Talk in a loud voice but stop yelling)
    Make me 379 pounds!
    Make me squishy and round!"

    Then eat all of the food and don't allow yourself to throw up. In 3-5 hours you'll start to feel heavier. Just to test it stand on the scale if you can't see your feet then lay down on your couch and imagine how FAT you'll be when you are finished

    Lay there for about 4 more hours and then "pass" the food. If you can see your feet eat twice as more food as you did before. Then pass the food and then eat twice as much food as before. Do NOT pass that food

    After 3 hours of eating check your weight if it is around 200-320. Then stop eating
    Wait for your stomach to start gargling. If your clothes starts to rip let them

    Side Affects:

    • Craving foods you don't even like
    • Laziness
    • Major flatulence problems
    • Late period
    • Headache
    • Early period
    • Possible virgin birth

    Added to on Aug 09, 2016
    Last edited on Apr 22, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2961 Health Spells from Spell Casters