2961 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Help a Friend
- Easy Candle Healing
- Poison Apple
- Potion of Sickness
- Brain Freeze Cure
- Healing Light
- Powerful Hex
- Make Me Forever
- Vampire Blood Potion
- Weight Loss
#751 - Help a Friend
Put the candle in the bowl and pour the water in the bowl. After you have done that light the candle and say:
"Little Angel come to me. Help me help my friend in need.
Help (him or her) to find the answer to the question she holds in her mind.
Little Angel come to me come and my friend in need.
Little Angel help my friend find (his or her) answer.
Free (him or her) misery that she pleads with me."
After you have said this, think of your friend and blow out the candle.
Last edited on Dec 21, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#752 - Easy Candle Healing
Form a triangle with the three candles, a bit apart from one another. Inscribe the name of the person you plan to heal on the candles. Light the candles and concentrate on peace, health, and positive energy.
Recite the following incantation while looking at the candle flame:
"Healing light, shining bright,
Let this sickness flee in fright!
With harm to none including me,
I cast this spell, so mote it be."
Repeat this incantation three times. Once you've finished, let the candles burn out while you meditate. Visualize seeing the person as healthy, happy, and whole.
Last edited on Mar 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#753 - Poison Apple
When the water is fully steeped, pour it into a container. Add the apple slices, and chill for 30 minutes or more. Next, put them into a non-suspicious plastic bag. Offer them to your target, saying that you don't want them, and watch it happen.
#754 - Potion of Sickness
First, you must boil the water. Do this in a cauldron or a microwave, either is fine.
Once the water is boiling hot, take it off the heat and add all poison plants. After the water starts turning colors, add the mold by scraping it off the food. Straight after this, add any more poisonous items (Expired medicine, bugs, bird feathers, rotten carrots, snot, you get the gist) and stir.
Wait until it has steeped for at least 10 minutes. Then, strain the potion. Pour it into a vial or a flask, and administer only 1-5 tablespoons, depending on how sick you want them to get. Never give them the full thing- It can kill them for real. Also, please note that sometimes, human's immune systems can be very strong, and in weak doses this may not work to get them sick all the time.
If the taker of this potion dies, I assume no liability, as I have warned you many times in this.
Last edited on May 20, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#755 - Brain Freeze Cure
Using your index finger dab an invisible dot on your forehead. Then with your middle finger draw a circle around the dot. Concentrate on the freeze going away and it should.
Last edited on Dec 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#756 - Healing Light
''Earth, air, fire and sea. Hear my plea bring health to me'' x3.
Also sprinkle some of the mixture into the water. Put a lid on the water while the mixture is still inside it, rotate the jar clockwise while repeating the chant above three more times.
#757 - Powerful Hex
Using the rusty nail or the rusty knife, inscribe your targets name and other identifying details on the candle.
Anoint the candle with the Black Arts oil.
At midnight, say:
"I curse thee ............., feel my wrath."
Light the candle.
Allow the candle to continue burning for about 5 minutes then extinguish.
Repeat the procedure for 7 consecutive nights .
On the eighth day bury the remains in a cemetery.
Last edited on Dec 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#758 - Make Me Forever
"Makers of time
unravel the true forever
I seek out my life
for eternity
for living hands
for my self"
Imagine the number 8 and hold it in your head symbolizing the power of eternity.
Last edited on Dec 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#759 - Vampire Blood Potion
First it has to be night time, around 9:00-11:30 pm. You can be outside or inside (perferably inside)
1: Draw a circle on the floor or on a large piece of paper, with chalk or red sharpie.
2: Get a small bowl or cup of warm water.
3: Stand inside of the circle and say:
"Oh God of Darkness, grant me my darkest wish. I wish to be a vampire with pearl white skin, retractable fangs, super speed, and everything else a vampire has. I wish to become one with the night, a child of the darkness. This I wish, So Mote It Be!"
4: Prick your thumb with the needle and put three drops of your blood into the cup/ bowl of water.
5: Close your eyes and imagine yourself as a vampire.
6: Believe in the Spell/ potion!!!!!
Last edited on Dec 18, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#760 - Weight Loss
Write your full name and how much weight you want to lose on a piece of paper. Hold the paper tightly to your stomach
Chant the following:
"Please, please, set me free
Let the wight drop off of me.
Let my weight go down and down,
Please let me weigh __ pounds."
While you chant, picture yourself stepping on a scale and it reading you goal weight. Keep the paper in a safe place where it won't be disturbed until you reach your goal, or give it to one of the elements.
Last edited on Dec 16, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.