2961 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Mantras for the Zodiacs
- Physically Enhancing Your Body
- Healing Mantra of Medicine Buddha
- Wish Spell of Avalokitesvara
- Muto Plaga Vitae
- Potion of Refreshment
- Relieve Stress
- Divine Healing
- Protection Ritual
- Mantra of Sitatapatra
#781 - Mantras for the Zodiacs
Mantras for Aries(Mesh):
"Om Vishnave Namah"
"Om kleem shreem Lakshmi Narayana namaha"
Mantras for Taurus(Vrashab):
"Om Vasudevaya namah"
"Om gopalay uttar dhvajai namaha"
Mantras for Gemini(Mithun):
"Om Keshavaya namah"
"Om Kleem Krishnai namah"
Mantras for Cancer(Kark):
"Om Radha Krishna ya namah"
"Om hiranyagarbhai avyakt rupane namaha"
Mantras for Leo(Singha):
"Om Hariharaya balamukundaya namah"
"Om kleem Brahma ne jagada dharai namaha"
Mantras for Virgo(Kanya):
"Om hrim Pitambaraya Paramatmane namah"
"Om namaha peem pitambarai namaha"
Mantras for Libra(Tula):
"Om shree ram dasrathaye namah"
"Om tatva niran janai tarak ramai namaha"
Mantras for Scorpio(Vrischika):
"Om Narayanaya Namah Om Naraya Namah"
"Om Naranaya sur singhai namaha"
Mantras for Sagittarius(Dhanu):
"Om hreem shreem kreem dharani Dharaya namah"
"Om shreem dev Krishnai urdhva dantai namaha"
Mantras for Capricorn(Makar):
"Om shreem Vatsalaya Namah"
"Om shreem vitsalai namaha"
Mantras for Aquarius(Kumbh):
"Om shring upendraya achyutaya namah"
"Om kreem Govinda Gopalaya Namah
"Om shreem upendrai achyutai namaha"
Mantras for Pisces(Meen):
"Om Kreem Rathanga Chakra Namah"
"Om Hreeng Kleeng sauh"
"Om aam kleem udhvatai"
"Om aang cling udhdritay namah"
Last edited on Nov 20, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#782 - Physically Enhancing Your Body
This spell will cause healing of illnesses, strength on its own, and when working out muscles with grow so fast no one will beleive you unless you show them a before and after, however I'm not sure if it helps as much as steroids, don't do steroids. All together you will be a for physical fit person.
It can take about 2 weeks to work, no way to tell how long it will take but it's around 2 weeks. Everyday until you see results say: "With the power of the highest helping me I shall become better, greater, like a ball of gleaming light, and I will serve a good deed in return." About 3 times a day.
The Price:
For this to work a great deed, and smaller deeds of good must be committed. You have to wait till you see someone is time of need and help them in a way that you relieve them of a lot of pressure or stress. The small deeds are just being nice, opening doors for people etc. That will keep your blessing alive and strong. Every deed will give you a tingling in your stomach, this is good.
Last edited on Nov 20, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#783 - Healing Mantra of Medicine Buddha
Think of the Medicine Buddha and relax. Go into prayer position with your eyes closed and chant with kindness(best 108 times or more):
"Tayata Om Bekandze Bekandze Maha Bekandze Radza Samudgate Svaha"
"Namo bhagavate bhaishajyaguru vaiduryaprabharajaya tathagataya arhate samyaksam Buddhaya tadyata Om bhaishajye bhaishajye bhaishajya-samudgate svaha"
Last edited on Jul 28, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#784 - Wish Spell of Avalokitesvara
Chew some willow shoots and then chant for 10,000:
"Namo ratna trayaya. Nama arya-valokite svaraya. Bodhisattva ya. Maha sattva ya. Maha Karunikaya. Tadyata Om chakra-varti chintamani maha padme ruru Krishna jvala. Akarsaya. Hum phat svaha."
You will see the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva in a manifestation and he will grant your wishes.
Last edited on Nov 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#785 - Muto Plaga Vitae
#786 - Potion of Refreshment
- In your bowl add a small spoon of honey
- Rip your mint leaves and place in bowl
- Rip lavender and add to bowl
- Mix
- Cut pepper add to bowl
- Cut lemon in half squeeze juice into bowl
- Do the same with the lime
- Crush two cocoa beans add to bowl
- Mix
- Take out the pepper (the only reason you added this was for the relief)
- Rub on skin in shower/bath like normal body wash
- Wash off
Last edited on Nov 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#787 - Relieve Stress
1: Sit in a comfortable meditation position on a sofa or floor
2: Think of what is stressing you
3: Imagine it fading away or breaking into loads of little pieces
Do the same thing for a person thats stressing you but imagine them disappearing or have terrible things done to them.
Last edited on Nov 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#788 - Divine Healing
1.Cast Your " Magic Circle ".
2.The Candle must be placed in one path.1 Candle for 1 path.Then,light all of the candle sequence Spirit, Earth, Air, Fire and Water.
3.Wear your "Praying Angel Amule t".
4.Placed the " Crystal Bal l" at the top of the stand.
5.Placed the " Quartz " at your hand.
6.Close your eyes and imagine the light with a Goddess looking at you.Recite this incantation just like you are praying while touching the " Crystal Ball ":
"By the power of Holy Light,
And the power of Holy Goddess,
Please cure the dying human,
Don' let them die or suffer in their whole life.
Please cure them,
No matter good or bad,
Cure them with all of your power,
Fight the fear.
Let the light flow,
Killing darkness in its path,
Let the dark dying,
But human happy,
As i will it,
So mote it be!"
7.Pound Ginger, Turmeric, Holy Basil, Devil's Claw, Birch Leaf, Wintergreen Essential Oil, White Willow Bark,Capsaicin,Gamma-Linolenic Acid, Cherries, Aquamin, Arnica, Peppermint,Boswellia, Bromelain and Cranberry Juice in the "Mortar and Pestle ".
8.Pour water into " Tree Of Life Chalice ",then add all the mixing into the water,stir.
9.Drink the water.
*Don't put alot of "White Willow Bark" in the water.(Read Warning)
*This spell can only work within Full Moon.
*Some of this herb has strange taste.Try to change with other herb.
*This spell can cure Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriasis, Arthritis, Headaches, Low Back Comfort, Endrocine Disorders, Lupus, Skin Disease, Autoimmune Disorders, Menstrual Cramps, Muscle Pains, After Knee, Hip Surgery, Migraind, Cluster Headache, Soreness, Nerve Pain, Aspirin, Naproxen, Nonsteroidal-Anti Inflammatories, Inflammation, Acute Injury, Post Surgery, Toothaches, Discomfort from Bloating and Gas, Joint Conditions, Skin Irritations, Arthritic Conditions, Inflammatary Bowel Disease, Prostaglandins,Trauma-Related Inflammation and Ulceritis if you mix all of the herb.
*All of the herb listed above is real.(No herb is fake above)
*If you can't get 4 of the herb above,just use "Healing Spell Mix".
*Putting alot of "White Willow Bark" to the drink will cause
Aches,Pain and Inflammation.But putting a little amount can also limited the abilities of the water to cure Menstrual Cramps,Muscle Pains,Athritis,After Knee and Hip Surgery.
*You can also unuse "Clear Crystal Ball","Silver-Plated Floweding Crystal Ball Stand" and "Quartz Point Double Terminated".But this behaviours can decrease the ability of curing of this spell.
Last edited on Sep 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#789 - Protection Ritual
''Candle oh candle, light my way through the night and day. Absorb your light into my soul. I will live peacefully.''
Next, put the water in a cauldron or bowl and then stick in the leaf. Mix it up and say the following:
''Leaf oh leaf, Give the power of eternal life so I can live in peace.''
Then finally, say this spell with the mixture and candle close by:
''God's and goddesses of protection and health, make me so I will never be hurt. Keep me in good health and let my life spurt. I wish to live eternily so mote it be!''
Last edited on Dec 06, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#790 - Mantra of Sitatapatra
Think of Sitatapatra or look at a picture of her. Go in prayer form and respectfully chant for 108 times or more:
"Om Ma Ma hum ni soha."
After saying that 108 times, anytime you say her mantra will protect you and cleanse you. You must have belief in her as well.
Last edited on Nov 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.