2961 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Soul Vampire Spell
- Simple Hay Fever Remedy
- bless a totem
- New God Spell
- The Secret
- Curse Sealing Scroll and Mark
- Cure a Headache
- Energy
- Stop Cutting Yourself
- Weight Loss
#871 - Soul Vampire Spell
This spell could take up to two weeks to work. (You don't have to be with your best friend for two weeks, though)
Stand next to your best friend and place this phone/tablet/laptop on the ground (if it's a computer stand in front of it) wrap your arm around each others waist, still standing side by side. And chant this twice:
"Oh demon gods, oh demon gods. We wish to be vampires. Not for a day, not for a week. But until we lie in our coffins, asleep. Powerful, strong, with fangs, you see.
We want this so mote it be!"
On the first week you might get fangs growing in or tooth pain.
On the second you should feel uncomfortable around humans (at night).
Side Effects: Swelling, dizziness, ache, sickness.
Reverse spell (have to follow the same instructions):
"Oh demon gods, oh demon gods, thank you for granting our wish. You gave us fangs, power and strength. But our human lives we miss. We do not wish to be vampires, we're sorry we disturbed you well. Return us back to human form and you can return back to hell."
Last edited on Feb 28, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#872 - Simple Hay Fever Remedy
Put all the ingredients together and brew with hot water.
Last edited on Oct 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#873 - bless a totem
So I like to use sinew and make an amulet or bracelet but you can use anything. Light some sage, you can usually get a bottle of around 14 grams at the grocery store. Then take your totem, and while passing it through the sage smoke say "sage please bless this totem so it (protects, heals, etc..) around it." Then say, if you have native American ancestors, if not skip this one "great ancestors please bless this totem so it .... Those around it." then say "great spirit please bless this totem so it ... Around it." Pass the totem through the sage the whole time you're doing this and at the end hold it still over the sage and imagine the smoke swirling around it and absorbing into the totem.
Blessed be.
Last edited on Feb 26, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#874 - New God Spell
Say this 1 time:
"I invoke heckingson jumbo, God, and the king of my body,mind,spirit, and soul, turn me into the new God, make me immortal for 1000 years, so it shall be."
Note: You have to do this spell every 1000 years because you turn mortal but dont worry after 1000 years has gone by you will hear a voice from the heavens saying "I won't let you die" they will keep you alive to give you the chance to do the spell again.
Warning: Do not reverse this spell if you are older than a human can live or you will surely die instantly or in seconds.
If this didn't work instantly give it till the next morning.
Last edited on Feb 26, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#875 - The Secret
First of all, envision a bubble around you. It can be any colour you want preferably clear for a clear mind, if that makes sense? Then see that it has a lining across it perhaps a silver, gold or pink line surrounding the bubble? I would now like you to envision a door in front of you. This door represents the thing you want most at this moment in time. That door is closed. This is because it may not necessarily be what is right for you at this moment in time. Now question yourself, is this what I want? Or is this what I need? In doing so you should now know the answer to that question. What is the first thing that comes to mind? Yes or no? Want or need? Now, in your mind look behind you. Look at every single one of those open doors that you have ignored and missed out on all the opportunities these doors have offered you time and time again but this one closed door is taking up all of your time, effort and focus. Walk away from it and don't look back at it anymore. It's closed and that's that. Now stand in the centre of this space and envision nothing around you but emptiness and a clear area. From this point forward you are going to say:
"I will. I can. I do. I am." And no more of "I won't. I can't. I don't. I'm not."
Focus on the positive and positivity will come. Focus on the negative and negativity will come. Do you want to be happy? What is happiness to you? Is it the idea of being married, having kids, having success in that career you've always dreamt of, living in the beautiful home for your family? Now really think about it...are YOU happy? Even with all of this are YOU happy? The picture you've perfectly been painting isn't so perfect after all when you realise that you've not focused on yourself more and put too much focus on what may or may not happen. Now envision a path. That path is going to take you where you NEED to be and not where you WANT to be. Feel the wind behind you pushing you and see that even if the wind pushes you into a mud patch full of dirt and rot and through thorns, you are still one step closer to where you need to be. Being stuck or hurt in the process is not failure or rejection. It's one step closer. It's a lesson to be learned. Don't mistake it for anything else. Everything happens for a reason. Smile and go with the flow. It will all come one day when you truly need it. Most importantly, be patient. Remain humble and stay grounded.
Last edited on Apr 27, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#876 - Curse Sealing Scroll and Mark
On your paper write down the vessels name and the powers/curse you want to give them. After the scroll is set offer a small amount of blood and seal the scroll with a piece of string or such. To reverse the powers/curse break the seal and burn the scroll. WARNING this curse requires a vast amount of energy so tread lightly.
Last edited on Oct 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#877 - Cure a Headache
Place the pillow on your head and take 3 deep breaths. Close your eyes and clear your mind.
Slowly imagine a monster scratching at your brain. Imagine you are battling the monster. When it is dead, take 3 more deep breaths. Open your eyes and remove the pillow.
Last edited on Apr 25, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#878 - Energy
Start with a basic 2-5min meditiation; focus on every sensation in your skin and body until you feel ready and relaxed.
When ready chant:
"I am drained, i am drained
Return my ki unto me
I am drained, i am drained
Lord and Lady hear my plea
Triple goddess Hecate
Please assist me with energy
So mote it be."
(Blow out candles)
Last edited on Oct 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#879 - Stop Cutting Yourself
Poke the tip of your finger and drop some blood on the middle of your energy circle and chant the following "erebus im as sad as can be can u help me to stop cutting so mote it be."
Last edited on Oct 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#880 - Weight Loss
1. Ground yourself.
2. Place all ingredients on your altar top and light the candle.
3. As the candle burns imagine its heat filling your body. Stare into the flame and visualize yourself taking on the attributes of the fire.
4. watch how the flame burns away the wax of the candle, visualizing your own body burning away your excess fat.
5. Keep this image strong in your mind as you chant.
6. Pour the spices into the bag and tie it shut. Hold the bag in your projective hand as you visualize your weight loss goal, sending the image into the satchel as you repeat the chant.
7. Take the pouch and circle it around the candle three times,drawing the power of the flame into the herbs inside. Chant each time it passes keeping your thoughts focused on your goal.
8. Once completed put out the candle and keep the satchel with you at all times.
Note: Before each meal hold the satchel in your receptive hand and feel its enchantment take effect, visualizing it speeding up your bodies metabolism and abilities to lose weight.
Last edited on Mar 24, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.