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3297 Life Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 3297 Life Spells
3297 Life Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 3297 Life Spells
  1. ouija wealthy
  2. Beginner Spell Diary
  3. Neural Handshake
  4. potent beauty spell
  5. Anti-Wealth Hex
  6. new portal spell
  7. Manifest Things Using Pokémon
  8. Wish spell
  9. Gain Good Luck Jar
  10. healing spell

#131 - ouija wealthy

this is a spell to make you wealthy by using a ouija board
You may need:

  • ouija board and blackjack
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    You may need:

  • ouija board and blackjack
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    open the ouija board and bet ouija you will win blackjack and bet wealthy win blackjack and close the ouija board then you will win something wealthy

    Added to on Aug 16, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #132 - Beginner Spell Diary

    *Note* This is not a spell. This is a simple way to keep track of spells and a good way to get into the magick daily routine. A spell diary is a book which you can write spells into, write your daily rituals and keep track of magick.
    You may need:

  • Notebook
  • Something to write with
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    You may need:

  • Notebook
  • Something to write with
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    Begin by writing your daily routine onto the first page. Include the average time you perform a certain action and how long it takes.

    Next you should write ways you can incorporate magick into it. For example, if you make a cup of tea in the morning, maybe add certain ingredients to it depending on what is happening that day/your mood.

    On the next page, write down step by step guides on how to:

    • Cast spells
    • Make spells
    • Meditate
    • Astral Project

    And other things related to those.

    Once that is written, fill the rest of the pages with spells. If you wish, you can format the spells but writing the name of the spell, the category, ingredients/items (similar to how the spells section of the site is formatted) and then numbered steps.

    I hope this helps! Comment any suggestions and let me know if there is anything incorrect.

    Added to on Aug 07, 2021
    Last edited on Aug 19, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #133 - Neural Handshake

    this creates a Neural Handshake like the ones in Pacific Rim but without the Jaeger Technology with anybody you want
    You may need:

  • Belief
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    You may need:

  • Belief
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    first Say this "Wind Earth Fire and Water I call upon you to make this spell magic so mote it be." next say this I invoke the Gods Hermes, Hypnos and Arete to work together to Create a Neural Handshake exactly like the Ones in Pacific Rim but without the Need or use of the Jaeger technology it shall be permanently and irreversibly active and unmuted we will be able to do anything that the jaeger pilots can do with their neural handshake when it's active my neural handshake will be with [persons first and last name] it shall be scientific as well as psychic i ask for all of this to come true in real life and i ask for all of this to come true instantly after i finish this spell so mote it be."

    Added to on Aug 06, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #134 - potent beauty spell

    oftentimes, our appearance can eat away at our psyche. we can compare ourselves to others too much. this spell is meant to help you work towards your superficial appearance-based goal in a healthy way, alongside being able to see yourself from a different perspective.
    You may need:

  • - rose water
  • - tea tree oil
  • - calendula/marigold and rose petals, dried
  • - cauldron or meaningful bowl
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    You may need:

  • - rose water
  • - tea tree oil
  • - calendula/marigold and rose petals, dried
  • - cauldron or meaningful bowl
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    visualization is really important when you do a spell for beauty, so this exercise allows you to rub a potion onto the parts of your body that you are not secure with. while you do this, you're meant to visualize each part healing individually.

    step 1. prep your space. make sure you have a clean, calming environment. if you like smoke cleansing, i recommend any type of sage except for white sage. white sage is overfarmed and near endangered nowadays. palo santo is amazing for this exercise because it's said to work miracles.

    step 2. make sure you're prepared. place your cauldron down. the first ingredient you'll add is rose water, this will have the largest ratio and be the base of your potion. when you pour the rose water, visualize the rose water as pixie dust emitting white and rose gold light. this is what the rose water might look like on another plane, if you are charging your intent correctly.

    step 3. blow a kiss into the rose water, imagine some of your personal energy or DNA is going from that breath into the potion. now, you can add 6 drops of tea tree oil. while you drop it in, you can start the incantation. you'll want to say this three times and mix the potion around.

    "If beauty's real and all around, I see it in others and not myself.

    With a mixture of love and beautiful change, I will look and feel like a fair forest elf."

    while you are saying this, pour in the tea tree oil, and with every exhale on this line, you'll want to visualize all of your negative energy and self hate leaving through every hole in your body, even your pores.

    step 4. add the rose petals and marigold to the potion. while you mix them in you can say the second part of the incantation. while you say this, imagine yourself physically transforming into the person you want to be.

    "May the sun rise on my glowing skin in the morning, creating a nymph of light. May I become more soft and gentle, as days turn to night. To achieve this in a positive way, with myself I become enamored. I will look out for this beauty, keep healthy and well mannered."

    now, you can get started on the application and visualization process. the potion you just made is actually a full-body toner. the first application process, you want to apply it to every part of your body that you're insecure about. imagine the mixture soaking into your skin and healing it with a white and rose light. imagine that when the mixture seeps in, it fixes every little part you don't like.

    you can bottle up your potion and use it as a daily toner. visualization is most potent on Fridays.

    remember in the end that the results will manifest over time. they also won't change who you are, you are still always going to look like yourself, and this spell is also meant to help you accept that, so if you take it the wrong way like this the spell might go awry. make sure you are mature enough to do this right and accept that you will still be YOU.

    Added to on Aug 02, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #135 - Anti-Wealth Hex

    A prosperity hex utilizing candle magic and hexing powder.
    You may need:

  • Red tealight or larger candle.
  • Goldenrod ( or another prosperity herb).
  • Sandalwood essential oil.
  • Carving tool.
  • Charcoal based hexing powder. Do not use a powder containing sulfur.
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    You may need:

  • Red tealight or larger candle.
  • Goldenrod ( or another prosperity herb).
  • Sandalwood essential oil.
  • Carving tool.
  • Charcoal based hexing powder. Do not use a powder containing sulfur.
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    Carve your candle with the street number of your intended target.

    Dress your candle with sandalwood essential oil. Sprinkle your goldenrod atop the candle away from your wick.

    The working:

    Light your candle. I like to focus my anger and intent into the candle now. I intend for the dwindling finances of another while I focus on the flame. As I continue to focus on ill finances for my target, I sprinkle just a little charcoal based hexing powder on the flame. Three to four sprinkles for a good pop. The flame will release some sparks, be careful, and intend on your target burning a hole in their pocket.

    Let your candle burn down as much as able, and continue with your intent.

    Note: For larger candles if wanted this spell can be practiced for several days.

    Added to on Jul 26, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #136 - new portal spell

    this is all making a portal and making it strong
    You may need:

  • waving wand or
  • waving finger
  • say aloud
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    You may need:

  • waving wand or
  • waving finger
  • say aloud
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    create circle is around lets create a portal and make it abound

    Added to on Jul 25, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #137 - Manifest Things Using Pokémon

    This is a very simple pop culture spell I made myself and have used many times. The basis of the spell is to name a Pokémon in your game after something you want to manifest and level it up to bring it into your life.
    You may need:

  • A Pokémon game (one with features that allow you to super train or interact with the Pokémon works best)
  • Know what you want to manifest
  • Time
  • Patience
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    You may need:

  • A Pokémon game (one with features that allow you to super train or interact with the Pokémon works best)
  • Know what you want to manifest
  • Time
  • Patience
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    This is a simple pop culture spell I have done for years and it has worked for me every time I've used it. It works just like any other spell, it cannot manifest characters, I've been asked that before. You can't do that with magic, kids. Sorry but it's the truth. Misconceptions about pop culture witchcraft come from misinformed children trying to do things against the laws of nature so I'm informing y'all now. This spell is helpful to those who want to manifest things but feel as if they don't have the time or attention span to do so, it helps focus their energy into manifestation. Remember that magic is all about intentions so keep that in mind when you use this to manifest.

    The first step of the spell is to get a Pokemon in the game. After you caught it, name it something you want to manifest. You can name it anything you want, you can name them Grounding to help ground yourself, you can name them Abundance to bring more money into your life, you can name them Self Love, ect.

    After you've named your Pokemon, go through the game and level it up like you would normally do in a play through. Try to use the Pokemon often so what you want to manifest is always on your mind because you're thinking of your Pokemon. If you have a game that includes interacting with your Pokemon or super training, use that with your Pokemon. The goal is to constantly be thinking of this Pokemon and having your full attention on it like you normally would when manifesting. If you have a Pokeball Plus or play Pokemon Go, take your Pokemon with you everywhere you go. Interact with it as much as possible.

    After a while of doing this, you will see your manifestations. But if you want to go a step further, there are more steps you can take to manifest using a Pokemon. You can catch a Pokemon that corresponds with what you're manifesting. Look into Pokedex entries to see what each Pokemon does. For example, Meowth would attract abundance, Celebi would help you enjoy the time you have now if you feel time moves quickly for you, Absol would help you be more aware of danger so you stay safe, ect. Not only would the Pokemon itself have things to help manifest your desire, but its typing also helps. This is a list of general type correspondences.

    • Dark/Ghost types work well with hexing, cursing, or jinxing someone.
    • Dragon/Electric/Fire types help give you energy to get through the day
    • Fairy types will help with self love, strengthening a relationship, or attracting friendship (just be very careful about which fairy type you're using)
    • Fighting/Poison/Steel types help with protection, they can also help with personal strength
    • Flying/Ground/Rock/Water types help with grounding yourself, mindfulness, inner peace and bringing peace to situations
    • Grass types help with personal growth
    • Ice types can help stop someone who is spreading gossip or just being really toxic
    • Psychic types work best with meditation and mindfulness, and in my experience they can also help with focus
    • Normal types help with healing wether it be emotional, mental, or physical healing

    Put a lot of thought towards what Pokemon you want to use to manifest your desires with. Another step you can take is purchasing a stuffed animal of the Pokemon and draw sigils on it to help manifest. I recommend getting a stuffed keychain, they sell those on . I find that they work the most because they're always with you.

    I hope this spell works for y'all. Blessed be! :)

    Added to on Jul 10, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #138 - Wish spell

    I call on the gods and godesses of magic to come forth and grant my wish(your wish). So mote it be.
    You may need:

  • Candle(any color)
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    You may need:

  • Candle(any color)
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    Added to on Jun 25, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #139 - Gain Good Luck Jar

    A spell to help gain good luck in a time when needed.
    You may need:

  • -glass jar with lid
  • -water
  • -rose petals
  • -any waterproof crystal
  • -a window with a windowsill
  • -any other item you want to get luck from (ex. penny- extra money)
  • -belief
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    You may need:

  • -glass jar with lid
  • -water
  • -rose petals
  • -any waterproof crystal
  • -a window with a windowsill
  • -any other item you want to get luck from (ex. penny- extra money)
  • -belief
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    Take the jar and fill it until it is about full with water. Put 4-7 rose petals and a waterproof crystal of your choice in the water. Screw the lid on tightly. Wait until nighttime and unscrew the lid and add the special item of your choice. Screw the lid back on and set the jar on the windowsill in the moonlight. In the morning take the jar and repeat the following phrase.

    ¨God of dreams. Goddess of hope. Take my wish and bring me faith. I really need this wish today. (Say wish) and bring it to me. This is my will so mote it be.¨

    Store the water under your bed and charge it in the moonlight when another wish is needed.

    Added to on Jun 05, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #140 - healing spell

    Okay so I made up this spell when playing around with my little sister, and then she got hurt. So I did the spell and at the time I was playing around too then I got hurt, and tried it on myself and it worked.
    You may need:

  • voice
  • belief in magick
  • hands
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    You may need:

  • voice
  • belief in magick
  • hands
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    Chant this spell 3 times:

    Put your hands on the spot where you're hurt.

    Gods and goddesses hear my plea. Please make me feel better.

    If you don't believe this works then try it anyhow.

    Added to on Jun 03, 2021
    Last edited on Jul 03, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    3297 Life Spells from Spell Casters