3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Scullcap Money
- To Obtain Money
- Money Spell
- Forever a Wish
- Live for Eternity Charm
- Easy No Ingredients Revenge Spell
- Wish Spells
- Enhance Your Magickal Power
- Abundance Satchet Spell
- Truth Spell
#1981 - Scullcap Money
To inspire others to give you money, place some Scullcap in a small saucer and moisten it with Money Mist, or Money Drawing Oil. Get a ball of green cord or yarn and wind it around your "nest egg" of Scullcap and oil, winding until the herb is completely covered and secure.
Tie the cord so that the ball will not unwind and hang above the doorway. All those who enter will become possessed with an unreasoning desire to bring gifts and money to your home. Anoint the ball every seventh day with a few drops of the oil to preserve it's powers.
Last edited on May 02, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1982 - To Obtain Money
During the Full Moon.
Fill your cauldron half full of water and drop a silver coin into it. Position the cauldron so that the light from the moon shines into the water. Gently sweep your hands just above the surface, symbolically gathering the Moon's silver.
While doing this say:
"Lovely Lady of the Moon
Bring to me your wealth right soon.
Fill my hands with silver and gold.
All you give, my purse can hold."
Repeat this three times. When finished, pour the water upon the earth.
Last edited on May 02, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1983 - Money Spell
What you need is your voice and your belief, and a piece of green paper! You will need a black or dark green marker. A dark green maker will probably work best.
Take the piece of paper, (Green) and fold it half, like a folder. Then, write a symbol of a money, (coins or a dollar.) Write the amount of money you wish to have.Then close it again. Take it very close to your chest and close your eyes.
Then say this:
"May thee money come to me, as I need it greatly, I wish to spend it wisely not for greedy. All I requested is right amount for me. To use and buy only for joy and of the need. May thee money come forth and let me have the rightful cash I need. Some money is all I asked for, not too much not too little is all I ask for. So let it come forth and let it be of what I need."
Last edited on Nov 25, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1984 - Forever a Wish
Chant the spell outside 3x:
"Gods and goddesses of the ocean flame, grant me my wish for I wish for
_____________ so mote it be so mote it be."
(Your wish here)
Last edited on May 02, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1985 - Live for Eternity Charm
Gather your ingredents and sit in a private, dark room. Have a candle or some small light source ready. Fill one bowl to the brim with water, and the other with your mud. Place your charm into the bowl with mud and let it soak for 1 minute. After it soaks, place the charm into the water to 'Purify' it. Wash the charm till no mud remains.
Hold the charm near your heart. Close your eyes and say:
"On this moonlit night, this charm will be blessed. It shall give me the gift of immortality as long as I bear this charm. 100 years from now, I shall live, not a day older than yesterday, Gods and Goddesses hear this plea! Spirits of old hear this plea! Bless this charm so mote it be!"
Place the mirror on the ground with the charm on top so the moon shines off the mirror.
Last edited on May 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1986 - Easy No Ingredients Revenge Spell
2. Keep thinking of that ball, good now channel all your hate and anger to the person you want revenge on into that energy ball it should turn all black and red and vibrant.
3. Now you chant this spell:
Demons of hell hear my plea!
this person is not who they seem to be!
I hate them most with all my heart
Let your magic perform your dark arts!
Let them feel the wrath of Satan!
Demons of hell do my bidding!
So will it be! So will it be!
4. Now imagine that energy ball shooting out your house and imagine the victim/person breathing in the energy ball and energy shooting through their body.
Side Effects:
Sudden Guilt
Sudden Want To Laugh Like A Madman
By the way this spell might kill the person! I don't know if it works but mail me if you have questions!
Last edited on Dec 28, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1987 - Wish Spells
Then burn two of the papers in the saucer with a few drops of the perfume.
While it is burning hold the bottle of perfume slightly above the flame so the perfume is warmed. Then apply some of the perfume on your neck for a week. Also on the first day after applying the perfume, mix the ashes of the burnt paper with some of the perfume. Then scatter this mixture of perfume and ashes into the soil in your garden as well as in the toilet and in the wind. Then burn the ashes more and apply the product onto your forehead. This scattering and burning invokes elemental magic to do your bidding. But please note that if the Universe does not will that your wishes come true or if you do anything incorrectly then the spell may fail. Also while burning the paper, say: with this flame I invoke the power of the elements, may this spell not be cursed or reversed or cause harm to anything, with only good intentions, so mote it be!
On the next day burn some of the perfume and repeat the above incantation trice, while visualising your wish coming true. Also remember to leave the two unburnt pieces of paper in the pants your wore on the day of casting. Finally please note that you can change the incantation to your preference and you may also change a few of the steps to make it easier for you, but for best results perform the spell to your own comfort and preferences while still invoking the elements and try to perform the spell on All Hallows Eve Midnight or any midnight preferably a Thursdays midnight. Don't give up if it doesn't work. But if you can, you must customize the spell to your own because self written spells are the most powerful.
#1988 - Enhance Your Magickal Power
Obstet negando efficere positivum impedit negative affirmativus opera
Bona tu accipies tanto tibi prodest malum
Afterwards, take the piece and dip it into the water on your altar. As you do this, say: By the elemental power of water. Now set the piece on the rock (or soil), as say: By the elemental power of earth. Move to the incense you have(this is where it is preferred you have sage incense. I'm not sure if it works with any other sent, but sage is the incense I have on my altar) Pass your piece through the smoke and say: By the elemental power of air. Lastly, go to your candle and pass your piece through the flame(quickly so you don't burn yourself or your piece)and say: By the elemental power of fire.
After you do this, place the piece in your hand once more and begin focusing on it's protection and enhance power. As you do this, say one time: By the strength of the elements, enhance my power. Let my magick blossom like a flower. Let none be harmed, enhance my charm.
Loop the piece onto your necklace, and put it on.
Know that if you take the necklace off, it does not undo the spell. But if you do take it off, your magickal power will go back down to it's original state and you will no longer be protected. Put it back on to amp up your power and protect yourself again.
#1989 - Abundance Satchet Spell
After general prayers and offerings, (cinnamon is a great incense for such a spell) take up the green candle and hold it in both hands. Chant the following:
''Dear _________, God/dess of abundance,
To you I pray,
Here in this hour I ask to lend your power.
Imbue this candle I hold,
With the great gift of abundance.
Abundance in ____(Your desire____).''
Repeat this 9 times as you charge the candle with green energy. Feel the power of this energy come from within you out your hands and empower the candle. Just like a superhero would cast superpowers out of his/her hands.
When done place the candle down. and light it. Place youe hands about the glow of the light (not too close) and chant:
''Radiant power of abundance now give your power.
lend your abundant energy to this satchet craft.
And empower me as you empower the satchet.
Guide my hands properly.''
Now take up the green cloth and place it on the table/floor. Take a pinch of each of the herbs and pour it into the center of the cloth. Bundle it up tight and tie it closed with the gold cord or ribbon. No need to rush this. (Take your time and think on the abundant gifts of each herb.)
Now hold the bundle in your hand and say:
''Bundled tight in green candle light,
Bundle and mixed with a magickal twix
Bundled in green to with a magickal sheen
Bundled in gold, abundance inside it does hold.''
Say this a total 9 times.
Now place this bundle next to the candle. Hold your hands over the candle and bundle and chant:
''Divine god/dess _______ to you I ask
gift your gifts to this spell.
Imbue this satche and candle with your gifts,
and your divine energy.
This I so ask.''
Now leave the satchet in the glow of the green candle and let the candle burn down till nothing is left. When done, take the satchet and hide it in your house, somewhere safe. Do not place it near a window or door. If Abundance is a dire need, you can make 4 satchets and place them in the four corners of your home.
(If the abundance you want is indeed money, place a couple of coins in the satchet as well.)
#1990 - Truth Spell
For those who want the truth revealed
Open their hearts and secrets unseal
From now until its now again
From now which the memories end
For those who are now in this house
Only truth will be heard from their mouths