3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Dream catcher
- Petition & plant
- Get Hired Spell
- Get Hired Spell
- Get Hired Spell
- True Love Poppet
- Bed Making Blessing
- Forget me not
- Sex Magick Ritual
- Libra sachet
#11 - Dream catcher
#12 - Petition & plant
#13 - Get Hired Spell
Write the company’s name that you had an interview with on the piece of paper with a green pen. Fold the paper TOWARDS you three (3) times. Then hold the tiger’s eye in your dominant hand and chant three (3) times: “I need this job now, show me the way how, to be hired on the spot, thank you a lot. So mote it be.” put both the tiger’s eye and the folded paper in your wallet or somewhere where you can carry it with you.
#14 - Get Hired Spell
Write the company’s name that you had an interview with on the piece of paper with a green pen. Fold the paper TOWARDS you three (3) times. Then hold the tiger’s eye in your dominant hand and chant three (3) times: “I need this job now, show me the way how, to be hired on the spot, thank you a lot. So mote it be.” put both the tiger’s eye and the folded paper in your wallet or somewhere where you can carry it with you.
#15 - Get Hired Spell
Write the company’s name that you had an interview with on the piece of paper with a green pen. Fold the paper TOWARDS you three (3) times. Then hold the tiger’s eye in your dominant hand and chant three (3) times: “I need this job now, show me the way how, to be hired on the spot, thank you a lot. So mote it be.” put both the tiger’s eye and the folded paper in your wallet or somewhere where you can carry it with you.
#16 - True Love Poppet
Cast your circle.
Focus your intent as you place your herbs, crystal and tag lock in to the poppet. Take the pen and paper and write your intention on to it and fold it three times towards you, then light your candle and seal the paper with the wax. Sew closed then name and christen it.
Visualize it's purpose then repeat the following three times.
"Born of blood and Ocean blue, to you Goddess I call.
Aphrodite pure and true, in true love I wish to fall.
Let my voice carry across the wind so my true love will hear.
That they will find their way to me, my call doth call them near.
With open heart and open mind, I call them close to me.
With harm to none, my will be done, as I wish, so mote it be."
Place on your altar (to Aphrodite if you have one) or in a safe space.
#17 - Bed Making Blessing
Apparently oblivious into delirious sentiment a barnyard settling steward disassemble decision impromptu fasting the same apparition set may porous at moment impartial rectification impassable progress imperceptible imperium devising summer starting storm break sumptuous decisive perilous.
Visualize seams coming to a crossing enveloping a prompt for further retrospect. Focus on the goal even if your bed is not in your house but on the beach. You will trace the borders with your fingers. Proper care establishes pertinent barrel toward goal. The lines should match where they meet.
#18 - Forget me not
The text in quotation can be read out loud to possibly bring about listed effect. Repeating simple spell can increase likelihood of accomplishing said effect. Also, doing them all in order has the effect of the spell title.
Hold/embrace telomere:
"I distill reign forgetting tender I sit in tight correction of observance title let remember"
Put bidding into effect:
"A fitting auxiliary function meets frontal contemplation instill remembrance foster"
Increase logic of locomotion:
"I disdain contemplation of weak countenance I forget bet of November"
Forget less:
"I sit still as a tenant inquiring fitting forlorn estuary profit improvised stain cleric disaster forget for increasing desire"
#19 - Sex Magick Ritual
It is necessary to have a 'partner' in a sense. You could get away using toys instead of another human. The ritual takes an entire day to prepare and then goes from sunset to sunrise (you can also end when the last candle goes out).
You start the day by cleansing the home/place. Next, you take a cleansing bath. These steps include white candles, white sage, and incense. Salt is added to the bath. This is also the stage to cleanse your alter and crystals.
Next you prepare:
Carve your candles with representations of your deities. Candles should include the colors: red, white, and pink. (Black is acceptable for Gods/Goddesses of death)
Next prepare the space you want to use:
Draw out the circle. You can use flower petals (roses are recommended), chalk, marker, etc. The circle is where you will be performing so make it large enough. You can not break or go out of the circle once you begin.
Light the candles around the circle, far enough away to not be knocked over.
Place food/drinks outside of the circle. You may take up to three 1-3hr breaks. Don't relax enough that you lose your focus and purpose of the ritual.
Light the inscence.
If you are using two people, you will enter from opposite sides. If you are using one person then have the item already in the circle before you draw it.
Two people are recommended because they will be the 'representation' of their deities.
The ritual:
5 minutes: Sit in the circle, facing each other (if alone then imagine your deities)
5 minutes: Light touching, nothing xual.
10 minutes: Four play, focusing on the goddess's vessel.
Sunset to Sunrise (or until the last candle burns out)
During breaks, take a moment to relight any candles within reach. DO NOT LEAVE THE CIRCLE.
After ritual:
1. Thank the deities.
2. Face each other and take a step back.
3.Leave the circle in the opposite direction you entered.
And there we go! Clean up is easier than the prep. It's recommended you clean up the circle after resting but that's up to you.
#20 - Libra sachet
2. Pick a pink or blue sachet bag. Pink and blue correspond to Libra.
3. Put in the crystals, ensuring they're charged and cleansed, mugwort, oregano and witch hazel leaves. Pull the strings to shut it.
4. Say a blessing to empower it.
5. Store it somewhere like in a chest.
6. Refresh the herbs occasionally to replenish the potency.