3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Demon-Possess An Enemy
- Asexually get someone pregnant with your biological kid
- Fame spell (invoke Apollo)
- Find the target
- Success In Investing
- Self-Love Jar
- Winning In Gambling
- Gender Alignment
- "Perfect Image" Spell
- baby spell
#221 - Demon-Possess An Enemy
- Take your string and knot it.
- Write the name(s) of your enemy(s) on the piece of paper.
- Put knotted string on top of paper.
- Say: Demons, hear me. I command your colleagues to enter these shell(s) I have made for you. When I untie this knot, leave(her/him/them). If I retie the knot, enter them once more. So mote it be. "
- Do as you wish with the string.
#222 - Asexually get someone pregnant with your biological kid
Say this three times after you just masturbated" I call upon the aid of the Goddesses of childbirth and fertility to asexually reproduce my Biological kid by taking the sperm I just released and put inside (name of the girl you want to have a kid with) she will instinctively know who that I'm the father and we will keep the baby when it comes so if you allow it let it be for this is my will so mote it be."
#223 - Fame spell (invoke Apollo)
Say this seven times during the day " oh great God Apollo I invoke you to make me a Rich and Famous (Desired reason here) and to be the most well known (desired reason here) across the world this has been my dream since I was little and I would like to have it come true instantly so if you allow it let it be for this is my will so mote it be."
Last edited on May 22, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#224 - Find the target
First, take your Pendulum and cleanse it.
Second, Envision your target think of its appearance and its value to you.
Once you have done both of these things chant "Pendulum swing towards my ____ open up my eyes to the item that I prize."
Then allow your pendulum to swing and follow the way the pendulum swings more prominently. If you find that you haven't found your object or your pendulum seems to stop showing you where it may be, repeat the spell chant and re-focus on your object.
Last edited on May 03, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#225 - Success In Investing
Place the three candles in a triangle formation in front of you on the altar; the gold candle is to be at the top of the triangle. Anoint each of the candles with pork lard. Cast a circle, light the green candles and gold candle, meditate, and then chant the following, eight times,
“Bring me investing help and guidance that I should trust,
And not fraud and misguidance that the foolish would trust;
Make me succeed in investing and a winner,
And not fail in investing and a loser."
Warning: Do not take restless investment risks even if you have cast this spell.
Last edited on May 18, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#226 - Self-Love Jar
1. You put the personal things into a circle (or triangle or Square).
2. Cleanse the thing you want to have by you all the time.
3. You put the thing you can have by you into the middle.
4. You let it in that position for at least 24 hours but not more than 72 hours. Make sure that both sunlight and moonlight can fall on the objects.
5. After the time in the circle has run up, take the object you can have by your side and draw onto it the symbol you associate with self-love.
This is now the "battery" for the actual spell.
The actual spell:
1. You take the battery object and hold it in your right hand.
2. You press your right hand and the battery object on top of your heart.
3. Go to the next mirror.
4. Look yourself in the mirror and say these sentences (if needed translate them to your first language): "I am worth of my love. I am good the way I am. I try my best to be who I am and that is enough. I can be proud of myself. I am worthy of my love. My accomplishments are true and not all of my mistakes are life defining. I do not need to be perfect, just good enough, and I am!"
5. Loop those sentences for 5-10 minutes.
6. Do this at least 3 times a week.
7. Keep the battery near you as long as you can. The spell can also be performed without a battery but will be worse as with it.
The effect starts after 1-2 weeks and holds on as long the mirror thing gets performed, but even after mirror part gets stopped and the battery is no longer near you, the effect can still last for some days and up to some months before it fades completely.
Last edited on May 12, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#227 - Winning In Gambling
On an altar in front of you, place your wagering implements. Place in front of the gambling implements, three green candles in a triangle formation. Light each of the candles. Chant, twenty-one times,
“Triangle of fire, make me a winner in my every wager."
Warning: Do not take reckless risks in gambling even if you have cast this spell.
Last edited on May 15, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#228 - Gender Alignment
Find an area that is peaceful to you and will help you channel your energy. I make a psi ball whenever I cast this, and try to preserve it for as long as I can. As soon as you release it (this will happen naturally or when you want it to, no rush), speak the following softly:
"Change the worldview, change the want
Look ahead, not down
The energy in my veins is the blood pumped by my heart
That energy fills me
Others will see me as what I am, not what I appear as."
I hope it works for you, let me know how it does in the comments below so I can potentially improve it!
#229 - "Perfect Image" Spell
Gods and Goddess make me my Perfect Image,
Take away all my Blemishes.
Make me meet my goal weight,
As long as it is healthy and safe.
Give me your power,
As I call upon you this hour.
So Mote it be.
Last edited on May 06, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#230 - baby spell
have sex with someone