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3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters

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3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 3307 Life Spells
  1. Summoning a Incubus: (3)
  2. Basic Luck Spell
  3. Lilac's Honest Romance
  4. Silent Luck
  5. Lucky Keepsake
  6. Inspiration Mode
  7. Make Someone Happy
  8. Goddess Trade
  9. Sinful As Your Soul
  10. Spell to Get What You Want

#2391 - Summoning a Incubus: (3)

This will teach you how to summon a Incubus easy and safe for beginners. note: I do not recommend you to summon.
You may need:

  • x1 Candle.
  • x4 Incense.
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    You may need:

  • x1 Candle.
  • x4 Incense.
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    So you have done Summoning a Incubus: (1)(2)?
    Start Summoning a Incubus: (3) on the 30th night.
    note: If you haven't done Summoning a Incubus: (1)(2) do it first.

    Candle: x1
    Candle Info: made from soy wax or beeswax and No tealights.
    Candle Color: Red.
    Incense: x4 or more.
    Incense Info: Lily incense.

    You should do this after 10pm and before sunrise.

    Step by Step:

    1. Burn 2 incense sticks, sit in a quite and dark room by yourself, relax your body and quite your thoughts for 30 minutes.

    2. than light your candle and relax your body and quite your thoughts for 5 minutes than burn 2 more incense sticks.

    3. relax your body and quite your thoughts for another 10 minutes.

    4. Blow out the candle (if you wish I recommend that you do) go to bed and do this everynight for 5 nights without missing 1 night.

    note1: On night #35 after doing ''Summoning a Incubus: (3)'' stop doing it you are done.
    note2: On night #35 after when you are in bed try using your mental eye and try to see your Incubus making love to you.
    note3: After you done Summoning a Incubus: (3) you are done it's there like it or not.
    note4: Summoning a Incubus: (1)(2)(3) was just an invitations to a Incubus it's there ladies.
    note5: Went to get closer to your Incubus? try my ''Incubus Blood Contract''
    note6: ''Incubus Blood Contract'' is free here on SoM but I highly recommend you to do Summoning a Incubus: (1)(2)(3).

    Added to on Dec 27, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2392 - Basic Luck Spell

    Basic good luck spell, best cast on Thursday.
    You may need:

  • Your voice
  • Green candle (optional)
  • Your favorite incense associated with good luck (optional)
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    You may need:

  • Your voice
  • Green candle (optional)
  • Your favorite incense associated with good luck (optional)
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    This spell works best on a Thursday, with a green candle an incense burning, but it will work just as well with enough will power and your voice.
    Chant the following until you feel confident that it has worked. (I usually feel like a friend of mine just pumped me up for the biggest thing I'll ever do in my life, and I'm pumped. It's a good feeling :3):

    ''All of the luck that I might own
    Running with marrow in my bones
    I borrow its energy that I may use
    Only in good fortune, not to abuse
    Always in mind, the law of three
    As I will it, so mote it be.''

    You might also try focusing this energy into a charm bag freshly made. Or hold a charm bag in your hand while chanting. I've never tried either, but I will one day. Let me know how it works for you. :)

    Added to on Dec 27, 2012
    Last edited on Mar 22, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2393 - Lilac's Honest Romance

    Confrontation about love is often awkward. This spell is designed to give you that all important answer without asking your special one directly.
    You may need:

  • Waxing or Full Moon
  • A small photo (representing your love)
  • 1 White and 2 Pink Candles
  • Lavendar/Aloe oil or Honey
  • Optional:
  • A Wand
  • A Candleholder
  • Sage Incense
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    You may need:

  • Waxing or Full Moon
  • A small photo (representing your love)
  • 1 White and 2 Pink Candles
  • Lavendar/Aloe oil or Honey
  • Optional:
  • A Wand
  • A Candleholder
  • Sage Incense
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    Day: Sunday (Monday is also acceptable)
    Time: Near Midnight (or Monday Sunrise)

    Before casting this spell try to relax and stare at the moon or sky. Imagine the energy filling you and removing all the darkness and impurities.

    Anoint the Candles with lavendar, honey, and/or aloe. While doing this say:

    ''Negativity I banish thee, Promote only tender thougts for me, False love shall not ever prevail, Whether or not my spell shall fail, With the power of three, So mote it be!''.

    Now use a wand or your projecting hand to cast a circle around yourself. Light the candles and stare into them. Then take a picture of an object representing the person, it doesn't have to belong to them such as a picture of a cat if they love animals or a picture of fish if they love tuna and seafood. Make sure its just a cheap computer printout and not a family photo or anything important!

    Place the white candle on top of the picture, or if the candle is in a holder, squash up the picture and put it in the holder. Just make sure the candle won't fall over with the printout in the holder, perhaps a very SMALL printout would be useful here... Either way, try to get the picture under the white candle and focus on the truth. Focus on an answer, not yes or no, just will for the truthful answer to come to you.

    If you know any ceromancy, look for certain aspects of the flame to see how it's going. Is the flame slow and steady as though it's going to win the race? Or does it put itself out of it's misery and give up?

    Burning sage or a purple plant will inhance your spirituality and hopefully give you an extra boost of truth in your working. Now inhale the smoke/fresh air and start to chant the spell, one hand on each pink candle. Will the white candle wax to drip on the picture representing your loved one: (* is replaced with your loved ones name)

    ''Would you, dear *, consider me? As the bee to the flower, And the flower to the bee?

    Would you, dear *, like to share life? As a man to a woman, And a husband to a wife?

    Or perhaps, you'd consider, a little bit of fun? Like a child with a friend, Or the Moon with the Sun?

    I want you to think about being together, Like rain and the weather, A bird and a feather.

    I want you to think about being apart, A board without a dart, Or men without a heart.

    But most of all, *, I want you to think? Could you love me dear *? Just give me a wink.

    Blink three times yes or one wink no, But never forget that I love you so.

    Do you, dear *, love me for me? With that answer, so mote it be!''.

    Blow out the pink candle and count to three. Take the picture from under the white candle. What shape is the wax marks on the picture, do they signify anything? Or perhaps a shape has formed around a specific part of their body? Look for a while until you feel like you're ready to stop. Close the circle and rest the candle with the picture under it on a windowsill until it burns out or the flame is blown out.

    Added to on Dec 27, 2012
    Last edited on Jul 16, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2394 - Silent Luck

    Blessed be this spell will come without you noticing but it will help you along the way.
    You may need:

  • 2 white candles
  • 1 green candle
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    You may need:

  • 2 white candles
  • 1 green candle
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    First of all at ten a.m. Take a bath with herbs to cleanse you this will help you. Light the white candle at 2pm and say "Blessed help me on the way with (put problem here)". Then light the green one at 5p.m. And say "Money and prosperity I need so badly now help me on the way". Then burn the white one at nine p.m. And say " With this candle I ask again to help me last along the way".

    Added to on Dec 26, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 28, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2395 - Lucky Keepsake

    Just to have something that bring you and the ones you love Good Luck.
    You may need:

  • -An object of chioce. (Such as a stone, ring, necklace, etc.)
  • -A powerful will.
  • -Your voice.
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    You may need:

  • -An object of chioce. (Such as a stone, ring, necklace, etc.)
  • -A powerful will.
  • -Your voice.
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    Like said before just so you can have something that brings good luck into your life.

    Hold the item by your heart and repeat the following slowly three times:
    ''Oh all the magic of the world,
    Bring to me Good luck,
    Store the Luck inside this (Whatever the item is.),
    So mote it be.''

    If you want to you can pass the item along to someone else. Or when you just don't need the magic anymore say:
    ''The power within (Whatever the item is.),
    Is needed no more,
    Return it to the Earth,
    For others to embrace it.''

    Added to on Dec 26, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2396 - Inspiration Mode

    To have inspiration.
    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    Chant the following

    "Powers that be listen to me
    I call of you powers of land and sea
    Powers that be listen to me
    Hear my plea
    Alittle insperation is what I need"

    Added to on Dec 22, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 28, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2397 - Make Someone Happy

    To help people when sad.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Chant "Help my friend with a frown, turn it upside down. Now help her/him gods and goddesses. Hear my plea. Make him/her happy so mote it be".

    Added to on Dec 22, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 29, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2398 - Goddess Trade

    Trade with the three phases of the goddess it will be finished in 3 days.
    You may need:

  • 1 circular glass panel
  • 1 bowl (even plastic works)
  • 1 black cloth to line the bowl
  • Water
  • 3 silver coins
  • Salt
  • Herbs (optional)
  • Candles (optional)
  • Blue or teal or white sand
  • Stones or crystals (optional)
  • 3 object you will use to trade with
  • 3 rose leaves that grew together attached
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    You may need:

  • 1 circular glass panel
  • 1 bowl (even plastic works)
  • 1 black cloth to line the bowl
  • Water
  • 3 silver coins
  • Salt
  • Herbs (optional)
  • Candles (optional)
  • Blue or teal or white sand
  • Stones or crystals (optional)
  • 3 object you will use to trade with
  • 3 rose leaves that grew together attached
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    First take the bowl line it with the cloth and add the 3 coins in a triangle then add salt and water next add the sand and herbs take the circle panel and set it on the grass light the candles and have the 3 things ready then take the rose leaves and create ripples in the water (make sure the moon is reflected off the water)

    Now say: "Lady Moonlight came to me in all phases three in each phases hands there was a trade. The maiden walked up to me in her hands there was (say silver or health) she asked me. What will you trade with me? And I said (say object of trades name). Next the mother walked up to me and holding gold(or a seed) she asked, Now what will you trade me? And I said(object of trade). Finally the crone walked up to me and in her hands was wisdom. Now child what is your trade, she asked me, and I said (last object of trade) and she walked away"

    After you are finished dig a hole with your hands and bury all 3 objects of trade. Dump the water out in a circle and place the rose leaves on the trade and the black cloth place the panel on that and walk away. Now each day after you will gain the trade from each phase first day maiden next mother last crone.

    Added to on Dec 22, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 29, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2399 - Sinful As Your Soul

    This is a spell to bring out a religious person inner badself.
    You may need:

  • 1 dark bottle with lid
  • Pot
  • 4 cups of water
  • Jezebel root
  • Activated charcoal half tsp
  • Lilith oil
  • Cinnamon
  • Spoon
  • Funnel
  • 1 tsp salt
  • Revenge Anna Riva oil
  • Dropper
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    You may need:

  • 1 dark bottle with lid
  • Pot
  • 4 cups of water
  • Jezebel root
  • Activated charcoal half tsp
  • Lilith oil
  • Cinnamon
  • Spoon
  • Funnel
  • 1 tsp salt
  • Revenge Anna Riva oil
  • Dropper
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    Bring 2 cups of water to a boil then add 1 tsp of salt and jezebel root and cover for 5 min. Turn heat on low add your Revenge oil, Lilith a oil, charcoal and Cinnamon. Let simmer for 10 min then add the extra 2 cups to the pot and stir widdershins and say "Jezebel and Lilith, women of lust. Bring upon my victim urges so horrid they scream in fear. Oil of revenge bring down my might! Herbs of love, sex and smut let their inner bad self show. I cast upon them a spell of lust and scum, bringing out the bad self they try so desperately to hide"

    Added to on Dec 21, 2012
    Last edited on Feb 09, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2400 - Spell to Get What You Want

    This spell will help you get what you want; there is a catch careful what you wish for!
    You may need:

  • 1 red candle
  • a horseshoe
  • a quill pen
  • black ink
  • a piece of paper
  • tweezers
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    You may need:

  • 1 red candle
  • a horseshoe
  • a quill pen
  • black ink
  • a piece of paper
  • tweezers
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    To get what you want:
    Take a horse shoe and put it around a red candle. Put the candle in a darkened room in the middle of a table. Write what it is you want on a piece of paper with a quill pen dipped in black ink. Chant the following as you write:
    ''What I want I write here.
    Please take my dream and bring it near.
    What I want Is What I should get.
    Let all my dreams Now be met.''
    Now take the paper and fold it in a square of four creases. Hold it over the candle with a pair of tweezers and let it burn. Picture yourself with your wish fulfilled as you burn the paper, send waves of love at the image you conjure of your self.

    Added to on Dec 20, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters