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3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters

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3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 3307 Life Spells
  1. See in Darkness
  2. Fire and Water Wish Spell
  3. Simply my testimony
  4. revenge please use
  5. Unicorn Magic
  6. Ancestral Wish: Easily Modifiable
  7. Owl Transformation Spell
  8. Friday Night Luck spell
  9. Protection Charm
  10. Prosperity Ritual

#261 - See in Darkness

See in Darkness.
You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Breath calmly. Close your eyes. If you are calm you can see what silhouettes of things are. Will work for anyone but works quicker and better for believers. Also you can breath faster to see colors in the darkness to gain visions.

    Added to on Oct 26, 2019
    Last edited on May 10, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #262 - Fire and Water Wish Spell

    This spell is used to manifest your desires. The fire helps manifest your wish quickly. The water helps nullify any ill effects. Both elements aid in the spell in more ways than one, and in addition the Earth and Wind elements play a significant role as well. Use this spell for any wish, however, make sure you are still doing things to bring forth that wish even in a mundane way.
    You may need:

  • A fire-safe bowl or cauldron
  • Water (bottled or tap is fine, rain water best)
  • A very small piece of paper OR a leaf
  • Marker
  • Some of your own hair
  • A candle (any color)
  • Tea tree oil OR eucalyptus oil
  • Ashes (from previous wishes, incense, or other ashes)
  • Lighter/matches
  • (optional) flower petals, soil, etc to add an extra boost
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    You may need:

  • A fire-safe bowl or cauldron
  • Water (bottled or tap is fine, rain water best)
  • A very small piece of paper OR a leaf
  • Marker
  • Some of your own hair
  • A candle (any color)
  • Tea tree oil OR eucalyptus oil
  • Ashes (from previous wishes, incense, or other ashes)
  • Lighter/matches
  • (optional) flower petals, soil, etc to add an extra boost
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    Please note: The burned hair will give off a strong smell. The tea tree oil helps a bit, but if you live with someone or are still a closet-witch, this spell may not be for you. Also, please be careful when burning things. Put your hair back and be safe!


    On the small paper or leaf (I used a paper about 1-inch x 1-inch in size), write down your wish. In my example, I wrote:

    "I have a job interview."

    Write it down as if it already happened!

    Fold the paper (preferably three times, but any amount is OK). Then, take several strands (note: hair that has already fallen out. For example, I used a bulk of hair from my hairbrush) and wrap it around the paper.

    Next (and Be Careful!) burn the hair and the paper (or leaf) in the fire-safe bowl. You can use incense to help burn it, too, a match, etc.

    Add a drop or couple drops of oil. Be careful, as this will make the fire burn higher/stronger.

    When it burns enough (follow your instincts), pour a small amount of water (approx a cup or less).

    Add a pinch or two of ashes.

    Add flower petals, soil, etc you want to add (optional).

    Add some candle wax to "seal". I used a black candle, but you can use any candle or a color associated with your wish. For example, if your wish is related to money, you can use a green candle.

    Stir by moving the bowl around, chanting your wish several times.

    When you are done, pour it on the ground outside. For me, I did this right outside my bedroom window.

    Important factors to consider:

    1. Make sure that you are still doing things to help with the spell. For example, if your wish is to have a job interview, apply to jobs! If your wish is for your crush to notice you, wear a nice outfit! If your wish is to get stronger physically, work out.

    2. Keep doing the spell until you get the desired results.

    My results:

    I did this spell about four nights in a row until I got a job interview at the company I wanted! At first, I kept getting job interviews after job interviews at places that turned out to be a wrong fit or farther than I expected. If you don't get your desired results, keep trying! For me, that meant I had to keep applying to jobs and keep spell-casting, even when I was REALLY tired of the smell of burned hair.

    However, the spell works amazing for me, so I kept doing it!

    Want to add an extra boost?

    Throughout the day, keep repeating your wish. For example, I would repeat the words, "I have a job interview" quietly no matter where I was, throughout the day.

    Sometimes, I would light a candle, say it, then blow it out.

    Persistence is key!

    If you have any questions, feel free to message me. I'll try to answer as fast as possible, but I'm not always on here.

    You can also message me via my blog:


    Happy spell-casting!

    Added to on Oct 25, 2019
    Last edited on Nov 07, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #263 - Simply my testimony

    I hope this can help as many people as possible.
    You may need:

  • Your mind.
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    You may need:

  • Your mind.
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    My spiritual journey has been very long and, at times, a troublesome journey that took me from learning about magick into becoming a Wiccan, and then moving towards Paganism. From Paganism I slowly found the Draconian path of D.J. Conway’s books. Eventually I found myself drawn to the path of Spiritual Satanism, in which JOS and Ea Koetting were the main contributors to this change.
    But let me stop there and bring you back to when all of this started, and then finally tell you what I have discovered and how my life has been forever changed.

    When I was around ten to twelve years old I began to read like crazy, and I suppose it ran in the family as two of my other brothers were just like me when it came to reading books.
    But anyways, I began reading a ton of books and book series. However, I ran across a book series called Sweep. It intrigued me because it was a fictional book series that was mainly focused around Wicca and magick.
    When I got to around the third book in the series I was curious as to whether or not Wicca was a real religion or not. So I went online at my Middle School’s computer room, which was next to the library, and I looked up Wicca and soon found dozens of websites talking about Wicca. And within about half an hour I had read quite a bit about Wicca and realized that the book series I was reading actually wasn’t making much of anything up when it came to Wiccan beliefs or even magick.
    Now the first thing I did after I found all of this out was to learn how to cast spells and work with magick. So the first website I came into contact with was
    So I eventually found a “spell” in which the author explained how to create a Ki ball of energy, and boy was I amazed that I could actually feel the tingling magickal energy on the palms of my hands.
    Now from that point onward I was one hundred percent hooked to the occult world, and even though I didn’t I understand a lot about the occult world, I knew that it was meant for me.

    Moving onward with my spiritual journey I began to move away from Wicca and into Paganism, and from then on out I began to really open up myself to magickal practices and started to have what many call a spiritual awakening.
    And eventually everything just clicked; I could somehow inherently know things that I never studied in detail. I was seemingly more “advanced” than most people who studied in the occult and magickal practices. However, I had not learned the art of evocation and invocation of spirits; nor had I learned how to speak with spirits telepathically.
    But I soon found the Draconian path of D.J. Conway through a YouTuber known as DragonFeather. So I eventually asked for the two “dragon” books by D.J. Conway for Christmas, and low n’ behold my Grandmother had gotten them for me even though she had no clue as to what those two books contained.
    I learned quite a bit of information from those books, and with that new knowledge basis I also gained new experiences, one of which was telepathy when I contacted my Dragon “spirits”.
    For some time I thought that this path was the so called true path that I had been searching for all this time, (as this was probably around three to four years into the occult).
    But, as fate would have it, the Draconian path wasn’t calling to me as strongly as was the demon known as Azazel, who found me while I was watching some of Ea Koetting’s YouTube videos.
    It was a slightly painful move away from the Draconian path and into the Satanic path which was mostly fueled by the Joy of Satan group, which also in hindsight wasn’t the best group to get mixed up with, but I suppose everyone grows up eventually.
    Anyways I began to learn how to summon demons and as I slowly progressed in this field of “magick,” I also figured out how to hone my skills of telepathy.
    And during this time I began to watch YouTube videos from Ea Koetting as well as The Serpent’s Key channel, (there were a few others, but those two channels were the main ones).
    Eventually I began to find some information on demonic children, or in other terms, people who have (a) demonic parent(s). This led me to trying to figure out who I was, or what my spiritual ancestry was, (if you can call it that.)
    However, I could never truly pinpoint who I was exactly, but during this soul searching time I commented on a YouTube video to help someone out with summoning demons, (because at this time I was pretty well versed and experienced with what and how to evoke or invoke demons and other spirits).
    But the comment I made on the YouTube video led to both of us contacting each other via an app called Telegram.
    We slowly began to become good friends and we helped each other out in many aspects of life as well to study and research occult topics, and we both were interested in seeing who we were spiritually. This led to us believing and being told by demons and other spirits that we were actual mythological gods; (later we discovered that this wasn’t entirely true.)
    We wanted to learn as much as humanly possible about who we are and so I began to channel demons and other spirits to get information from them.
    This all led both of us on an exhaustive, emotional nightmare, as we both had depression and both of us attempted suicide. However I was usually the one trying to talk my friend out of killing himself, and luckily I was successful every time.

    ‘Eventually my friend and I joined an online forum known as Become a Living God. We invested a lot of time and energy in that forum and both of us grew in knowledge and experience.
    And all during this time I was thinking that I was a woman trapped inside of a man, I even wanted to transition via the HRT treatment, and eventually have the different surgeries.
    Now sense I was one of those people that liked to write books (or at least try to), I attempted to compile a list of demons, with all of their sigils, all of their mythological and Biblical names, as well as other information about them. This was simply something I did to pass time and to gain more knowledge on the different demons and spirits out there.
    Now as all friendships come, they do occasionally go for some reason or another, and it seemed as though ours was going, because I, for some reason or another, wanted to end our friendship, (this was a few years ago, so bare with me as I do not fully remember why I wanted to end our relationship). But I did finally end my relationship with my friend and I was seemingly free of having to worry about him all the time, and I could now focus more on myself and becoming a God then I normal had in the past.
    After that I started to become quite a frequent spiritual reader as the BALG forum had a section for doing such readings. I slowly ‘mastered’ this art by continually practicing and honing my skills in this field.
    Now I had ironically and idiotically finally realized what Ea Koetting was saying when he talked about the three god-like powers, which are omnipotence (through summoning), omnipresence (through soul travel), and omniscience (through divination). I honestly was very good at all but one of them and that was soul travel.

    After about a year or less sense I had left my friend I began to talk with him again, and we quickly became friends once more.
    Now my friend shared with me more information about how to actually become a God as this was our goal and the goal of all serious occultists.
    We began to learn more and more and kept sharing our knowledge with each other, and I eventually found out how to actually soul travel and I was attempting to hone that skill like I had with a lot of other things.
    Now eventually I started to watch a lot of conservative/republican videos on YouTube and I slowly changed my mind about being a transgender woman and I finally accepted that I was a man and nothing I could do was going to change my x-y chromosomes.
    But just as I thought I was getting somewhere spiritually, my friend contacts me and tells me that he found out that the demons and other spirits we were working with were actually lying to us about trying to help us to become a god. They in fact would restrict us in power, to the point were we couldn’t become a god. So we quickly disbanded from all of the demons and other spirits we had been working with, and soon we started to progress in spiritual power and both of us were having relatively better success in certain areas of our spirituality.
    After a few weeks with this new found knowledge I began getting into yoga and trying to find my niche in Taoism, Buddhism or some other eastern philosophy. Even so, I still wanted to become a god and I also wanted to find something different, something that would help me along my path. I was open to anything new, and I had no idea what was about to happen to my life.

    On the Christmas of 2018 I had gone to see my father for the holiday, and he got me to go to a Catholic Basilica in southern Wisconsin. I was amazed at the beauty of the place, and we sat down in one of the pews of one of the parishes at this place, and I thought long and hard about whether or not God was real and whether or not I should go down that path.
    (As a side note I had, at one point in the past during my occult journey, watched some YouTube videos on creationism and already had a basis in what some Christians believe).
    But as I sat in that pew in the Basilica I came to a decision that changed my life forever, I decided I would pursue the God of the Bible and find the truth found in the Bible.
    After the trip to my father’s for the holiday I found a video on how to go to heaven, and all that was needed for me was to admit that I was sinner and in need of the savior Jesus Christ.
    So on January 3rd 2019 I kneeled before God in my bedroom and prayed my heart out to God, and on that day I became a born again believer in the Lord Jesus Christ; the Holy Ghost was indwelt in me and I became a son of the living and true God.
    After I did that I felt such a sense of peace wash over me that I had never felt in all my life. I felt pure, and loved beyond belief. I knew that I was a true born again Christian, and it was all given to me by the grace of God.
    As the months passed by I slowly started to change my demeanor. I pretty much stopped swearing, I stopped listening to rock and heavy metal music (which was my favorite kind of music), as well as other music, in fact the only music I listen to now is music based around Biblical topics; I’ve even stopped playing video games. I also got rid of most of my books and DVD’s that weren’t Biblical. I even moved all of my occult related items up to the attic of my house so that they wouldn’t be in my room anymore.
    All in all my life has changed for the better and even though I still struggle with certain things, I know that God is with me and his grace is sufficient.

    If you think I am crazy or delusional then I can not help you except pray that you open your hearts to the truth that is only seen by receiving Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and savior. But don’t think I am forcing you to believe what I believe, I’m simply giving you the Biblical doctrine of how to be saved, if you don’t like it then don’t sweat it, just know that it’s your choice to not believe in this.
    Here is the Gospel message in a simple, but yet detailed way.
    Even if you do not want to admit you have sinned, just know that God is still going to judge every thought you ever thunk, every deed you ever did and everything you’ve ever said (Matt. 12:36, Rom. 2:16). But if you are not saved by the grace of God then you can not enter into Heaven, this is because God does not reward sinners with an eternal life of peace and tranquility, he instead punishes sinners righteously for the wicked things they have done.
    So for example would you think a judge would reward someone if they got caught for stealing, for lying in a court of law, for raping someone or even for murdering someone? No of course not and this why God will not allow sinners into his Heaven.
    But God is a righteous judge (II Tim. 4:8), and is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance (II Peter 3:9).
    God doesn’t want to punish you, he loves you, and that is why he sent his son Jesus Christ to die for all sinners, and in Romans 10:9 it says, “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”
    You see, once you have received Christ as your savior then you will have the Holy Spirit indwelt in you (I Cor. 3:16), and will be cleansed of all your past present and future sins. You will have eternal life with God in Heaven and your life will begin to change for the better.

    Today can be the most important day of your entire life, so don’t hold off until its too late, you never know when you will die, and Jesus is waiting for you with open arms, so embrace him by praying this simple prayer with a genuine heart,
    “Dear Lord Jesus, I’m a sinner, I’m guilty, I’ve broken your laws, but I believe you died for me on that cross. I believe you rose from the dead, and I’d like to ask you to forgive me and save me, and come into my heart right now. Amen.”

    If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and savior then you have eternal life and can never lose your salvation (John 3:16). You are adopted into God’s family now (Eph. 1:4-5), and are not sinless but are forgiven by the grace of God (Eph. 2:8-9).

    Added to on Oct 22, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #264 - revenge please use

    this is great for revenge on a person (will not KILL )
    You may need:

  • nothing but your mind
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    You may need:

  • nothing but your mind
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    revenge is simply not answer just hit or kill them or just give up

    Added to on Oct 22, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #265 - Unicorn Magic

    Wanna be like a unicorn? Use this spell on Halloween!
    You may need:

  • Belief
  • Dressed up in a costume
  • Imagination
  • A strong connection with a unicorn
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    You may need:

  • Belief
  • Dressed up in a costume
  • Imagination
  • A strong connection with a unicorn
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    A unicorn spell for the believer.

    First, make sure you are all dressed up in your Halloween costume (this spell best works if you are wearing a unicorn, witch, or fairy costume!) Gather your unicorn belief! Get it ready!

    Imagine your playing with your unicorn friend. You must have a unicorn friend for this spell. Close your eyes. Imagine you have unicorn magic.

    Repeat this three times:

    "I wish to be among the unicorns,

    prancing, dancing free.

    I wish to see all the unicorns that there are to be."

    After 1 hour you should have unicorn magic! Enjoy!

    Added to on Oct 22, 2019
    Last edited on May 10, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #266 - Ancestral Wish: Easily Modifiable

    A simple wish spell to get a small thing by help of Ancestors
    You may need:

  • 1 Wish related item
  • 1 Moonblessed item (item charged by moon and not exposed to direct light)
  • 1 broken item
  • 1 piece of tape
  • 1 Wish
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    You may need:

  • 1 Wish related item
  • 1 Moonblessed item (item charged by moon and not exposed to direct light)
  • 1 broken item
  • 1 piece of tape
  • 1 Wish
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    Meditate and cleanse. Then sit cross legged with person whose wish you are fulfilling. Set out the object for the Wish and have your family member put their finger on the part of the object that will help most with their Wish. Ask them to state it out loud clearly. Then hold the moonblessed item to your lips and chant for your favorite ancestor an ancestor very important to your family to help grant the Wish. Then seal the broken item with tape and state that until the piece breaks the Wish will have to come true. If it doesn’t come true by then your ancestors may not want to help you fulfill this. Finally keep the items all in a dark space.

    *Do not attempt to do for yourself. If you do the spell might backfire badly. This is only to be done as kindness for others. Seal the spell once your Wish is gotten by a prayer to your Ancestor. This is to be kind to them. Do not ask for help of the living. And be respectful of them and also gift them rewards if you like to!*

    Added to on Oct 19, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #267 - Owl Transformation Spell

    Be able to turn into a owl.
    You may need:

  • Belief
  • Nightime
  • Full Moon(Recommended)
  • Outside
  • To be looking upwards and sky
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    You may need:

  • Belief
  • Nightime
  • Full Moon(Recommended)
  • Outside
  • To be looking upwards and sky
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    Say one to ten (1-10x) times the spell:

    "I call upon the gods and goddesses of the world, please give me the ability I acquire. I will be able to soar the skies with my wings and scan the area for danger with my piercing vision. I will be able to become an owl on demand and I will be able to control my new form. This is what I ask and this is what I plea, this is my wish so mote it be!"

    Side Effects:

    • Headaches.
    • Nausea.
    • Dizziness.
    • Aches.
    • Tingles.
    • Itching Sensations.

    Added to on Oct 19, 2019
    Last edited on May 11, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #268 - Friday Night Luck spell

    Do this spell at midnight for the best results but you can do it whenever as long as if the moon is up.
    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pen
  • candle
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    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pen
  • candle
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    1. Write thw following: ''On this amazing Friday night, I'd like to have luck granted to me by this candle light.''
    2. Light the candle.
    3. Write below what you wish for.
    4. Place your dominant hand on the paper and imagine you are putting energy into the paper. Imagine that the energy runs through your veins out your hand and into the paper.
    5. After imagining that for a minute or two, you will fold the paper in half.
    6. Say this: ''On this amazing Friday night. I'd like to have luck granted to me by this candle light. So mote it be!''
    7. Meditate for a few minutes then blow the candle out.
    8. Put the paper under your pillow.
    9. Before you sleep say the following: ''My wish will be fulfilled. This spell will bring luck to me. So mote it be''

    Repeat step 9 for the next week

    Added to on Oct 13, 2019
    Last edited on Oct 14, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #269 - Protection Charm

    A charm that helps protect you from negative energy, bad spells, etc.
    You may need:

  • Small drawstring bag
  • Lavender
  • A few black rose petals
  • Thyme
  • Small paper
  • Black ink pen
  • Jasmine
  • Small whire or clear crystal
  • Something from whoever you want to protect whether it be yourself or someone elses (has to be small enough to fit in the bag)
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    You may need:

  • Small drawstring bag
  • Lavender
  • A few black rose petals
  • Thyme
  • Small paper
  • Black ink pen
  • Jasmine
  • Small whire or clear crystal
  • Something from whoever you want to protect whether it be yourself or someone elses (has to be small enough to fit in the bag)
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    1. Place the lavender rose petals thyme and jasmine in the drawstring bag, after you've mixed them together.
    2. Write what you want to protect whomever from (curses bad luck nightmares negative energy etc).
    3. Fold the paper twice and put it in the bag.
    4. Hold the crystal in both hands.
    5. Chant the following: ''Spirits from above send (whomever the spell is for) peace and love. Grant them your protection from (what you wrote on the paper). This is my will so mote it be.''
    6. Visualize putting some of your energy into the crystal. Close your eyes and picture it in your mind. Visualize the crystal glowing as you put energy into it.
    7. Put the crystal in the bag along with the object of whoever you want to protect.

    There you go! This spell works for me. My friend tried to put a curse on me as a prank and she couldn't figure out why it wouldn't work until I told her. I hope it works for you! Just remember to keep the drawstring bag on or near you at all times to work.

    Added to on Oct 13, 2019
    Last edited on Oct 14, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #270 - Prosperity Ritual

    A working to thrive and succeed in a difficult situation.
    You may need:

  • 1 Lemon
  • 2 Fortune Incense (Satya)
  • 2 Patchouli Forest Incense (Satya)
  • Matches or Lighter
  • Knife
  • Dried Split Peas
  • Green Bourbon Glass
  • Waxing Moon Phase
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    You may need:

  • 1 Lemon
  • 2 Fortune Incense (Satya)
  • 2 Patchouli Forest Incense (Satya)
  • Matches or Lighter
  • Knife
  • Dried Split Peas
  • Green Bourbon Glass
  • Waxing Moon Phase
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    1. Do during waxing moon for the increasing boost.
    2. Pour split peas into bourbon glass.
    3. Cut lemon into fourths, not all the way through, lengthwise.
    4. Stab two fortune incense through the vein part of the outer lemon slices.
    5. Stab two patchouli incense through the vein of the inner lemon slices.
    6. Light the incense, starting from outer working to the inner ones.
    7. Sit in the same room as the incense, letting it wash over you.
    8. Be mindful of its presence and the intention you have it set for.
    9. Continue with what you were doing so long as you remain present until it has burned though.

    Added to on Oct 04, 2019
    Last edited on May 11, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters