3304 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Draconic Fire
- Lost Possesions
- Money Drawing Spell
- Avoid Falling While Ice Skating
- Fulfillment
- Wish Spell
- A Simple Werewolf Transformation
- Necklace Wishing
- Dream a Certain Topic
- Wish Spell
#2771 - Draconic Fire
First, take the water, and make a circle according to the size of your fire. Then, take the bones, and place them together, with some wood. Now, light the fire, making sure it stays inside the circle ( if it doesn't, the spell will fail.) Then, write the name of the place, person, or object you wish to see. Now, write it in Latin, as Latin is very good for spells. Then, fold the paper into a square, a very small square. And drop it into the fire ( making sure the fire still stays within the circle, not even an ash can escape!) Now chant, "Invisos dimencialis cortilium serchaes!" and look deep into the fire, and will the object to be seen.
Last edited on Oct 24, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2772 - Lost Possesions
''tears,tears in my eye a lost item gone bye bye hear me out i need this item where is it? Where is my ____ ?.
Now start looking and you should find it. This does not work with things you did NOT own previously.
I used it when i lost a video game lol im such a nerd.
#2773 - Money Drawing Spell
''With each swing of this string, my money will multiply by ten''
After you finish tying the string, place the green candle on a small plate. Place the dollar near the candle, but make sure no wax drips on the dollar, I recomend putting the candle in the middle of the plate and placing the dollar on one of the edges of the plate. Light the candle and say:
''With each flicker of the candle's flame, my money will multiply by five.''
Now, let the candle burn until it's finished. If the candle's flame goes out quickly, it means the spell took a shorter time to take effect. The money will likely be given to you by a person. The money can also be found on the floor.
I hope the spell works for you. Blessings~
Last edited on Aug 04, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2774 - Avoid Falling While Ice Skating
1. Look over this a few times just to make sure you have the flow right.
"Goddess of balance
Yin and Yang
Give me the balance to ice skate
Let me glide
Don't let me side
And fall
I need to soar
It is my will
So mote it be."
This can be changed to roller state.
Last edited on Oct 28, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2775 - Fulfillment
Light the candles and incence, and sitting in a calming environment, relax. Then say aloud:
"Ceridwen, please fill the cauldron of my life with love and light, replace the void with much delight"
Now fill the chalice with the wine and holding it in both hands raise it towards the full moon, then hold it next to your heart. Think of something you want to replace the emptiness with, like a new home/ job / love etc and speak your wish aloud, now blow 3 times into the chalice and say aloud:
"A wish resides in the blessing cup, I take it in and drink it up, a blessing brought by power of moon fulfillment is my rightful boon, feeling empty is no sin, for opportunity fills the void within"
Now drink the potion slowly throughout the evening and acknowledge that you are pulling greater fulfillment towards you with each sip.
Last edited on Oct 23, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2776 - Wish Spell
Get a peice of paper and pencile or pen and wright down your wish then go to your mirror then say your wish the same time as your age then keep saying it for the same amout of days as your age allso then bang your wish might come true but it doesnt allways come true sometimes.
WARNING: If you skip a day then your wish will defantly not come true and you can not start over.
Last edited on Oct 28, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2777 - A Simple Werewolf Transformation
Just chant these words while your eyes are closed:
"Spell, spell, cast away
Make me a werewolf
I beg of you, please
Make me a werewolf"
Once you did the spell bark three times like a dog.
Last edited on Oct 23, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2778 - Necklace Wishing
Put the necklace on. Go through your normal day without touching the necklace!!! Keep looking down to see if the clasp is at the front. If it is totally at the front, then make a wish, and put the clasp back to the back. When it comes back to the front, then your with should become granted!
Last edited on Oct 23, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2779 - Dream a Certain Topic
Put the item under your pillow. Then do something that involves what you want to dream about. Say you really like this book. Read or listen to it right before you go to bed. Don't do or think of anything else until you have fallen asleep. Now say its a person. Stare at their picture or email them. Do something that puts you on edge like sending them something embarising about you to them, or prank call them. That will make what you did in your mind when you fall asleep. Then, you should have a dream about what you want!
Last edited on Oct 24, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2780 - Wish Spell
Best time: 12:00 a.m.
Best moon: Full moon
First, say this 100x
"I summon the demons of darkness!''
Next, use a pencil towriteyourwish on the paper . Then place the bay leaf, ginger, and cinnamon in the middle of the paper, and twist it tightly. Then hold the paper with tongs over the cooking pot, and light it. After that, throw the paper away, and forget all about your wish. But you might want to wait until those red hot glowing embers cool down so you don't burn your house down! :)
Please mail me if it works for you!
Last edited on Oct 28, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.