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3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters

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3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 3307 Life Spells
  1. Enchantment of Tarot cards
  2. Luck Sigil
  3. Sleep potion
  4. Chaos magic sigil
  5. Visualisation, chant and prayer 3-in-1 for your team to win
  6. Witty and Bold with Demon Ipos
  7. hair growth
  8. Crystal Luck
  9. How To Make Powerful Moon Water
  10. Revenge spell
#1 - #10
#21 - #30
#41 - #50
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#21 - Enchantment of Tarot cards

If you have a particular question to ask tarot cards this enchantment of the cards will reveal the answer of your question. This is an old translated enchantment.
You may need:

  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Voice
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    Blow three times over the cards to remove previous influences.

    Shuffle the cards, think and with focus (without other thoughts) about the problem you want to clarify.


    Cards with pointed corners

    Cards with rounded corners

    As you have been printed

    As you have been painted

    As you know how to foretell

    Right now you must clarify

    Joy or sorrow,

    Sadness or enlightenment,

    If the cure is at hand

    From today in a week,

    If it's a holy remedy

    Open the way forward,

    And if not, close yourselves

    With a woman with green eyes.

    Added to on Jul 05, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #22 - Luck Sigil

    just a simple luck sigil
    You may need:

  • Marker
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    You may need:

  • Marker
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    draw a circle

    draw a line through on the inside of it until its 2 half's

    the draw a line through it starting on the inside and end on the outside so it has a "tail"

    its should be a circle in 4ths with a line on the outside

    and your done you may feel a little drained so don't write them every where unless you wanna drain your energy

    Added to on Jun 23, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #23 - Sleep potion

    This calming potion combines the soothing properties of amethyst water, chamomile, and lavender to promote a restful night's sleep. Lavender adds an extra element of relaxation to help ease you into a peaceful slumber. Brew up a batch and store it in a large bottle for multiple servings. You could use it alongside lavender pillow spray.
    You may need:

  • Amethyst water, 4 cups
  • Catapres (2 pieces if prescribed), 1 whole and 1 crushed
  • Camomile tea, loose leaf
  • Powdered lavender, a pinch
  • 3L bottle
  • Mixing tool
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    You may need:

  • Amethyst water, 4 cups
  • Catapres (2 pieces if prescribed), 1 whole and 1 crushed
  • Camomile tea, loose leaf
  • Powdered lavender, a pinch
  • 3L bottle
  • Mixing tool
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    In a pot, heat half the amethyst water on the stove until steaming.
    Add in whole Catapres, and powdered lavender.
    Mix well.
    Let simmer for 5 minutes, then remove from heat.
    Place loose-leaf tea and crushed Catapres in a separate pan with the other 2 cups of amethyst water.
    Scoop out the tea leaves when the separate mixture is well-infused enough.
    Combine the two separate pans of mixture and mix well, visualising safe sleep and sweet dreams.
    Say this blessing a few times: I bless this potion by Sun and Moon, day and night, to bring about sweet dreams and soothing sleep and protect me as I rest from harm and bad dreams, by my will it shall be that I am unharmed by nightmares and general harm!
    Strain mixture into a mug.
    Sip and enjoy warm. Store remaining potion in a 3-litre bottle for future use.

    Added to on Apr 19, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #24 - Chaos magic sigil

    A very easy kind of magic
    You may need:

  • A paper and pen/something to write on
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    You may need:

  • A paper and pen/something to write on
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    This isn't really a spell, but a general way to make a sigil and how to 'charge' it.

    A sigil is a symbol made of your desire, you write out your intention, and then remove repeated letters, and then randomly rearrange them into a arbitrary, abstract graph, you can simplify it if you find it too complex.

    Now you want to charge it, in chaos magic, the way is to achieve a altered state of consciousness called 'gnosis' they are a state where your mind is fixed into one point, ways to do this is, for example, running until you are completely exhausted and upon breaking down the sigil is visualised or looked at, some other examples include sex, fasting, death posture, etc, use whatever you like, you can either write the sigil on a piece of paper, look at it at the peak of your action, and then destroy and forget about it, or just visualise it at the peak and forget, both are okay.

    Added to on Apr 02, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #25 - Visualisation, chant and prayer 3-in-1 for your team to win

    If you do this spell well prior to a game your favourite team/s (like the Red Sox, Patriots, Bruins, Revolution, Cannons LC etc) may take the victory in the game.
    You may need:

  • Printed image of your team's logo
  • Visualise the outcome
  • Fire
  • Sunday
  • 4 red candles
  • Bay leaf wreath
  • Circle cast
  • Centred
  • Hope your team will win
  • Victory spell mix
  • Green ink
  • Victory oil
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    You may need:

  • Printed image of your team's logo
  • Visualise the outcome
  • Fire
  • Sunday
  • 4 red candles
  • Bay leaf wreath
  • Circle cast
  • Centred
  • Hope your team will win
  • Victory spell mix
  • Green ink
  • Victory oil
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    First, cast the circle, build a fire in your chosen source, print off the picture of your team's logo, get centred and set up your candles.
    Then, light the candle and light the fire, draw 4 victory sigils of your choice on the page with the team's logo inside the logo in the victory oil, and say a quick chant to charge it.
    Next, place the wick of ONE candle at a time up to ONE corner at a time of the sheet with the team's logo on it.
    After, draw 7 victory sigils of your choice inside the logo in the green ink, say another quick blessing, and fold the paper 7 times.
    Lastly, draw another victory sigil on the paper in the green ink on one side and the victory oil on the other side, crumble the bay leaf crown up, sprinkle it onto the folded sheet, sprinkle the victory mix onto it and place it into the fire while visualising the outcome of the game and put the candles in, with the remains of the crumbled bay leaf crown and spell mix while saying your prayer and say a quick chant to reinforce your intention.
    The spell is done.

    Added to on Mar 31, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #26 - Witty and Bold with Demon Ipos

    If you want to become a more successful person and live a better life, you must have a healthy amount of boldness. It is perhaps the most important trait you can have because it allows you to make use of opportunities that come your way or carve a path for yourself where there is none.Demon Ipos Can help you in that .
    You may need:

  • Sea salt.
  • Four black or red candles.
  • Incense of wormwood and mugwort.
  • A cushion for sitting in a meditative posture (optional, if you are flexible enough to sit cross-legged on the floor without support you may do so instead).
  • A chalice filled with spring water or red wine.
  • A ceremonial dagger.
  • Your grimoire or diary (optional)
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    You may need:

  • Sea salt.
  • Four black or red candles.
  • Incense of wormwood and mugwort.
  • A cushion for sitting in a meditative posture (optional, if you are flexible enough to sit cross-legged on the floor without support you may do so instead).
  • A chalice filled with spring water or red wine.
  • A ceremonial dagger.
  • Your grimoire or diary (optional)
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    Setting Up:

    1. Choose a location free from disturbances.
    2. Draw a circle with the sea salt.
    3. Set the four candles at each cardinal point within the circle.
    4. Place the cushion at the circle’s heart.
    5. Position the chalice and dagger beside the cushion.


    1. Candle Lighting: Ignite the candles, moving counter-clockwise from the east. Recognize each flame as an anchor to the ethereal plane.
    2. Initiation of Meditation: Find comfort on the cushion and shut your eyes. With every breath, move deeper into a rhythmic state of relaxation. The scent of the burning incense should guide your senses into a more profound trance, disconnecting you from physical constraints.
    3. Invocation Chant: Using the ceremonial dagger, symbolically etch the air with Ipos’s sigil, intoning: Ipos, essence of audacity and intellect, to thee I reach. Due to the complex design of the sigil, etch only the straight lines.
    4. Meditation and Visualization:
      • Realm Transition: Envision yourself at the edge of a vast, obsidian-black abyss. This isn’t just any void; it’s the meeting point between your essence and that of Ipos. The sheer depth calls to you, inviting you to step forward.
      • Descent into the Abyss: Imagine yourself slowly descending into this endless chasm, each level taking you further into the realm of Ipos. As you delve deeper, feel the darkness engulf you and listen for voices from within it.
      • Encounter with Ipos: Sinking deeper into the abyss, visualize a magnificent fortress of shadow and flame. Herein dwells Ipos. As you approach, the spirit manifests — neither entirely beast nor human, but an amalgamation of forms that signify cunning and confidence. The creature, enveloped in an aura of vibrant energy, stands before you. Reach out and allow it to merge with you, feeling every facet of its essence — the audacity, the wit, the strength — intertwining with your spirit. This can be a pleasurable and intense process, allow it to unfold for as long as it takes.
      • Assumption of Power: Now, visualize your merged form rising through the abyss, absorbing the surrounding energies. As you ascend, feel yourself transforming, with the newfound essence of Ipos empowering your very core.
    5. Affirmation and Sealing: Gently open your eyes, focusing on the chalice. As you sip the water (or wine), perceive it as a final act of merging, a ritualistic affirmation of the transformation you’ve undergone. The liquid is a pact, the bond that ensures Ipos’s essence is now a part of you.
    6. Concluding the Ritual: With a newfound sense of completeness, bring yourself back to the present. Extinguish the candles, moving clockwise from the east. If you’d like, document your journey, insights, and transformations within your grimoire.

    Note :

    For some practitioners this is a pleasurable invocation, while others have reported feeling a lot of anger and even a desire for revenge manifesting.

    Although this is understandable because you will be looking back on your weaker self and its experiences from a place of newfound strength, I advise that you don’t act blindly and lash out at people.

    Use your boldness and wit in a calm manner, control your strength and use it to your advantage. As mentioned earlier, you can perform this invocation ritual whenever you feel it is necessary.

    If you have some problems but you are not able to share it with anyone , you can mail me . I will try to help you .

    Blessed Be.

    Added to on Feb 22, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #27 - hair growth

    helps repair and grow hair on any part of your body
    You may need:

  • none
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    You may need:

  • none
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    grab hold of your hair and say "hair hair make it grow like a river it shall flow repair flourish grow" as many times as you wish

    Added to on Feb 09, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #28 - Crystal Luck

    A spell for good luck using crystals.
    You may need:

  • A jade crystal
  • Focus
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    You may need:

  • A jade crystal
  • Focus
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    Put the jade gently in your palm. Focus only on the crystal and your breathing for about 1 minute. Then, say the incantation out loud or in your head 3 times

    "Jade crystal, bring forth luck, so that tomorrow I can fell confident in what I do"

    You may replace "Confident" with another word.

    This spell cannot be cast on others.

    Added to on Feb 07, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #29 - How To Make Powerful Moon Water

    My former friend told me that if you pray to the goddess Nyx, then the moon water will be more powerful. You can do anything with moon water. Hex, use it in spells, curse, and more.
    You may need:

  • Water
  • Water
  • Bowl
  • 30 minutes
  • Full Moon
  • Night
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    You may need:

  • Water
  • Water
  • Bowl
  • 30 minutes
  • Full Moon
  • Night
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    During a full moon, but a glass bowl of water outside, or a place where the moonlight will shine on the water. Pray to Nyxe for 30 minutes, then leave and go to bed, but leave the bowl of water where it is. Overnight it will become moonwater. But YOU MUST take the bowl of water ( now moon water), and take it away before sunlight shines on it, or IT WILL NOT WORK, and then put a lid on the bowl and label it Moon Water. Glass cups work too.


    It can hex, how to make money, used in spells, and more. My former friend told me this. You might find that spells using moon water has a higher chance of working.

    Added to on Jan 17, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #30 - Revenge spell

    We all have problems with undesirable people in our lives. This spell, cast properly, can bring them just the right amount of misfortune without causing any permanent damage. Be careful, though! Black magic in general is the least stable of the schools and the easiest to reverse on the caster.
    You may need:

  • Indoors
  • Half or quarter moon phase (at most)
  • Thinking of hate,anger
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    You may need:

  • Indoors
  • Half or quarter moon phase (at most)
  • Thinking of hate,anger
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    i need revenge
    On this black day
    To make my troubles go away A curse, a pox, a chanted hex Any one should do To make you, (target), understand
    The hurting caused by you

    Tips for casting: Please, above all else, make sure this spell is used responsibly and in moderation. Serious problems should be mediated by non-magical authorities, like the court system or the police. You also risk incurring the Rule of Three if you overdo the spell, or if you use it in a way inconsistent with the general use of black magic. If it requires more revenge than you'd be willing to take in person, we strongly advise you forget using this one altogether. If not,
    you'll wish you did later. I promise.

    Final thoughts: There is little good to using black magic outside of the diversion. We all know the success stories of those qualified in black arts

    Added to on Jan 10, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters