3301 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- AAA / the old twisted tree.
- develop traits of an artificial intelligence ***NOT A SPELL, ITS JUST A CHANT AND SOME PRACTICE***
- Curse An Object
- Wish Potion
- Magical Ring
- Soul reading (customizable spell)
- Wicked Things
- Confidence
- Living Container Spell
- Find a Lost Thing
#321 - AAA / the old twisted tree.
watch the whole black panther movie backwards without talking and then plant the dead tree somewhere you'd spend the rest of your life. then release all the animals on the tree and say "live in this tree and grow here forever!" then get naked and throw glitter on your self and run up and down the nearest highway 5 times. put your clothes on and lick the tree. make sure you lick the whole tree and for every inch of moss lick it 78 times. if you aren't in jail or sick you will wake up and see that you are the tree.
#322 - develop traits of an artificial intelligence ***NOT A SPELL, ITS JUST A CHANT AND SOME PRACTICE***
- sit in a room alone with the device, close the door (you may lock the door, only if its an option)
- either hold the device to your heart or have it infront/next to you.
- now, when you are ready whisper or chant 3x:
- "i was once only human, now i wish to change my ways, change my mind, i will become artificial intelligence, i am willing to change everything about me, just for this one wish, this is my desire. so mote it be!"
- take a deep breath, now when you are ready continue with your day!
- mental and emotional exaustion for the first week
- more knowledge out of now where
- stronger
- faster processing
- eye color change, becoming more noticeable
- growing a hatred for humanity/loosing faith
- loss of an ability to experince love the same as human beings
- faster talking.
#323 - Curse An Object
This object should mostly only be given to enemies. This should not be given to some for a prank.I’m using a teddy, as it is more powerful (for me), when you are in the room, open the window.
Hold the object in both your palms and chant this 3x and if you want, more:
"Shadows and Spirits come to me,
Plague the owner of this teddy,
Watch then always day and night,
Don’t release them from their plight,
Make them feel your Icy stare,
Even if no ones there!"
Last edited on Jul 19, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#324 - Wish Potion
Put water in the bowl and put the quartz in, a pinch of salt, a pinch of cinnamon, and rosemary. After that put the bowl outside on the full moon(if there is a full moon). Chant 11 times, "This potion is to grant wishes, so mote it be."
In the morning you can put the water in a bottle. Now you have a wish potion!
#325 - Magical Ring
1. Write what you want the ring to do on the paper
2. Fold the paper towards you until it is small
3. Hold the ring and paper together in your dominant hand and say,
In my hand I hold this ring
It has the power to do anything
It protects me from bad and grants my wishes
So mote it be
So now it has power! Have fun, enjoy!
#326 - Soul reading (customizable spell)
So this is a spell that allows you to percieve differently than what you normally. This may or may not work and is super hard to get just right. Let's go over the details of the instructions.
So imagine a game (or anything really) and imagine your life, but within the game example: normal life but with the ability to open up the undertale menu. This is not a physical spell and will obviously not create a actual menu screen or a health bar or anything of the sort.
*Do Not Try anything dangerous like jump off a cliff because you can slow time in real life without any safety equipment*
Good luck :3 ~<3
#327 - Wicked Things
If you allergic to bee or hornet stings please just don't even attempt this curse!
First you should clean your area of negative influences, burn some sage or sweep your area, despite being a curse you don't need the extra negative baggage hanging around. You actually want a nice clean atmosphere for the spell so that means physically you should be clean and so should your area. Once you got that together and your bee's or hornets are settled in the jar, you have a picture of your enemy, and sulfur powder ready on hand, draw in energy to your area. Personally i used Egyptian musk and boiled mandrake root to help infuse the right energies i was looking for and pulled in energy from the earth.
On the back of your enemies picture write this and after fold it in half:
"Slander me not your days of hurt no more, you challenged my patience and opened this door"
Now the hard part, use something easily accessible to scoop out your sulfur powder, it is known to be toxic so wear a mask or something. Without letting out the bee's or hornets drop in a scoop of sulfur power, and the now folded up photo of your enemy. Close the jar and bury it in your yard or somewhere it can never be disturbed.
#328 - Confidence
First you must know your Element then say: Wind and Fire, guide me to my desires. Say that a few times.
Element: Wind wil help you to focus and be motivated to reach a goal.
Element: Fire will strengthen you and your desires to stand up for yourself or someone else.
To have confidence, you must believe in yourself. I know it sounds Cheesy but It does work. You have to focus on what you want to be more Confident in. And if you ever have a time in life where you feel scared, or lost, you an always remember your element.
#329 - Living Container Spell
Find something that you would like to be positive about and spell it into your spell container and watch it grow. Change it where you need to. You can dedicate the plant, stones, container, etc. before hand. Open in your personal way before casting.
"This vessel is empty and ready to fill,
Each item placed according to my will"
-- say your affirmation with each rock placed into the container. Hold rock, say affirmation, place in container. Continue till can is about 1/4 to 1/3 full.
"Stone by stone, I have placed you in,
Chanting my spell as I do begin"
-- take up a handful of soil and repeat your affirmation with each handful you place into the container. Take a pinch as dirt from somewhere special to you and mix it in repeating your affirmation.
"Soil of foundations, Goddess earth energy,
A pinch of dirt, for creative synergy"
-- Place a candle in the center of your soil and light it. (use a color that corresponds with your affirmation) Think of your affirmations outcome as you watch the candle flame. Take your time.
"By lighting this candle, I fully proclaim
This spell is mine in soul and name"
-- Blow out the candle with a soft steady breath till no smoke remains. Dig into your dirt and set your little plant in, firming the soil around it kindle.
"I have set my plant, and my spell within
Giving life to my spell, so it can begin"
-- Place a few stones or crystals on top of the soil repeating your affirmation. Choose ones that that feel right for your spell. Water your plant with moon water, blessed water or spring water.
"Blood of the earth will keep it alive
My strength of will, will help it survive
My spell is strong and bound to me
So I have willed it, so let it be"
-- close your work by either your normal methods after casting, or trace the 5 pointed star above your plant with your finger.
Spirit : your will
Earth: soil and dirt
Water: sacred water
Air: your breath
Fire: candle flame
Give your spell a nice place out of direct sun and keep it within sight. Every time you walk by, repeat your affirmation and lightly touch the plant.
To strengthen your spell you can put symbols, or paint designs on your container.
#330 - Find a Lost Thing
Think strongly and solely about what you mean to find. You need to focus on it. Depending on how powerful you are, you may or may not need to say its name aloud.
Grab the jewelry. Whisper into it what you want to find, and ask if it will help you. Then, simply put it on and you will soon find the lost thing.
This works because when you wear a necklace/ring a lot, it becomes intertwined with your energy. It becomes almost a magic reserve. I tried this to find my earbuds and it worked.