3306 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Success spell jar
- Wish granted
- To Have Any Wish Granted
- Between-Dream Manifestations
- Mama Muerte Ritual of Empowerment
- Best Money and Abundance Spell (Ancient Egyptian)
- Attracting Extra Money
#31 - Success spell jar
Add the lemon balm,bergamot,cinnamon,ginger,tigers eye,pyrite and citrine into the jar and add the cork. Seal with the gold wax and put wherever.
#32 - Wish granted
Light your candle and chant the following:
"oh gods and goddesses above,hear my words. I wish for good fortune this is my plea,so mote it be!" Then think of what you wish for (eg:money,love,etc). After go to sleep and you wish will be granted within a week.
#33 - To Have Any Wish Granted
This spell is done via manipulation of the vowels of the Tetragrammaton, the ineffable Name of God, using the five vowels of Hebrew between each letter. As one can observe, the first vowel (A) never changes; this is because A is the chief and foremost of letters. However, I do suppose one could - if sufficiently desiring - repeat the spell using every permutation of the Tetragrammaton (YEHAWAHA, YEHAWAHE, etc.), but - if I were to put it casually - you can do that. As it stands, this spell is long enough.
#34 - Between-Dream Manifestations
If you have a sleep ritual with any teas, affirmations, or tools to prepare, complete all that needs to get done so you can comfortably move into sleep.
Light your herbs with the intention of energetic protection before you open yourself and lean into your dreamworld.
Once you're done, come to your bed and focus on your breath. Allow it to slow down and feel your energy as you become more aware of yourself. Visualize a space of protection and empowerment around you, both physically and astrally/energetically. As you build your energy, close your eyes and imagine you're right there with your higher self like a friend. Communicate with them what you wish to bring into your life or become more of, the things you want to embody more of leading forward. Allow yourself to drift into an imaginative experience of being and seeing this play out, as you are actively showing it to your higher self. Talk it through, let them give you wisdom and empowerment so that you are more prepared to reach these goals and understand yourself through them. Let yourself keep focused on this communication and connection all the way until you fall asleep and drift off into your rest.
Resources & Spells for support:
For using smoke for protection: https://www.spellsofmagic.com/spells/Love+Spells/Attraction+Spells/28166/page.html
Creating an Astral Space to find your higher self in: https://www.spellsofmagic.com/coven_ritual.html?ritual=4566&coven=6
#35 - Mama Muerte Ritual of Empowerment
It is important that in beginning this that when working with a Goddess such as Santa Muerte from a place of reverence and expansion, to really let go of your ego. She isn't going to sugar coat things, and it can bring about some highly intense shadow work. If you want to work with her, heart to heart, she's going to push you to grow. With this, she is like a powerful mother, supportive, encouraging, protective, and holds you accountable. She is patient but he doesn't play. Be ready if you are going to build a relationship with her.
Prepare your spiritual space, open a door/window for ventilation, grab your cleansing herbs, light them as you visualize protection into them, and clear out any old stagnant energy that needs to be released.
Once you feel as though you've done this, prepare your tea. Heat he water up, get the herbs/tea of choice, and use a special mug. This mug should be dedication to your time to connect with her, and not used for other reasons. (if you can, get a skull shaped mug or one that is specifically tied to Santa Muerte.
Once the tea is ready to pour, state your intentions as you pour it into your mug and her mug/offering tray. Do you need wisdom? are you seeking to communicate and connect with her? Are you trying to work through something and want to ask her for support?
Whether in your mind or out loud, speak to her. You can speak to her out loud like you like, she is listening. You are taking time to sit with her and come bare, be honest. She embodies many dimensions of being and energies, come exactly as you are but with reverence. Honor this connection with honest vulnerability.
Sit with her, talk to her if you feel called to, and just receive. The wisdom, the sense of strength and confidence, the ideas that you receive, lean into them, ask her about them, let her reveal everything she wants to communicate to you. Only you know when you're ready to move forward, thank her and clean up the space. Even better, have a jounral dedicated to these moments with her to record what you reiceve for the future.
Helpful Resources & Spells:
Preparing a sacred Space: https://www.spellsofmagic.com/coven_ritual.htm|?ritual=4650&coven=6
Protecting Space with Smoke: https://www.spellsofmagic.com/spells/Love+Spells/Attraction+Spells/28166/page.html
Say: "Nightclub," then say, "activate."
#37 - Best Money and Abundance Spell (Ancient Egyptian)
Prepare all items, and then:
Sit and meditate, try to concentrate your willpower into paper ankh, imagine your wish down to detail.
Burn up the candle before you, separate the T looking part of ankh from O atop of it with scissors and repeatedly "stab" T part trough O part while your read this out loud:
"Kha ta heneket, kha ka-u apedju, kha shes menekhet, kha hetep jefa! A thousand of bread and beer, a thousand of cattle and birds, a thousand of alabaster and clothes!"
Then while T part of paper ankh is still inside O part, set it aflame and leave it inside your bowl. Leave ashes in bowl, dont throw them out, and as you repeat this ritual, bowl will fill with more and more ashes. When bowl is almost half full, put one simple feather on top of the ashes, and say:
"Akhet peret shemu!" (which means "flood growing harvest!")
Then fill the bowl with pure water. If feather floats, your desires are of benovelent intentions and will come true, if feather sinks well, then contact me i will tell you what to do!
#38 - Attracting Extra Money
Gaze up at the moon
Hold the money in your two hands
Repeat this incantation. "Goddess of light and love, I pray. Bring fortune onto me this day."
Say: "Possess," then say, "activate."
Then say the command you have for the enemy. This is more like a poltergeist variation of a spell. This can seriously harm enemies. Does all your enemies at once.
Say: "Car appears, please," then say, "activate."
Then your parents will keep buying you stuff like a car and an apartment and such and get you on with your life alone in city of your dreams. This is a Satanic spell made with black chicken and black dog statues.