3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Wishing Leaves
- Tall
- Hair Growth and Repair
- Wish
- Make Someone Forget Something
- Home from School
- How to Get Magic
- Stone Wish
- Green Candle Money
- Summon An Animal
#851 - Wishing Leaves
Like any spell, meditate first. Then draw a symbol on the leaf that represents what you are wishing for(a sigil for the wish works better). Go outside and put the leaf under a rock or bush where it isn't likely to be disturbed.
Last edited on Dec 16, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#852 - Tall
Cross your fingers and think this chant: "Tall tall make me grow tall. Faster than anyone at all so tall tall make me grow tall. Faster than anyone at all. Im tired of being the pipsqueak and I'm tired of being teased. I'm tired of not being able to pop my knees. So tall tall make me grow tall, faster than anyone at all!"
Once you are done think how much you wanna grow. Wait one day and the next day, you will be the height you wished! I tried it and it works for me!
Last edited on Dec 16, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#853 - Hair Growth and Repair
Firstly you will want to mix shampoo and conditioner into the empty shampoo bottle,careful it can get messy if you don't tilt the bottle the right way. Next you will add the hairspray and spray two times into the shampoo bottle.
And after that you will spray your desired cologne or perfume and spray once into the bottle. Then screw back on the bottle cap and mix vigorously until you think its well mixed. And your done the first part of the spell.
Now the second part of the spell requires belief and patience.Before you shower or bathe take the mixed ingredients with you(Do not mix shampoo's or other hair products with the mixture as it can effect the spells potency) mix ingredients into hair don't wash it out yet, then chant 3 times to yourself e.g. talking low.
"My hair shall grow like finest weeds
My energy will be like little seeds.
it will grow thicker longer and faster
to my (desired length) it will be
Gods And Goddesses Mote It Be."
Then rinse out the mixture and let you hair air dry and don't comb it while its wet
Last edited on Dec 10, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#854 - Wish
Do a relaxation ritual before this and clear your mind well. Concentrate on the spell not the joy afterwards.
Take the paper/parchment and draw a pentagram in the middle of it. Then draw a ying-yang symbol in the middle of it. Now write down your wish on the top of the sheet.
Then fold the sheet 2-3 times and seal it with your candle. Then burn it with the fire of candle you sealed it. While it turns into ashes, repeat your wish inside yourself or out loud. When it's all ash, sprinkle the ashes from a window or such.
Last edited on Dec 16, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#855 - Make Someone Forget Something
Say the following chant twice: "You will forget (event), so mote it be".
Last edited on Dec 16, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#856 - Home from School
First put the hand towel over your head,
then put the wet flannel on your forehead
cuddle your toy/pillow/cushion.
"I don't want to go to school
I cast this spell to make me get___________ when i drop this item onto my head I will get ill."
This spell will work the night after you cast it.
Last edited on Nov 16, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#857 - How to Get Magic
Say this spell anywhere, as many times as you want, the more times you say it the more powerful magic you will have.
"Let me be magic,
Let me have the power,
Let me have magic in half an hour."
Last edited on Dec 10, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#858 - Stone Wish
While I have found this spell will work with any stone, river stones seems to workStone Wish Spell best. Find a smooth stone, it can be any type, any color but it should be a smooth as possible. Once you have the stone find a quiet area where you can meditate. Quiet your mind, meditate with the stone in your hand. Be one with your surroundings. Feel the wind and climate. Connect with Gaia.
Let your thoughts flow into you wish. See you wish as if it has already come true. You might want to say the affirmation, "My wish has already come true. Thank You." Do this for awhile and when you are ready release the energies into the air. Raise your hands while holding a stone like you are offering it to Gaia. As you do this give your thanks.
Bury the stone in the ground and forget about your wish.
This spell can be done any time, any day, any moon phase and for any reason. I wouldnt do a wish that has negative repercussions because for this spell you are spending a lot of time raising your personal thought vibrations. This spell is so simple that I think you all should try it. I know I tell you over and over to focus your mind, and meditate daily but its true! While not absolutely mandatory it will increase the effectiveness of your spells.
Last edited on Dec 10, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#859 - Green Candle Money
Prepare your alter. Make sure you cleanse and prepare yourself mentally. Maybe spend a few moments meditating on the thing you want to manifest. Charge you candle. It is essential for this green candle money spell to work that you really want it to. Place the six coins in a complete circle around the money spell. As you place the coins around the candles really expect the money as if it is already there and you are so grateful for it. As you light the candle prepare yourself for the spell mentally. When the candle is lit say the following chant three times:
"Money does flow
Money will grow
My Money does shine
This Money is now mine"
Lay out your cloth or pouch. Sprinkle your cloth or pouch with the cinnamon. While picking up each coin say this following chant three times:
"Bring me money 3 x 3
As I will it, so mote it be"
You can keep the pouch with you for a while or use it as a money charm. I carry the pouch on my person for a while and imagine receiving the money. Sometimes I will do money manifestations in the morning after I wake up and at night while I drift to sleep. (I just go with the wu-wei, sometimes I don't need to put the extra effort in) This green candle money spell is really one of my favorites. I think you will get some really success with this spell.
Last edited on Mar 21, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#860 - Summon An Animal
What to Do:
Put the necklace on the picture and say the first spell 3 times then put the necklace on and take the picture and put it to the window where you want your animal to be for how long you want (ex: if you want your animal to be in the backyard, put the paper to the window where you can see the backyard) now say the second spell only twice
First Spell:
"I ask the power of Nature
To make this animal appear
I want a (animal) to appear here
For me to take care
The animal will never leave my sight
It will stay with me all my life
By the power of this necklace
I shall keep for the animal and me
Make this animal appear in (your time)
So mote it be"
Second Spell:
"This animal I wish
Please make it appear"
Last edited on Dec 10, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.