Light the black candles and place the Azan flower between them , infront of the black mirror . Repeat three times the verse (Ghafir, Chapter #40, Verse #68) from the Quran ''It is He Who gives life and causes death. And when He decides upon a thing He says to it only: Be! and it is. '' . After repeating it with Strong voice three times you shall close your eyes and meditate . After a while you will be able to communicate with the dead.
This is an inexpensive multi step spell for attracting love. It is not for a specific person, but to make the caster have better luck finding a partner.
You may need:
1 cauldron or bowl
1/2 rose petals
1/2 cup other fragrant herb
rose water or perfume
lighter fluid or alcohol
1 9x9 square cloth, pink or red
1 foot of string
1 pink or red paper
1 pink or red pen
1 love charm or penny with your birth year
1 piece of rose quartz or other love stone
1 lighter
You may need:
1 cauldron or bowl
1/2 rose petals
1/2 cup other fragrant herb
rose water or perfume
lighter fluid or alcohol
1 9x9 square cloth, pink or red
1 foot of string
1 pink or red paper
1 pink or red pen
1 love charm or penny with your birth year
1 piece of rose quartz or other love stone
1 lighter
Love Spell
During a full or waxing moon raise energy with breath meditation, chanting, or another method you prefer. Obtain some apple seeds, vervain, rose petals, loveage, and cinnamon. (All are not required, and you may substitute in other fragrant love herbs.) Mix the herbs during a waxing moon and ask the powers around you to empower and bless your blend. You may call on your patron deity for assistance at this time. As you mix the herbs, visualize your energy mixing with the herbs. Place some of the herbs into a 9 x9 inch square cloth or pouch make the talisman. There should be enough herbs in the sachet so it has a pleasant fragrance. Red and pink are good colors for the cloth as they represent love. Next add a love symbol such as a heart charm or a copper coin with the symbol of Venus carved in it. Better if it was minted in your birth year. Also add the piece of rose quartz. Tie the bundle closed with red, pink, or white string with 3 with times around and 3 knots. Let it sit in the light of the moon to absorb energy. Full moon is best for this.
In a fireproof bowl or cauldron, burn the remaining herbs and fervently chant the following:
Lasting love and happiness start
as love for me fills his heart.
Let his desire burn like a fire.
Then we shall be together joyfully.
So mote it be!
(substitute her for his when applicable)
This works better if you have the words memorized. The exact words aren't important, so if you would rather use a love poem you wrote, that's fine so long as it clearly expresses your will using affirmative words.
The herbs should be dry beforehand and you may need to use some alcohol or charcoal lighter fluid to help them burn. Exercise appropriate safety and keep away anything else flammable, use a small amount of fuel, and this is best done outisde away from dry leaves. While doing so, visualize being with a romantic partner.
Write an affirmation on the pink paper stating "I will soon be intimate with a man / lady who..." Then describe his or her desired qualities using positive statements. Refrain from using negative words like "not" or "without" in your affirmation. Draw a heart or another love symbol in red ink on the other side and scent the paper with rosewater or your favorite perfume.
Spend some time meditating on being with a an ideal lover. Visualize romantic outings together and concentrate intensely on your emotions and the idea of having a romantic partner. This step is important since directing your energy is the core of the spell. After this is done, release any energy by grounding. Do this by hitting the ground with both hands and visualize energy flowing into the earth. You can add energy to the spell at any time by reading your affirmation and visualizing being with an ideal lover; do this daily if possible.
In order for the spell to manifest, you must give it the opportunity to. Seek out social venues and socialize as much as possible with a positive attitude. Carry the talisman and affirmation with you to attract a soulmate. Don't tell others about the spell as their disbelief or jealous intentions may prevent it from manifesting.
If you don't have some of the mentioned substances, substitute with them what feels appropriate for expressing love. Rose petals are powerful in love magic, and the more ways you can incorporate them into your ritual the better. For added effect, this spell can be performed during a full moon or on Beltaine (April 30th).
Mix all the ingredients together, then bring to a rolling boil, stirring continuously. Keep it at a boil for 1 minute, then remove from heat and let cool. Pour the mix into a bottle and store in moderate tempuratures. Before each use, shake well. Then dab on wrists and neck.
Blessed love oil (any oil, you can bless it yourself)
A picture of the one you want to love you
You may need:
1 red candle
1 white candle
6 Dried rose petals
Blessed love oil (any oil, you can bless it yourself)
A picture of the one you want to love you
First you take the picture and you place the red candle on top of it, then you spread the rose petals in a circle around it, then you take the white candle and place it beside the picture. To cast the spell you start up by lighting the red candle with the matches, then you say
"By the power of the goddess
The nature and me
Make *name of the person* love me,
I'll do whatever it takes
Let my wish come true."
Take the oil and put in on the face of the person on the picture. Then you set fire to the rose petals, one by one. And then you say "When I light this candle let the spell be cast". Then you light the white candle and pray.
This spell will help conceivie a baby. You have to have sex for this spell to work.
You may need:
This spell does not need any items.
You may need:
This spell does not need any items.
Close your eyes imagine a baby inside of you. Now imagine what the baby looks like, its gender, skin tone, eye color, hair color. While imaging this chant:
"I want a baby so make me pregnant on this hour so note it be!"
This will let you have wolf ears wolf tail etc. Yes I have tried it so enjoy.
You may need:
Nothin but You
Alone Time
You may need:
Nothin but You
Alone Time
Chant :
"Beautiful graceful wolves I see. Come and help to transform me. I exchange my dull bare human ears for soft fluffy ( color ) wolf ears to aid in my hearing. I exchange my teeny tiny tailbone for a ( length ) fluffy ( color ) wolf tail to curl up with in my sleep. I will exchange my short human nails for a set of ( length ) wolf claws to help me catch my prey. I wish to trade my short dull canines for a pair of ( length ) fangs to help alongside my claws to hunt my prey. I ask of the cat goddess ( or god idk ) to help for-fill my wish. I wish and dream to be one of you. So blessed be ."
Your ears and tail and claws and fangs will be retractable. And here are the side affects down below.
Side Affects:
2:Back hurts
3:Teeth hurting and growing
4:Nails hurting and growing
P.S: Once the nails are done growing you can start
moving them.
This is a love spell. Better if the person your putting the spell on is in your site.
You may need:
The spell memorized (preferably)
You may need:
The spell memorized (preferably)
Say this as much as you feel needed. You should at least say it 5-10 times or more. Say:
O, thee all of love, lead (their first and last name) close to me. Let me love her/him, and let her/him love me. Let us kiss, please, thee of love, and let us love each other, until our death, please, I beg from thee heart, O, worthy ones, let me love (their first and last name) forever. I so mote to be!
Think of the person you want the spell to happen to.
Then repeat:
'Take away 'name's beauty,
Fill them up with ugly,
Make them gain a lot of weight,
Don't make it late,
A spot explosion on their face,
Blotchy, ugly, a waste,'