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3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters

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3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 3002 Love Spells
  1. Magick Improving Ritual
  2. Powers of Love, Make Him/Her Return
  3. Conjuring Winds
  4. Fire Love
  5. Summon Spirits Spell
  6. Mind Message
  7. To Get an Answer
  8. Dice Divination Extremely Easy
  9. Vampire or Not
  10. Connect with Someone

#1451 - Magick Improving Ritual

This simple little ritual allows you to improve your magick.
You may need:

  • Meat of your choosing (the more expensive the better)
  • 5 white, gold, or white AND gold candles,
  • Matches or a lighter,
  • A black table/table and black tablecloth
  • China plate,
  • A drop of your own blood.
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    You may need:

  • Meat of your choosing (the more expensive the better)
  • 5 white, gold, or white AND gold candles,
  • Matches or a lighter,
  • A black table/table and black tablecloth
  • China plate,
  • A drop of your own blood.
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    Get a black table/put a black table cloth over a tabe and put a china plate on it. Make a pentagram out of meat strips (expensive works best) and put a candle at each point of the star (preferably white, gold, or both) and light them. Put a drop of your own blood in the center of the star and chant:
    Goddes Hecatea, please accept this,
    A sacrifice, a blood and candle gift.
    As I sacrifice this (say name of meat) to thee,
    Just a simple, tiny plea,
    Please improve my magick for me
    Accept these gifts,
    God of thy myths
    And grant me access to see upon thee

    Chant this in the same room as your sacrifice with all lights off and all curtains doors and windows shut. You should get a piece of white silk to put out the candles an use it for all your sacrifices to Hecate. It improves your magick about 35%.
    (Hecatea is pronounced Heck-a-tay)

    This spell has improved my magick by miles. Do this every fortnight to become the powerful witch/wizard you always wanted to be! Email me any results, and happy casting!

    Added to on Apr 27, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1452 - Powers of Love, Make Him/Her Return

    I created this spell, and I'm going to cast it soon. It is derived from one's own love for somebody else. Tell me if it worked for you!
    You may need:

  • Roses
  • Pink, red, white toys symbolizing love
  • Red/pink candles
  • Picture of person
  • A way to play a song
  • Jewelry
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    You may need:

  • Roses
  • Pink, red, white toys symbolizing love
  • Red/pink candles
  • Picture of person
  • A way to play a song
  • Jewelry
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    Take the stuffed animals and put them around you in a circle. If you don't have any, try to use other items that represent love. They should be red, pink, or white with heart patterns on them, or toys you've loved in the past. These were easy for me to get, as I have pretty much every stuffed animal I ever owned. Spread the rose petals around your circle. Find jewelry that also represents love and put it on yourself or the toys. The candles will go around your circle, too. Any other items for love can go as well. Put on a song that is calm, soothing, warm, yet powerful. It should be the type of song that the writer wrote purely from his/her love for someone, that also reminds you of your love for your lost lover. I recommend ''My Love'' by Paul McCartney, but use whatever song your heart tells you. Close your eyes, feel your love energy spreading across your body, derived from the song and your heart. Take the picture of the person in your hands. Feel the love in your heart and magic in your hands. Focus on your past experience with the person. How much you loved him/her and he/she loved you. When the time is right during the song, say; ''I call upon the powers of love, From the bright stars above, Rewrite ( )'s path, Reunite us, end our wrath, Powers of love, reopen ( )'s heart, Give our love a strong restart, ( ) will love me again, Just as much as I love him/her, Soon make him/her return to me, He/she will love me, need me, and never want to leave me, A love with a power for all to see This is my will, so mote it be.'' Pull your power close by hugging yourself, and on the last word of the song, release the spell to the sky. Close your eyes again, imagine the love from yourself, the song, and the spell reaching his or her heart, and he or she feeling love again. Imagine the two of you together again, all past difficulties forgotten. Repeat this spell on different nights if you feel as though you must. This is my first spell, and I truly believe it will work!

    Added to on Apr 27, 2014
    Last edited on Dec 03, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1453 - Conjuring Winds

    This spell is a grey magic spell that will conjure the strong blowing winds.It can be cast when fighting with your enemies.
    You may need:

  • Open area
  • Clear voice
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    You may need:

  • Open area
  • Clear voice
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    Go to an open area then visualize the strong blowing winds that pushes away your enemies then chant

    "Magna potentior de natura! I nunc amplectentes in virtute spirantibus et ventis !

    Added to on Apr 25, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 01, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1454 - Fire Love

    This spell will hopefully get your crush to love you or notice you.
    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Fire
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    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Fire
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    Write your name and your crushes name with a heart around them. Burn the paper while whispering "love me"

    Added to on Apr 24, 2014
    Last edited on Jun 20, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1455 - Summon Spirits Spell

    This spell is to help you summon spirits or to make dead people come back to life.Works if you belief.
    You may need:

  • 4 candles
  • 1 clock
  • 1 beautiful color flower
  • 1 picture of who you want to bring back
  • concentration
  • belief
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    You may need:

  • 4 candles
  • 1 clock
  • 1 beautiful color flower
  • 1 picture of who you want to bring back
  • concentration
  • belief
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    Sit down on the floor in a room all alone.Put one candle in front of you one on each side of you and put one behind you(don't have to light them on).Set the picture of the person you want to bring back in the middle.Take off the pedals of the flower and set them around the picture.Then concentrate as you say the
    chant:I have grown since then,from the pain left behind from the person that died by my side,I have cried from the experience,I wish to let them come back,I wish for them to come back and return by my side,I am spell caster(say your first name),and I wish to give half my power on this soul,This is my choice and I want them back,So mote it be.
    Then stare at the picture and look up above and whisper to yourself:I know you will come back soul I know it.
    Warning:If you did not concentrate clearly on the spell and you just said it with no thought then you will release evil spirits and evil spirits are ghost mean scary ghost so this is a high level spell so be careful or you will be hurt.This spell has rarely been done for how hard it is only people with high power can do this spell so if you don't want anything to happen then be careful and trust that you are a strong spell caster:)

    Added to on Apr 18, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1456 - Mind Message

    Spell to send someone a mind message the stronger you are the further the person can be away from you
    You may need:

  • Only a necklace
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    You may need:

  • Only a necklace
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    Hold the necklace by the chain with 2 fingers. Talk into the necklace like you would into a phone and say who you would like to send the message to and what the message is. Then the necklace should begin swinging round and round in circles if it does it means its sending the message.

    Added to on Apr 18, 2014
    Last edited on Apr 08, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1457 - To Get an Answer

    You have a question in mind? Want to know the answer? Like does he/she likes me? Well this spell will help you see clearer.
    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pen/pencil
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    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pen/pencil
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    Firstly, find a quiet room or your room, somewhere you will not be disturbed. You can do this spell while meditating or before you go to sleep. Draw a pentagram in the middle of the piece of paper whit an eye to represent the third eye.(The eye in the middle of the pentagrame)

    Write on the top "Dear God and Goddess," And "I seek the truth. I draw the tird eye to see clearer" Under the pentagram.*While you write it down think of the question that you want answered and believe the words.*

    Meditating: Hold the pen/pencil in one hand close to the paper. Get into a deep meditation and look whit your third eye.Write down anything that you see that could mean anything with your question.

    Dreaming: If you have an amethyst, put it under your pillow with the paper. Once you wake up from your dream, writedown your dream in your dream journal (or anything like that) so you dont forget it.

    It might not come while meditating or dreaming. If so, look around you. You will see something that will give you your answer.

    Added to on Apr 17, 2014
    Last edited on Jun 19, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1458 - Dice Divination Extremely Easy

    This is a spell that has worked for me numerous times, and each time it has come to be in one way or another.(Do not let anyone else touch your die or it will no longer work.)
    You may need:

  • 3 Die, preferably new and untouched by anyone else
  • 1 Square Piece of parchment/cloth/paper(I use a paper towel)
  • 1 Thing to write with, preferably a marker
  • 1 Voice
  • 2 Hands, preferably your own and attached to your body (If they aren't, may your soul be blessed)
  • The ability to meditate
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    You may need:

  • 3 Die, preferably new and untouched by anyone else
  • 1 Square Piece of parchment/cloth/paper(I use a paper towel)
  • 1 Thing to write with, preferably a marker
  • 1 Voice
  • 2 Hands, preferably your own and attached to your body (If they aren't, may your soul be blessed)
  • The ability to meditate
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    Alright. First up, you need to prepare the spell.

    Take the parchment-thing and the marker. Draw 1 circle about 3 centimeters away from each corner, and take the dice.

    I want you to sit silently for a moment, the dice in both of your hands. You must cup the dice in your hand and put another hand over it. Remember, you must be the only one to EVER touch your dice after the meditation.

    I want you to keep sitting in whatever comfortable position you may have, and open up your hands to stare at the dice. Breathe on them, while visualizing light coming from a natural power source (An element, a spirit animal, or a planet [I use the moon] are some options), entering your head, and swirling down around your arms and into the dice. Cup your hands once more to seal in the energy. Remain like this for about 10 seconds before saying:

    'May the Gods be with me in my will
    For the song of the future to trill
    And may they whisper to these mere dice
    To tell me if or not my future is nice.'

    After this is done, you never have to do it again for another question unless you feel the power weakening.

    Now, shake the dice within your two hands above the parchment while either asking aloud or thinking strongly about a question, for example, 'Will I get married soon' or even something of gossip, such as 'Will my favorite author publish a new book soon'. Other people can ask you to ask questions as well, they just cannot touch the die.

    Whichever die land in the circle are the ones you must take note of. Check to see if it even slightly touched the outline -- If so, do not count it.

    Now add the numbers within the circle together. For example, if the two within the circle are 5 and the one outside the cirlce is 6, the answer is 10 because 5+5=10.

    The following is what the numbers mean (1 and 2 mean you must try again):

    3= Good news, an announcement, or a gift
    4= Bad news, trouble, or problems in the path
    5= Rejoicing; A desire is realized successfully
    6= Sadness, often caused by misfortune or defeat
    7= Frustration, often caused by financial difficulty or gossip
    8= Miscomunication that could escalate into an argument
    9= Harmony among people
    10= Oppurtunity presents itself (Possibly a 'Yes', for it is the best
    to get when asking a yes or no question)
    11= Estrangement, decreasing your liking of someone
    12= Revelation, possibly disclosed by the media or friends
    13= Melancholy, An ominous feeling you should pay attention to
    14= New friends
    15= Someone isn't being totally honest...
    16= Adventure, possibly a trip abroad
    17= Success from altering your tactics and approaches
    18= A very positive omen, good fortune and plenty of something
    (Possibly money)

    I hope this helped you.

    Added to on Apr 15, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1459 - Vampire or Not

    Just a spell to maybe turn one into a vampire.
    You may need:

  • - Full Moon
  • - Ornamental Cup
  • - Human blood
  • - Palce in woods for Ritual works
  • - Large Pentagram
  • - 5 Red candels, 1 Large, black , piller candel
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    You may need:

  • - Full Moon
  • - Ornamental Cup
  • - Human blood
  • - Palce in woods for Ritual works
  • - Large Pentagram
  • - 5 Red candels, 1 Large, black , piller candel
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    Okay now you say you want to be a vampire. Well thats just fine because it's a normal human instinct to become something more then their mortal selfs. Now if you do perform everything to the T and nothing happens then this spell may not be adapted to your mortal genetics. So here is the spell anyways if you still want to try it out.
    First of all you want to do this at night on a full moon in the woods. The woods because that is a more spiritual realm that is free to all. Now draw a large Pentagram on a close to flat surface and you can use anything to draw it with. Place a Red candel lit at each point of the star and place the large black piller candel in the center, but unlit. Now take the ornamental cup and have like something normal to drink inside so that you can not taste the blood. The blood comes from thy own vain so make a small cut into the skin and use as many drops as you like. The more blood you spill may cause it to go good or bad. Five drops is good, but any more is just feeding the beast.
    Take thy cup as you stand in the center and raise it towords the moon, prasie the god/goddess of darkness, evil, death, decay, blood lust, pain, suffering, and then say '' in your names I drink thy own soul from this cup and a new soul reborn on how you see fit. So mote it be.'' (You let them choose your fate instead of real asking for what you desire.)
    Now drink from the cup and leave not a drop left. Blow out each red candel and leave the black candel unlit until you have a pace where you can leave it lit without it burning stuff down and only then can you light it. Leave it lit and count the days it stays lit if it passes a hundred days then the spell worked it is extinguished then the spell did not work. Now please do not relight it if it goes out and do not blow it out because I haven't research it enough to check if something really messed up happens. I now that useing this type of candel in a spell like this so dark that it may turn someone into a vampire. I have my own definition of a real vampire, but you can always dream of a fairy tail.
    So be safe, don't go too crazy about this if it works or not, and if you see something wrong in my craft then make your own and worry about what you made in your book of shadows.

    Added to on Apr 13, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1460 - Connect with Someone

    Okay this will only work if you have a person who is willing to do the spell with you but this will strengthen the spiritual bond you have with someone.
    You may need:

  • a Bathtub
  • a Partner
  • Your and your partner's blood
  • Your and your partner's hair
  • Olive oil
  • Myrrh oil
  • Sandalwood oil
  • Pine Herb
  • Pineapple Herb (if your partner is sexual)
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    You may need:

  • a Bathtub
  • a Partner
  • Your and your partner's blood
  • Your and your partner's hair
  • Olive oil
  • Myrrh oil
  • Sandalwood oil
  • Pine Herb
  • Pineapple Herb (if your partner is sexual)
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    1. Draw a hot bath. Put in the Myrrh, Olive, and Sandalwood oil. Next, add the Pine and the [pineapple].

    2. Have you and your partner draw a magic circle around the bathtub [After you both get in, due to the spiritual purity you must be naked]

    3. Pluck your hair from your head and put it in the bathtub. Have your partner do the same.

    4. Take the blood and add it to the water.

    5. Meditate. Feel positive energy flowing through you. Grab each others' hands and hum, if you would like.

    6. Both of you [Make sure you hands are wet] and draw the Gebo rune on your foreheads [an X].

    7. Let the energy settle. Lower the circle and get out of the bathtub.

    Added to on Apr 13, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters