Lets you gain the confidence to ask someone out on a date.
You may need:
You may need:
When you go to ask out the person, focus, and forget about anything that might be thoughts of future or past. Focus only on the present time. Think to yourself in your head, while using aura to focus greatly, (seeing as it is sometimes hard to not focus on someone you love) 'sky is ocean, ocean is a rose. I am as strong as bronze, my heart is made of fire. If he/she doesn't want me, then he's/she's not worth my admire.'
A spell that brings the future you, so they can you on your journey.
You may need:
You may need:
Mediate about how and what you be doing 40 years from now. Visualize how you would look like. Say this spell: "God of the future hear my cry. Bring my future self to me, so that He/She can help me to make my life better"
#1484 - White Magic Spell to Bring About Justice/Karma
This is the nicer version of a black magic spell I wrote to bring about Justice/Karma.
You may need:
Black Candle
Herbs: Anemone, Salt (use as incense)
You may need:
Black Candle
Herbs: Anemone, Salt (use as incense)
Spell to Bring About Justice/Karma (white magic)
Moon: Wayning
Days: 8 Days starting on a Saturday at Midnight and ending on Sunday at Midnight.
Colors: Black Candle
Herbs: Anemone, Salt
Angles: Michael
Solar System: Saturn
We are using a Black Candle to deal with bringing about justice, karma, and truth. Saturday is in correspondence with Saturn and lends power to justice, and karma. The number eight lends power to binding, justice, and karma. The time of midnight corresponds with revenge. The angle Michael is invoked to bring about justice. The herbs Anemone deal with karma and salt is of the earth.
"Love is my hearts desire
I pull in the element of fire
The love i need to put in my heart
Make it grow, make it spark.
Dont make me wait, send it fast
Bring to me love that lasts"
Try if you dare, the damage can be undone, but only physically.
You may need:
Person's name on a piece of paper in best handwriting.
You may need:
Person's name on a piece of paper in best handwriting.
Set piece of paper in front of you, then say this one time.
"Vanity, that is your crutch.
You care about beauty a little too much.
So your beauty shall wither.
Hair shall leave it's place.
Blemishes will find their way,
Upon your pretty face.
Your figure shall stray.
If only, If only,
Vanity wasn't your crutch.
Then the obsession you'd now have,
Over looks and appearance,
Would never mattered, so no have,
Your vanity insanity."
So make your green tea and than while adding the cinnamon and sugar say once : "Sugar and cinnamon sweet and delicious. Make my voice the same rich and smooth easy to listen to".
Put in the bay leaf and stir while saying: "Oh bay leaf give my vocal cords a nice ring to sing like gold and silk so mote it be".
Now take your index and middle finger and rub the mixture on your throat than take the bay leaf out and rub that on your throat. Drink half the potion and use the other half to daily rub the mixture on your throat for a week.
Let the bright warmth of your candles bring some added luck and happiness to your entire household.(From free witchcraft spells website)
You may need:
3 blue or purple candles
3 sticks of incense in:
3 copper pennies
A bell
You may need:
3 blue or purple candles
3 sticks of incense in:
3 copper pennies
A bell
The candles need to be large enough that a penny will fit in the candle holder under them. Set the candles up in a even triangle, and put one penny in each candle holder, under the candle.
Light one candle and say ''Bring me hope'', then light the sandalwood incense. Ring the bell.
Light the next candle and say ''Bring me peace'', then light the frankincense incense. Ring the bell.
Light the last candle and say ''Bring me good fortune'', and light the rosemary incense. Ring the bell one last time.
Set the incense burners within the candle triangle and let everything burn for at least an hour. An afternoon is better to really get the energy of the incense flowing in the house, but it isn't necessary. Snuff out the candles when you are done.
Love potion spells based on the magical number 9, but this is one of the more traditional ones. It's an easy spell, even though it does have a long list of ingredients. Thankfully, they are all pretty easy to find.
You may need:
9 oz sweet red wine
9 basil leaves, fresh
9 red rose petals, fresh
9 whole cloves
9 apple seeds
9 drops real vanilla extract
9 drops strawberry juice
9 drops apple juice
9 small pieces of ginseng root
9 pink candles
Large cooking pot
Cheesecloth or fine strainer
Small glass bottle
You may need:
9 oz sweet red wine
9 basil leaves, fresh
9 red rose petals, fresh
9 whole cloves
9 apple seeds
9 drops real vanilla extract
9 drops strawberry juice
9 drops apple juice
9 small pieces of ginseng root
9 pink candles
Large cooking pot
Cheesecloth or fine strainer
Small glass bottle
Light candles around the area where you will be working (likely the kitchen), and mix all the ingredients in your pot. Stir together over low heat while saying the words of this spell:
''Let the one who drinks this wine,
Shower me with love divine,
Love potion number nine,
Let his (or her) love be forever mine.''
Bring everything to a low simmer and let it heat for another 9 minutes. Take the pot off the stove and let it cool. While it is cooling down, say the names of 9 love goddesses aloud: ''Venus, Ishtar, Astarte, Nephthys, Hathor, Aphrodite, Freya, Arianrhod, Inanna.''
Strain your fresh potion to remove the bits and pieces, and pour into a stoppered bottle. Keep in the fridge until you need it. Give on its own to your loved one, or add to another drink for a romantic boost of magick.