2998 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Bring Back a Lost Love
- Christian Latin Love Charm
- Potion of Love
- Obtain Love From a Specific Person.
- Love Spell
- Revenge
- Think of Me Spell
- Amulet Of Magic
- Get Someone to Love You
- Snow Moon Spell
#1551 - Bring Back a Lost Love
The red candle must face south, the green north, the yellow east and blue west. Clear your mind and place a photo of your lost love or a 3x3 inch square of red paper with their name on it in the centre of the candles. Light all candles,Hold the pink candles in your hands facing the red candle.
Repeat this chant until you feel satisfied, "Beautiful goddess, powerful god hear my prayer! Lords of fire burn my desire times three, if it is meant to be bring name back to me." Give thanks...blow out the pink candles and let the rest burn out.
Last edited on Jun 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1552 - Christian Latin Love Charm
little crosses with hearts around them. Take the holy water and rub it over the little heart-crosses. Allow to dry. Then, take the pens and dip them in holy water.
Sprinkle some of the holy water on the paper, also allowing it to dry. Light the candle. Write your love's name in pink, put a red cross under it and circle it all
in a red heart. Then say the following:
Unum verum Deum et Christum precor auxilium dare mihi velle quod cor. (Loves name),necesse erit me.(Loves name), tu, ad me VINCTUS. Deide caelo super Christianus adesto mihi quem diligit, Amen.
When you are done, por some wax over the paper and burn it, and pray that you will find love.
#1553 - Potion of Love
Add all ingredients in the bottle. Then say the light spell any light spell will do. Spray or dab on self and enjoy your love!!!
Last edited on May 20, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1554 - Obtain Love From a Specific Person.
Cut out a small piece of paper 3 inch square and draw a heart on it.
Colour it red and write the persons name on the heart.
While doing this think of the persons intense attraction to you,their heart burning with desire like the flames of the fire.
Kiss the name on the heart 3 times then place the paper in the fire and repeat 3 times ''Fire come from below, bring me love that i do know, make my heart blaze and shine, to bring the love that will be mine,soon my love will come a day, 3 times strong and here to stay...So mote it be!''
#1555 - Love Spell
Place the petals and leaves in a circle. Light the candle and place it in the circle.
Now say:
"By the light of candle you will love me. By the leaves it will encourage this love between us. By the rose petals the love will be strong. Hear this wish and command. You will love me. So mote it be."
Last edited on May 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1556 - Revenge
Draw a circle with blood. Sit in the circle and place the red candles on you're four sides then place the black candles on the corners place the tall candle in the middle. Place the picture in front of the candle
Cut off your own body segment and say "Take my hate into fire to burn a soul take my hate let them suffer take my hate. Now let them die" then cut off (add body segment here) and let it fall on the picture.
Burn the body segment and the picture with the tall candle then blow out each candle one by one thinking of what they done to you.
Last edited on May 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1557 - Think of Me Spell
Cast your circle, in which ever manner you choose.
When you are ready, light your white candle and meditate on it until you feel your energies heightened.
Allow your thoughts to move to the person you want to contact, you can do this by either looking at the picture, or instilling a strong mental image of the person.
With your contact in your focus, say this incantation:
''While I stand so far from thee,
Let thy thoughts dwell on me.''
Blow out the candle, sending your image and energy with it.
Lower your energies and close your circle.
**I've used this spell several times, once on my partner, and the others on close friends that I missed and wanted to get in touch with. I usually received a contact from that person almost immediately, however, this is only a thought provoking spell, NOT a forced contact spell.**
#1558 - Amulet Of Magic
Put the hot water in a bucket. Crumble the tree bark up and put it in. Put in the seeds. Add in salt and dirt. Drop in rose petals and sprinkle sugar. Put one ice cube into the mixture. Wait a while. Now, scoop out the tree bark, seeds, rose petals and (if left) ice cube. You now have Oil Of Life.
For making the Amulet:
Take the metal circle and decorate it with your supplies. Let that dry. String the Amulet onto the chain. Pour Oil Of Life onto the Amulet and Chain. Put the Chain on. Now, if you wear this while doing a spell, it will make the spell more powerful.
#1559 - Get Someone to Love You
Light candles. Place rose petals around candles. Next, say 2-3 times: " Love me now. Love me you must. You may not say no. You will love me. So mote it be!"
Last edited on May 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1560 - Snow Moon Spell
At the time of the Snow Moon, is when you ask the Snow moon to assist you in making positive changes in your life. Just as nature is poised to awaken from its winter rest, you can also awaken to a new purpose or calling.
On the night of the Snow Moon, announce your magickal intentions to the Snow Moon. As a token of thanks, light a violet candle and speak to her:
''As the Earth wears a cocoon of white,
In icy splendor Snow Moon, you guard the night.
Let me make changes, let me be reborn,
Now I plant the seed of magic; I an transformed.
Leave your candle lit until it goes out on its own.
P.S. This is not my spell I got it in one of the Witches' datebook a hear or two back and I loved this.
If you have any questions please message me and I'll be glad to answer.
Last edited on Jul 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.