3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- True Love Poppet
- Light Harboring
- Bring a New Lover to You
- Friendship with cats potion
- Bisexual love potion
- Bisexual love potion
- Love sachet
- Love sachet
- Sex Magick Ritual
- Enchantment of Tarot cards
#11 - True Love Poppet
Cast your circle.
Focus your intent as you place your herbs, crystal and tag lock in to the poppet. Take the pen and paper and write your intention on to it and fold it three times towards you, then light your candle and seal the paper with the wax. Sew closed then name and christen it.
Visualize it's purpose then repeat the following three times.
"Born of blood and Ocean blue, to you Goddess I call.
Aphrodite pure and true, in true love I wish to fall.
Let my voice carry across the wind so my true love will hear.
That they will find their way to me, my call doth call them near.
With open heart and open mind, I call them close to me.
With harm to none, my will be done, as I wish, so mote it be."
Place on your altar (to Aphrodite if you have one) or in a safe space.
#12 - Light Harboring
The stained stone destroys dermal atmosphere hygiene strata immerse bargain forgo strong destruction same stray delineate per credit derail imperative decide a soothing desire refrain dismissive conduit for strain impervious distress disdain distill impressive feats most managed a credible fortune
#13 - Bring a New Lover to You
Make sure to meditate and clear your mind before doing any magick. To do this, simply breath will your eyes closed while sitting with your legs crossed in the lotus position. Visualize the air that you breath being glowing and golden, positive.
Perform on a full moon preferably on Friday, the day of Venus. You may want to schedule this within the hours of 1AM 8AM 3PM or 10PM (but I think at night is best).
I pray to the moon when she is round
Luck with me will then abound
What I seek for shall be found
In sea or sky or solid ground
close by saying..
This is my will, so mote it be.
Say this spell 7 times (seven is the number of power and magic) while visualizing how your lover will look and what their personality will be like. Imagine you and your lover spending time together, being in love, and being happy. Of course, make sure that your eyes are closed while you are reciting the spell and visualize. After you are done you can just relax, think, and ask the Goddess to help you find your love. When you feel you have relaxed enough and let the energy simmer, you can eat a snack to help ground you. Salami or bread is good.
Also, make sure to leave the Goddess regular offerings of roses if you intend to have a relationship with her. You can just leave these outside or on your altar.
It is important that your concentration skills are good. Let no other thoughts or images come into your mind while you work this spell because sometimes it happens unintentionally but it can still affect the spell and give you results that were not intended. Blessed be <3
#14 - Friendship with cats potion
Cat potion:
- Combine equal parts of the extracts with the cat milk and mix well.
- Put in an empty cat milk bottle and serve to your cat as needed and in moderation.
Human potion:
- Follow the same instructions as above with moon water.
- Put in an empty milk bottle and drink as you wish.
- Drink the human potion in sync with your serving of the cat potion.
- Make a few batches as needed.
#15 - Bisexual love potion
- Combine equal amounts of all ingredients in a cauldron or pot.
- Sprinkle in some sugar, ground dill and ground almonds.
- Infuse a thin slice - about 1 inch which = 2 centimetres thickness - of mandrake fruit into the potion, add a bit of pink jelly, blackberry jam and blue jelly.
- Bless the potion.
- Store in a cool dry place.
#16 - Bisexual love potion
- Combine equal amounts of all ingredients in a cauldron or pot.
- Sprinkle in some sugar, ground dill and ground almonds.
- Infuse a thin slice - about 1 inch or 2 centimetres thickness - of mandrake fruit into the potion, add a bit of pink jelly, blackberry jam and blue jelly.
- Bless the potion.
- Store in a cool dry place.
#17 - Love sachet
- First of all, you'll wanna gather your ingredients and do it on a Friday in February or April in the first quarter Moon.
- To start the spell bag, you'll have to lay the large square of pink cloth flat on your work surface and charge the herbal matter with your intentions.
- Put the crystal chips and rose petal on the cloth first.
- Put the jasmine flower in next.
- Put in the yarrow flowers next.
- Put the piece of ginger in next.
- Put in the chopped-up sprig of basil next.
- Put in the mandrake berries next.
- Put in the vervain next.
- Put in the catnip next.
- Put in the cinnamon next.
- Put in the love and attraction rice grains next.
- Put in the tonka beans next.
- Put in the almond next.
- Sprinkle in the cardamom next.
- Tie up the cloth with a red ribbon and kiss the sachet.
- Chant the following as many times as you wish: "Kiss kiss, love we shall have, may we have sweet love, true love, passionate love, everlasting love. By my will, it shall be that my perfect soulmate is attracted to me. Kiss kiss, love true, sweet, everlasting, I want to be drawn into my life." and pass it through the incense.
- Say a blessing to empower it.
- Carry it with you in your pocket or hang it above your front door.
- Replace the herbs occasionally to keep the sachet potent.
#18 - Love sachet
- First of all, you'll wanna gather your ingredients and do it on a Friday in February or April in the first quarter Moon.
- To start the spell bag, you'll have to lay the large square of pink cloth flat on your work surface, charge the herbal matter with your intentions.
- Put the crystal chips and rose petal on the cloth first.
- Put the jasmine flower in next.
- Put in the yarrow flowers next.
- Put the piece of ginger in next.
- Put in the chopped-up sprig of basil next.
- Put in the mandrake berries next.
- Put in the vervain next.
- Put in the catnip next.
- Put in the cinnamon next.
- Put in the love and attraction rice grains next.
- Put in the tonka beans next.
- Put in the almond next.
- Sprinkle in the cardamom next.
- Tie up the cloth with a red ribbon and kiss the sachet.
- Say a blessing to charge it.
- Carry it with you in your pocket or hang it above your front door
- Replace the herbs occasionally to keep the sachet potent.
#19 - Sex Magick Ritual
It is necessary to have a 'partner' in a sense. You could get away using toys instead of another human. The ritual takes an entire day to prepare and then goes from sunset to sunrise (you can also end when the last candle goes out).
You start the day by cleansing the home/place. Next, you take a cleansing bath. These steps include white candles, white sage, and incense. Salt is added to the bath. This is also the stage to cleanse your alter and crystals.
Next you prepare:
Carve your candles with representations of your deities. Candles should include the colors: red, white, and pink. (Black is acceptable for Gods/Goddesses of death)
Next prepare the space you want to use:
Draw out the circle. You can use flower petals (roses are recommended), chalk, marker, etc. The circle is where you will be performing so make it large enough. You can not break or go out of the circle once you begin.
Light the candles around the circle, far enough away to not be knocked over.
Place food/drinks outside of the circle. You may take up to three 1-3hr breaks. Don't relax enough that you lose your focus and purpose of the ritual.
Light the inscence.
If you are using two people, you will enter from opposite sides. If you are using one person then have the item already in the circle before you draw it.
Two people are recommended because they will be the 'representation' of their deities.
The ritual:
5 minutes: Sit in the circle, facing each other (if alone then imagine your deities)
5 minutes: Light touching, nothing xual.
10 minutes: Four play, focusing on the goddess's vessel.
Sunset to Sunrise (or until the last candle burns out)
During breaks, take a moment to relight any candles within reach. DO NOT LEAVE THE CIRCLE.
After ritual:
1. Thank the deities.
2. Face each other and take a step back.
3.Leave the circle in the opposite direction you entered.
And there we go! Clean up is easier than the prep. It's recommended you clean up the circle after resting but that's up to you.
#20 - Enchantment of Tarot cards
Blow three times over the cards to remove previous influences.
Shuffle the cards, think and with focus (without other thoughts) about the problem you want to clarify.
Cards with pointed corners
Cards with rounded corners
As you have been printed
As you have been painted
As you know how to foretell
Right now you must clarify
Joy or sorrow,
Sadness or enlightenment,
If the cure is at hand
From today in a week,
If it's a holy remedy
Open the way forward,
And if not, close yourselves
With a woman with green eyes.