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2989 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2989 Love Spells
2989 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2989 Love Spells
  1. Good luck star charm
  2. Magical Instruments - Knife of Black
  3. Magical Instruments - Knife of white
  4. Demonic protection bath
  5. Dream Pet
  6. Breast Augmentation
  7. Make Your Penis Big
  8. Find Your Lost Passions
  9. Love potion
  10. Make your animal do what you say.

#391 - Good luck star charm

Wanna goood luck charm dont read this then its a good luck star charm.
You may need:

  • Water,The object, Night (Opintal but more effective) and box
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    You may need:

  • Water,The object, Night (Opintal but more effective) and box
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    Go outside.(Backyards and patio.) Hold your object with both hands.Say Heaven of the stars hear my wish and it shall be I only want to see positivity..Banish all negativity vanish it for eternity.! Seal away bad luck before destruction comes.I wanna sore in freedom. Give the energy to the object.The more you say the stronger. After fill the box with water put the charm in it and wait till you feel a good vibe. If you it feels empty do it again.

    Added to on Jul 10, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #392 - Magical Instruments - Knife of Black

    This is one of the many magical tools needed to perform love magics of old Spain. Follow Correctly or risk complete failure. This tool is used in bonafide love spells.
    You may need:

  • Great Memorization
  • Good timing
  • 1 unused steel knife (Completely new)
  • 1 half pint of a black cats blood
  • 1 half pint of pimpernel grass juice
  • 1 black goat horn
  • Leather strips
  • 1 large red silk bag big enough to hold the knife and the goat horn
  • powdered rose and powdered iris of Florence
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    You may need:

  • Great Memorization
  • Good timing
  • 1 unused steel knife (Completely new)
  • 1 half pint of a black cats blood
  • 1 half pint of pimpernel grass juice
  • 1 black goat horn
  • Leather strips
  • 1 large red silk bag big enough to hold the knife and the goat horn
  • powdered rose and powdered iris of Florence
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    First off, thank you for going through this process. I promise you if done properly this instrument can conduct magical energies when performing any of my other spells.

    This blade needs to be crafted on a Saturday at 10 - 11 pm or 22:00 - 23:00 under the light of the new moon, what I mean is that everything listed in the "ingredients" needs to be collected & crafted just prior to crafting this blade.

    On the night of Saturday in the hour of 10 while bathing in the dark of night, take the steel blade and place it just over the fire for 3 seconds, repeat this 3 times.

    Next, take both the cats blood and the grass juice and pour both on the blade to cool it.

    Following the cooling, take the goat horn and leather strips and tie the horn to the base of the blade as a hilt.

    lastly, chant the following while holding your new blade to the stars:

    "I conjure and form this instrument to serve me in my works of magic by the virtue and influence of the planet Jupiter, during whose day and hour of reign these were made! By virtue of the Elements, Gemstones, Herbs, Snow, Hail, and Winds! It is my will that you possess all the necessary virtues that I may succeed in all the works I intend! I invoke you, Oh great spirits, you, Damahu, Lumech, Gadal, Pancia, and Velaos, Merod, Lamidoch, Baldach, Ancreton, and Adonay, Metatron, to help me in every step of this work, that I may obtain the secrets of the highest science and be successful in my endeavors"

    once done, place your new knife into the red silk bag along with both powdered flowers.

    Check out my other works to find a use for this new instrument. I generally provide a spell a week, If you would like a specific spell in the category of love/attraction/binding please message me

    Added to on Jul 10, 2018
    Last edited on Apr 03, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #393 - Magical Instruments - Knife of white

    This is one of the many magical tools needed to perform love magics of old Spain. Follow Correctly or risk complete failure.
    You may need:

  • Great Memorization
  • Good timing
  • 1 unused steel knife (Completely new)
  • 1 half pint of mole blood solution (1 part mole blood to 3 part spirit[rubbing alcohol])
  • 1 half pint mix of aromatic flower juices
  • 1 goat horn
  • Leather strips
  • 1 large red silk bag big enough to hold the knife and the goat horn
  • powdered rose and powdered iris of Florence
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    You may need:

  • Great Memorization
  • Good timing
  • 1 unused steel knife (Completely new)
  • 1 half pint of mole blood solution (1 part mole blood to 3 part spirit[rubbing alcohol])
  • 1 half pint mix of aromatic flower juices
  • 1 goat horn
  • Leather strips
  • 1 large red silk bag big enough to hold the knife and the goat horn
  • powdered rose and powdered iris of Florence
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    First off, thank you for going through this process. I promise you if done properly this instrument can conduct magical energies when performing any of my other spells.

    This blade needs to be crafted on a Thursday at 9 - 10 pm or 21:00 - 22:00 under the light of the full moon, what I mean is that everything listed in the "ingredients" needs to be collected & crafted just prior to crafting this blade.

    On the night of Thursday in the hour of 9 while bathing in the full moon, take the steel blade and place it just over the fire for 3 seconds, repeat this 3 times.

    Next, take both the moles blood and the flower juice and pour both on the blade to cool it.

    Following the cooling, take the goat horn and leather strips and tie the horn to the base of the blade as a hilt.

    lastly, chant the following while holding your new blade to the moon:

    "I conjure and form this instrument to serve me in my works of magic by the virtue and influence of the planet Jupiter, during whose day and hour of reign these were made! By virtue of the Elements, Gemstones, Herbs, Snow, Hail, and Winds! It is my will that you possess all the necessary virtues that I may succeed in all the works I intend! I invoke you, Oh great spirits, you, Damahu, Lumech, Gadal, Pancia, and Velaos, Merod, Lamidoch, Baldach, Ancreton, and Adonay, Metatron, to help me in every step of this work, that I may obtain the secrets of the highest science and be successful in my endeavors"

    once done, place your new knife into the red silk bag along with both powdered flowers.

    Check out my other works to find a use for this new instrument. I generally provide a spell a week, If you would like a specific spell in the category of love/attraction/binding please message me

    Added to on Jul 10, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #394 - Demonic protection bath

    This Ritual bath will grant you the demonic protection. You will obtain a demon guardian to follow you around.
    You may need:

  • •Bathtub
  • •Half full of water (warm)
  • •Two red candles
  • •One black candle
  • •Eucalyptus essential oil
  • •Voice
  • •Night time
  • •A couple drops of your blood
  • •A knife or sharp object
  • •Any moon phrase
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    You may need:

  • •Bathtub
  • •Half full of water (warm)
  • •Two red candles
  • •One black candle
  • •Eucalyptus essential oil
  • •Voice
  • •Night time
  • •A couple drops of your blood
  • •A knife or sharp object
  • •Any moon phrase
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    this will be a dangerous ritual. Read all before doing.

    step one:

    fill up the tub about halfway, and get undressed.

    step two:

    place the red candles about three feet away from you. Place the black candle next to you (or as close as possible).

    step three:

    drop about ten drops of the essential oil into the tub water.

    step four:

    step into the bathtub and lay down.

    step five:

    cut a small cut into your wrist. And let the blood drop into the tub. Then chant 3x:

    "lucifur, demonic protection, I demand protection, with my blood, this is my greatest desire, so mote it be."

    relax in the bath for as long as you need. Then drain the bath, and get dressed. Continue life and day.

    blessed be.


    Added to on Jul 04, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #395 - Dream Pet

    This spell is not tested, message me if it works or not. This is supposed to summon a pet that is exactly what you like.
    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pencils
  • Stone
  • colored pencils/crayons (optional)
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    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pencils
  • Stone
  • colored pencils/crayons (optional)
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    Step 1: Draw a picture of the pet. It can be a unicorn, pegasus, dragon, pink penguin, or just a plain old house dog! It can be a hybrid, go as big as you want! Color the picture.

    Step 2: Fold the paper and write down the abilities, eye color, fur/scale/feather color, life span, height, weight, length, species(s), and more. Also write the behavior of your pet.

    Step 3: Fold the paper and put the paper and rock under your pillow. Now for 1 week, every night, chant "I wish my dream pet will come to life, I promise to love you with all my heart." and kiss the paper. On the last day, the stone should be different. Look for your pet.

    Added to on Jul 01, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #396 - Breast Augmentation

    Grows, inflates and increases both size and volume of your breasts.
    You may need:

  • A Glass Of Milk
  • A Glass Of Papaya Juice
  • Massaging Oil
  • Waxing Moon
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    You may need:

  • A Glass Of Milk
  • A Glass Of Papaya Juice
  • Massaging Oil
  • Waxing Moon
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    In order for this spell to work, you must have your breasts fully exposed. Once exposed, drink one glass of milk, then drink the papaya juice immediately after you drank the glass of milk.

    After drinking both, apply massaging oil on to your breasts and begin massaging it, make sure to completely coat your breasts with massaging oil. This is to reduce the unpleasant feeling due to friction. While massaging, chant the following thrice:

    "Bigger breasts is what I wished for, Full, filled, is what I want more, Milky, soft, voluptuous, Satisfy my lustfulness."

    The spell may take anywhere between a week to take effect. During that time, you may feel mild pleasure while the spell is active. If you do feel mild pleasure, that means the spell is working.

    Caution: Do not attempt to cast this spell during the waning moon phase.

    Added to on Jun 21, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #397 - Make Your Penis Big

    This spell makes your little friend a big friend
    You may need:

  • Pen or pencil
  • Paper
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    You may need:

  • Pen or pencil
  • Paper
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    Write on a piece of paper: " Mighty water, hear my plea, add (number) inch(es) to my my penis (size or girth). This is my will so mote it be." After this, masturbate on the paper and flush it down the toilet.

    Added to on Jun 13, 2018
    Last edited on Oct 31, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #398 - Find Your Lost Passions

    Depression can really suck, and one of the many ways it can suck is taking away the love you used to have for the things that interested you and made you happy. This spell is designed to help you reconnect with those passions and the joy you used to get from those. DISCLAIMER: This is not a cure for depression or a substitute for professional help and medication. If you suffer from depression, please seek out a therapist if you can.
    You may need:

  • Amazonite
  • Rose Quartz
  • Aventurine
  • Red Candle
  • Green Candle
  • Sage branch (optional)
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    You may need:

  • Amazonite
  • Rose Quartz
  • Aventurine
  • Red Candle
  • Green Candle
  • Sage branch (optional)
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    ***This spell can be performed whenever you like, though I recommend casting it during a new moon.***

    1. Arrange the crystals, candles, and sage on your workspace
    2. Light the candles
    3. Close your eyes and think of all the old passions you lost. Think of how happy they made you and how much you'd like them back in your life.
    4. Take the crystals in your hands. Let their energy flow into you.
    5. Pass the sage over the flames of the candles if you have it.
    6. Chant, "My passions, come back to me," as many times as desired.
    7. Blow out the candles to finish the spell.

    Added to on Jun 12, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #399 - Love potion

    This love potion and spell accompanied with it will make your crush fall in love with you. Simple, but complex to do. The more of the ingredients you have, the better, but you don't need everything. I suggest at least two herbs and one of the spices. All starred (*) items are required, but you can use a substitute.
    You may need:

  • Basil: represents love
  • Thyme: represents affection
  • Patchouli: represents passion
  • Lavender: represents devotion
  • Yarrow: represents everlasting love
  • Oregano: represents joy
  • Fennel: represents flattery
  • Cinnamon: represents spicy/ passionate love
  • Vanilla: represents sweetness and kindness
  • 2 Jasmine flowers or leaves*: associated with love
  • Hot water*
  • Paper*
  • Book*: preferably a love story or coloring book
  • Pink or red marker*
  • Something you wear everyday (preferably jewlery)
  • Something that represents you
  • Something that represents or reminds you of your crush
  • A container, preferably one that means something.
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    You may need:

  • Basil: represents love
  • Thyme: represents affection
  • Patchouli: represents passion
  • Lavender: represents devotion
  • Yarrow: represents everlasting love
  • Oregano: represents joy
  • Fennel: represents flattery
  • Cinnamon: represents spicy/ passionate love
  • Vanilla: represents sweetness and kindness
  • 2 Jasmine flowers or leaves*: associated with love
  • Hot water*
  • Paper*
  • Book*: preferably a love story or coloring book
  • Pink or red marker*
  • Something you wear everyday (preferably jewlery)
  • Something that represents you
  • Something that represents or reminds you of your crush
  • A container, preferably one that means something.
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    1. Cut all herbs except one of the Jasmine leaves or flowers into small pieces.

    2. Put chopped herbs in hot water and let sit for three minutes.

    3. Add the vanilla and/or cinnamon,then stir for three minutes.

    4. Take the item that you wear everyday and dip it into the potion. Say these words: "I love him and he loves me. We shall be together for eternity. I love him and he loves me. We are perfect together, so mote it be."

    5. Repeat step 4 with the item that represents you, the item that represents your crush, and the Jasmine leaf or flower. Make sure to water proof the items: for example, I took a corner of the drawing my crush have me and wrapped it in tape, then dipped the waterproof corner of the paper into the potion.

    6. After removing all of the items, take the Jasmine leaf or flower and put it in a container. Hide the container, if the leaf or flower is destroyed, the spell will be broken.

    7. Dip your finger in the potion and apply to your wrists like perfume.

    8. Take the piece of paper. On the front,write your crushes name and on the back, write the enchantment you used when dipping the items in the potion. Hide the paper between your favorite pages of the book.

    9. Pour the remaining potion outside on a patch of dirt as a sacrifice to mother earth, who will help the potion take effect.

    Added to on Jun 07, 2018
    Last edited on Jul 31, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #400 - Make your animal do what you say.

    Like it says in the title, makes your animal do what you say.
    You may need:

  • Belief
  • Voice
  • Animal
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    You may need:

  • Belief
  • Voice
  • Animal
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    Let you and your animal become calm and at peace, if you have a good connection with your animal this should be very easy. If not, well, good luck.

    Make sure your animal is in an agreeable mood with you, or it is going to resist you with each command. Now ask your animal to be open to what you want it to do.

    Animals have rights they should be respected and cared for as if he/she was a person in your family. If your animal shows you any type of submissive action it is an agreement, a yes but if he/she is aggressive or moves away it is, obviously a disagreement, a no. Don't try to force your animal to do something it doesn't want to do.

    Now say, ",Animal of mine(you can also use your animal's name) I ask you to please do the things I tell you to, you have a say in this, and I will be mindful of what you want. I promise to respect you, if you promise to respect me. I love you (animal's name) or animal of mine. So mote it be.

    Now try a simple command and if they follow the command either right as you say it or a few seconds after the spell worked, if not give the spell a couple of minutes to sink in. And try again.

    Added to on Jun 06, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2989 Love Spells from Spell Casters