Tea to induce lust

SpellsLove  ► Sexual  ► Tea to induce lust
This tea increases feelings of lust when made

Casting Instructions for 'Tea to induce lust'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • water (essential)
  • way of heat (ie. stove. also essential)
  • kitchen knife (needed)
  • lighter (optional)
  • 2 pink candles (optional)
  • green tea leaves (needed)
  • Korean ginseng (needed)
  • licorice root (optional)
  • dried rosemary (needed)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • water (essential)
  • way of heat (ie. stove. also essential)
  • kitchen knife (needed)
  • lighter (optional)
  • 2 pink candles (optional)
  • green tea leaves (needed)
  • Korean ginseng (needed)
  • licorice root (optional)
  • dried rosemary (needed)

chose a workspace and set the two pink candles on either side of you and light them with your lighter. The use of candles is optional, though recommended to increase any power being thrown into this tea.
Now lay out your materials (water and heat source aren't needed as of now)
Take the licorice root and ginseng and cut them up into small bits that can easily be used in tea.
Once that is done, mix up the Korean Ginseng, licorice root, rosemary, and green tea leaves together.
Now you may take a mug and fill it with water and heat it up. steep the herbs in the water for two minutes, and either let the scent waft through the air, or drink it (I suggest using tea eggs and putting the herbs inside)


how'd it go? Message me if it worked or not, since I'd love to know if I did things right or not!


Added to on Sep 20, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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What is the benefit of having two pink candles, Without any energy work and powerful incantation for the tea?

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