Get your plate and place the glitter onto it. Put your plate and glitter outside, on the first step outside your back yard if possible. Concentrate and count slowly to 10
After that, go outside and tip the plate upside down - the glitter will be stuck to it - this will mean creatures/fairies will have worked there magic
If your beloved is traveling, or has moved, you can still send them love through this long distance spell.
You may need:
A Running Stream, River, or Ocean
You may need:
A Running Stream, River, or Ocean
Take your rosemary to the water and call out to your love. Be sure to use his or her name. Then throw the herb into the current. As the river carries the rosemary away, visualize your message of love reaching your beloved.
This spell should give someone the urge to confess to a lie, it can be whispered, as long as you are looking at the person.
You may need:
Lots of focus
Someone to distract the person the spell is being cast on
You may need:
Lots of focus
Someone to distract the person the spell is being cast on
Run your mouth, your darkest secrets will not be safe with me
Run your mouth, a million lies you have told with glee
Run your mouth, tell the truth
Light the green candle and whisper this into the flame.*be careful not to blow out the candle though!!* "Hoc viridi lucernam, plena fortuna benedicam et mea locket ligare ut. Ita mote sit."
Blow out the green candle and open your locket and quickly catch some smoke in it. Now just wear the locket around one of your body part.
Prepare the ingredients while burning the pink candle and meditating upon finding love. Pour the oil into a tight lid bottle with dropper. Wear whenever you are going to meet potential mates
This spell you will have to be wondering who your true crush is.
You may need:
You may need:
Go to your bed and sit on your knees next to it. Then, put your hands together, bend your head on top of them, the close your eyes and pray. pray this prayer:
"God, the only one that is true and holy, help me find the one to hold me. I pray to you, my God, you'll help me find the one that's truly mine forever. Amen".
Now put your hand over your heart:
"To find the one I love
It cannot be too late
It cannot be hate,
But whom I can love forever"
Then the next day your true crush will come and kiss you on the lips.
If you are attracted to someone but he or she seems indifferent to your charms,try this simple spell to turn their head.
You may need:
A lock of the other persons hair
A rose-scented incense stick
You may need:
A lock of the other persons hair
A rose-scented incense stick
When the ingredients have been consecrated,light the incense stick. When it's fragrance is filling your sacred space, repeat your-would-be lover's name several times, saying after each time:
"Love me now as I love you,
And it harm none, so be it"
The words said, hold the lock of hair close enough to the burning incense to let it start to singe. As it frizzles, see the other person's indifference evaporating and being replaced by a passion as strong as your own. The spell cast, leave the incense to burn out, letting it's fumes drift into the atmosphere.