3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Cry of the Sea Love Symbol
- How to Tell if Your Crush Likes You
- Forgive me.
- Strengthen Your Love
- Charm to Invoke Love
- Emotion Potion
- Bewitchment Oil
- Love Wish
- The Dark Charm
- Like a Bee to Honey
#2521 - Cry of the Sea Love Symbol
This spell will teach you how to enchant and create your own Symbol, a powerful object that will strengthen your magical abilities. The most important part is to believe in yourself, and that will give your Symbol the most strength. Remember, the Symbol will represent you. If you are close with water, then you will have a much easier time, as this spell has been passed down from many generations. Good luck with the spell!
Make sure you are in a quiet place. Slow your breathing down, concentrate, and make sure you are truly centered. Close you eyes, and imagine that you are floating. Floating down a river, peaceful, calm, ready. Open your eyes. You are now ready to complete the spell.
1. Pour the seawater into the glass bowl until the bowl is three quarters full.
2. Close your eyes. Pick up your Symbol carefully. Carefully place it over your heart, holding it in place.
3. Open your eyes. Take your Symbol, and blow on it gently. Then, place your Symbol into the bowl of seawater.
4. Light the blue candle, and then put out its flame by gently dunking it in the seawater.
5. Remove your Symbol from the bowl, and without drying it, place it onto the white smooth stone. If the Symbol is too big, place them side by side, making sure they're touching.
6. Place the length of silk over the bowl of seawater, then pour exactly 2 drops of water onto the silk.
7. Light the red candle. Let Symbol air dry.
Chant this Spell:
To the God of the Oceans, to the Goddess of the Seas,
May my lowly prayer for attention be heard.
I cry for thy blessings, for love, my pleas,
Only those as powerful as you have what I've treasured.
Make this piece of coal, into the diamond I've hoped for!
Power it up with light and dark, powers of love and hate!
I beg for thy mercy, but you have what I've treasured,
May my lowly prayer for attention be heard.
8. Pick up your Symbol, and once again place it over your heart. Blow out the red candle.
9. Blow on your Symbol again, and place it back on or near the stone. Let it air dry completely.
After drying, your Symbol is now ready! It has been charged with a magic spell thousands of years old, passed down from a great siren, the first siren, Syrena. It will strengthen your magic, power up your casts, but most importantly, it will attract your love to you. Show your love your Symbol, if you can. The closer the Symbol is to the person, the more potent it is!
#2522 - How to Tell if Your Crush Likes You
Write the name of your crush on a piece of paper with your pen. Set your pillow and blankets on the couch and slip the paper under the pillow. Go to sleep. Imagine yourself kissing your crush. His face will tell you how he feels.
#2523 - Forgive me.
You must chant to your friend that is angry with you and chat these words: "I'm sorry if I ever hurt you. I didn't mean to do what I did, I will let you choose what you want and have it done. Will you forgive me? My friend?"
Say this and maybe, just maybe it will work for your friend.
#2524 - Strengthen Your Love
Step 2: Place your four objects in the semicircle on top of the rose petals. Say the title of each one aloud as you set them down (Something old, something new, etc.).
Step 3: Choose one candle from the semicircle and hold it in your hand. It does not matter which candle you choose as long as you are comfortable with your choice. Light your chosen candle and say: ''Great Mother, prepare me for the times to come, both the good and the bad. If this union is meant to be, let nothing separate us.''
Step 4: Using the lit candle in your hand, carefully light the other candles, one by one. As you light each one, visualize a specific trait that you love about your relationship (that you finish each other's sentences, that you know just what the other wants, etc.), and say it out loud. Each candle should represent a different relationship characteristic.
Step 5: Once all your candles are lit, place the one you chose back in its place in the semicircle. Watch the candles' dancing flames and feel their tender heat. Watch their bouncing light flicker over the room. Remember the happiest memories of your journey together.
Step 6: When you are finished reliving the happiest moments of your relationship, begin extinguishing the candles one by one, starting with the one you chose. As you do so, say : ''The years we have accumulate as we walk our path together. In this time of love and joy, we become one.'' Keep your four items in a safe place and save one white rose petal and one red one for good luck.
#2525 - Charm to Invoke Love
Fold one piece of paper in half lengthwise. Cut out a heart from the paper, creating the perfect template for cutting out the two fabric hearts. As you cut out the two hearts, visualize one heart representing you and the other representing the person you desire.
On the other piece of paper, write the full name of the one you desire as many times as it will fit. When you have finished this, fold the paper around the coin until it is very small and will fit between the two hearts. Lay the shell on top of the folded paper and coin and place them between the two fabric hearts.
Begin sewing the two hearts together, visualizing them becoming one. Imagine your heart and the heart of the one you desire doing the same. Sleep with the charm under your pillow until your love manifests. If it does not, your love was not meant to be and it is probably best to move on.
(If you do not know how to sew, follow these instructions: Tie a knot at the end of your thread after you put it through the needle. Put the needle through the edge of the top heart so that the knot will be inside the charm. Pull your knot to the fabric, but be careful not to pull it through. Next, put your needle through the edges of both hearts and put your finger in the loop of thread created. Pull your needle through the loop and remove your finger. This will create a knot on the edge of the heart. Repeat this process until you have sewn the two hearts shut.)
#2526 - Emotion Potion
Mix Rosehips, Hibiscus flower, Lemon Balm, Peppermint and Meadow-Sweet together clockwise and place into container until needed.
When wanted to drink, take 2 tablespoons and place in teapot with boiling water. Let steep for 5 minutes. Visualize and chant:
"Herbal brew of lover's emotion,
With intent I fortify.
When two people share this potion,
Their love shall intensify."
Strain and sweeten with honey. Share with person you love.
#2527 - Bewitchment Oil
Once sesame oil is heated add the Jasmine flowers and take off heat.
Once cooled, strain into bottle and cork.
Keep in a cool dark place, cupboard works fine.
#2528 - Love Wish
I love you (lover's name) cant you see,
I need you now and now it be.
Next time I see you wrap me in your arms
and we will talk all night until its out.
Let the candle burn for about 10 minutes, then blow it out. Watch the smoke from the flame rise up and picture you and your lover together.
#2529 - The Dark Charm
Put all the ingredients in the bowl.Chant: "the darkness attracts all" ten times. Now hold the rock in your hands and think.Then after you think and stuff put your hand over the bowl and say the darkness charm x4.Now people will attract so be careful. Be sure for your so called charm to be carried around by you as when you need it. Let nobody hear or know about this charm.
#2530 - Like a Bee to Honey
This spell is best when done on a waxing moon but can work at anytime. First, clear your mind of everything and light the candle. Close your eyes and visualize the person you want to think of you. Count to seven after you visualize them, then take your jar and add sugar, then honey.
Take the stick and write your name or your initials seven times on one side. Repeat the same thing with the name of your intended on the other. Place the stick in to the jar, then fill it with water and tighten the lid.
Now shake the jar and say: "Sweet, sweet thoughts of me. Constantly sweet thoughts of thee. The more I shake, the more you see. Sweet, sweet thoughts of me". Continue to say this as you walk clockwise in a circle seven times and shake the jar.