Put the crystal on the notebook and concentrate, saying "Crystal of power, I use you for my desire". Touch the crystal and notebook with the wand and visualize a protective shield surrounding it, as your energy pours into it. The notebook is now magical.
A spell made by me to call forth the speed of the wind itself.
You may need:
A staff
A small breeze
You may need:
A staff
A small breeze
''Wind, I call forth thee.
Your speed and grace, to be mine.
Not forever, I do tell.''
Hold up your staff.
''There is a time, when I must plea.
This is that time.''
Shove your staff in the ground, do not break it however.
''Now the time has come, please wind, here me out.
Please, grant me your agile ways.
Make me, the grace, that is your soul.
Give me the speed, that is your body.
Let me be the mind, that will be you.''
Take your staff out.
''Oh wind of the mighty ones, give me your agility.
Your soul so pure.
Your heart so clean.
Your mind that is me.
Let this be a milestone, as no other.
For you and I shall be one.
Your speed.
My mind.
Both as one.''
A love spell calling forth the attracting powers of the apple and Aphrodite.
You may need:
Red/white candle
You may need:
Red/white candle
Cast a magick circle and dedicate it to aphrodite by lighting the candle and chanting, "Goddess of love and light. Please listen close, hear my prayers tonight. I give this circle to thee. As I will it, so mote it be".
Cut the apple in half and, as you focus on the person, say: "One for you, one for me. Juidice of love unite us tonight, three times three". Now hold the apple over the candle and chant: "Passion's flames. Fortune and flame, burn bright tonight. Send him/her my light".
Finally, bite into the apple and say: "I taste your love, and you'll taste mine. We'll be together for all time". Give the other part of the apple to your beloved and have them eat it.
Chant: "I need to know. Tell a lie and you will die". Focus on the person you want to speak the truth and they will be compelled to answer you honestly.
This spell is use to make a charm to enter the 2nd realm.
You may need:
1tsp cinnamon
1tsp rosemary
1tsp all spice
1tsp basil
1tbsp olive oil
1tbsp grape seed oil
You may need:
1tsp cinnamon
1tsp rosemary
1tsp all spice
1tsp basil
1tbsp olive oil
1tbsp grape seed oil
Add all the of the spices and oils together. Once at a smooth consistency (add water if needed) spread it onto the charm. Now you have a charm to enter the 2nd Realm.
Cast this any time you wish to be more dominant without hestiation. Quiet your mind and enter into a clear and relaxed state. Will these words by chanting:
"Upon this night, I decide to change my life as it is time. Let the past be only a lesson. I am the man and I say what is. I am the man, and I say what is. Let the future be what I see. Upon this night, I decide to change my life as it is time. So mote it be".
Sit down criss-cross and concentrate on releasing your inner agility. Say "Ama Tyelka" two times. The more you concentrate, the longer the spell may last.
First fill the kettle with water and leave to boil then put the water into a saucepan and put a rose and chocolate in to a blender and blend until liquid. Pour the mixture into the water and stir. Put the the potion into the refrigerator for a day.The potion works by you drinking it and putting it in to the other persons drink, when they drink the potion they should love you.
Take a bowl of milk outside and place it on the ground, sit in the grass and close your eyes. Then you should hear them walking and whirring around you.