2998 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Spell to Get Over an Ex
- Dream of Me
- To Make Your Man More Passionate In Bed
- Love and Chaos
- 7 Days of Love
- Lust for Me
- Sigil Magick
- Unfaithful Friend
- Heart be Healed
- Never leave me Friend
#2751 - Spell to Get Over an Ex
then u light the red candle, left white, then right white candle
while you are chanting these words;
''I burn thy name so it shall be
cast out of my memory
(name of person) your name is as cold as ice
to get over you would be nice''
-this spell works best midnight during a full moon.
#2752 - Dream of Me
Be in a dimly lit room while performing this spell. Imagine your love asleep on a bed until your sure youve connected to him spiritually. You'll just feel it. Then imagine you and him in a pretty place (meadow, forest,bedroom.) Imagine you doing what you want with him. (kissing, running while holding holding hands.) Once you have got these things firmly in your mind chant this while still thinking of the dream you are sending him. What you wanted to do with him at that romantic plase. Now chant:
"In your mindI know invade
you see me there but no words are said. Like an angelI desend upon thee.
My love you feel so tenderly
you feel my touch apon your skin.
Our hands are intertwining
you see in my eyes a blissful grace
and my lips you sweet taste
this dream you will carry even after you wake.
and when you see me face to face
It is me you shall want to embrace."
Say untill you feel sure he resieved your message.it may work better then you think.
#2753 - To Make Your Man More Passionate In Bed
#2754 - Love and Chaos
At midnight light the candle and take a pin and prick the candle many times over thinking of the couple you wish to break up while you say these words:
"As I prick this candle, I prick at thee
Broken hearts unhappy be
May you part another day
Soon to go your separate ways"
Extinguish the candle. Take the candle and break it in half symbolizing and visualizing the splitting of the couple. Then dispose of the two halves in separate trash containers once again visualizing them being completely apart from each other. You may then go about your everyday events.
At midnight light a candle and tie nine separate knots one inch apart. Each time you tie a knot, do it with anger thinking of how they will hate each other and want to break up! Say these words each time you tie a knot.
"Take this couple that I see
Love is gone, unhappy be
Knots of discord, knots of hate
Soon to part is their fate
With this spell I know I've won
I curse their love to come undone!"
Take and put it some where in your dresser drawer where you will see it every time you open it. This way every time you see it you can visualize the couple breaking up. When the spell has worked, you may throw it away.
#2755 - 7 Days of Love
Place the picture in front of you, Say:"Cupid grant me 7 days of love for I have been lonely for a very long time so mote it be." If the person is really in love with you it will last for a long time.
#2756 - Lust for Me
Think of the person you want to love you and imagine them loving you. Think these thoughts for 10 seconds. then, with emotion chant:
"Oh Venus. Goddess, of love stretch your hands out from above. Cover him in love for me and every night he will only think of me. lust for me name of lover. Lust for me. Need me lovers name need me. Lust for me (person's name), lust for me. Love me (person's name), love me. Oh earth, fire, water, air. Make him need me. Make him want me. lust. Oh lust. lust for me. Blessed be. Now think of him loving you eternally."
#2757 - Sigil Magick
When you finished what ever shapes pop out at you the most those are the ones you want in the sigil. Pick at least 2 from each side and begin assembling them. All you have to do now is name your sigil and charge it.
* it won't take effect immediatly but soon you will notice a change.
#2758 - Unfaithful Friend
Write this spell on the white paper:" As I build up this circle, I want all unfaithful friends to suffer relationship problems as they betrayed one who trusted them. And i call upon the Deities of love to help me perform this spell. For those who have been betrayed, and teach lessons for those who are unfaithful." While chanting draw a circle around it then fold it in half. While folding, chant " As i fold this paper I command all the entities mentioned to cast and perform this spell. " Cut the paper in half burn it and sprinkle the ashes into your garden.
#2759 - Heart be Healed
1) Place your picture under the white candle and picture of them under the pink candle and put them in front of you slightly apart.
2) Use the ribbons to join the pictures together (this represents your love).
3) Light the candles.
4) Say the following as you are moving the pictures away from each other so that the white ribbon, candle and picture and moving away to your left and the pink candle, ribbon and picture of your ex are moving to your right (this represents your love for them going away)
"My heart is broken, it needs to heal
I separate the love that I still feel
Heal my heart help me move on
When the candles go out my love will be gone."
Blow out the candles.
#2760 - Never leave me Friend
Take the jar as far from your home as you can bury it with a colored ribbon on it and go home takes 24 hours to work.