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3001 Love Spells from Spell Casters

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3001 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 3001 Love Spells
  1. Cast out an evil spirit
  2. Summon Familiar
  3. Call Ara
  4. Call Ara
  5. Call Ara
  6. Super-enhanced hearing
  7. Blessing of Enhanced Hearing
  8. Honey Jar Love Spell (extremely easy)
  9. hair growth
  10. Become a vampire. Real
#1 - #10
#21 - #30
#41 - #50
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#21 - Cast out an evil spirit

When one is under stress from an occupation of your adjournment.
You may need:

  • You might find strawberries useful for concentration
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    You may need:

  • You might find strawberries useful for concentration
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    The spell is cast by saying: “Besides affidavit to composure, to call one to the temple of running turpentine and syrup, which causes an amazing surplus of getting the thing off my mind. All for the best, so may it be done in the firmament.”

    Remember to sequester your being into a safer place. Do your best. Regret nothing. To calm down you might say “Something makes me turn gray.” I hope this is something to make you shine.

    Added to on Jun 08, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #22 - Summon Familiar

    [DISCLAIMER] The familiar comes as a thoughtform, which is an extension of your energy. It's a good practice until you're ready for an actual familiar. (And easier to take care of)
    You may need:

  • Imagination!!
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    You may need:

  • Imagination!!
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    Sit outside in a quiet, undisturbed space. Somewhere you know no one will walk through. Sit down, and close your eyes. Breath in and out slowly. Visualize your familiar. (What species it is, what it looks like, its name, etc.) Once you've done that, hold the image in your mind and whisper your familiar's name.

    You might have to do this multiple times, over many days, but you'll know when it worked. You might not always be able to clearly see your familiar, if at all, but you should feel its' presence.

    You need to meditate often in order to maintain it, as it feeds off of spiritual energy, which is exercised during meditation. if you ever decide you don't want it anymore, or feel like you're ready for a physical familiar, just skip a meditation or two.

    Added to on May 29, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #23 - Call Ara

    This is a Spiritual Spell to connect with the God of the Universe and Jesus Christ
    You may need:

  • You will need seven Palm Incense, Dragon Blood, Obsidian Stones, Seven Black Candles, Seven White Candles, Seven Blue Candles, Seven Gray Candles, Seven Green Candles, Seven Red Candles, Seven Gold Candles, as many Colors there will be seven. You need Soil, Salt and Cinnamon brought from some Holy Rock.
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    You may need:

  • You will need seven Palm Incense, Dragon Blood, Obsidian Stones, Seven Black Candles, Seven White Candles, Seven Blue Candles, Seven Gray Candles, Seven Green Candles, Seven Red Candles, Seven Gold Candles, as many Colors there will be seven. You need Soil, Salt and Cinnamon brought from some Holy Rock.
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    Light All the Candles, Incense the Palm Incense and say by My Charm let this Smoke rise to Heaven until Orion be the Will of Ara, Burn the Incense of the Dragon's Blood and say Let the Earth hear Ara and his Prophet and his Son Jesus who is the God of Orion and let Mher get out of his door soon. Let this Smoke spread through this Sanctuary and its Spirits through all Earth and Heaven, Heaven and Earth shall pass but their words shall not pass Place the Obsidian stones in your Sanctuary, surround them and say this Mantra 7 times Shall the Light come Each Candle fulfills its counsel Do as it wills so be it so be it Then put the Soil brought from the Holy Rock with a red cloth in your Shrine and say this Prayer Seven times. Blessed are all Witches Father Aran Blesses them, here is the Lamb that dwells on Earth to change the world, no longer Witchcraft is Holy, always Witchcraft is Holy, Forever Witchcraft is Holy, Forever Witchcraft is Holy, Even so, How dead, how cruel, All Dragons listen to it, Everyone listens to it, All Wizards listen to it Everyone listens to it, All Parallel Worlds listen to it Everyone listens to it, All Planets listen to it Everyone listens to it, All Universes listen to it Everyone listens to it

    Then take the Salt, spit your saliva on the paper, burn it in the Fire from those Candles, and pour the Ashes into the Salt, sprinkle the Salt on the Earth, and say: May those who oppose Witchcraft be unarmed, may the Earth swallow those who have malice towards a Witch, let it be so, let it be, let it be, I say by the Power of the Sixth and the Third. come out and circle clockwise seven times, come to your Room and sprinkle Cinnamon on the Ground, write your name on a piece of paper and place it on the Ground and say eight and nine times, this Name I Give to Ara As Dark as it is Harsh, let it Let the candles be burnt with almsgivin et the seven days be over, go to the rock from where you brought the Earth, put it on that Rock along with your name, and bring water from there and drink that Water for seven to 10 days.

    Added to on May 24, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #24 - Call Ara

    This is a Spiritual Spell to connect with the God of the Universe and Jesus Christ
    You may need:

  • You will need seven Palm Incense, Dragon Blood, Obsidian Stones, Seven Black Candles, Seven White Candles, Seven Blue Candles, Seven Gray Candles, Seven Green Candles, Seven Red Candles, Seven Gold Candles, as many Colors there will be seven. You need Soil, Salt and Cinnamon brought from some Holy Rock.
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    You may need:

  • You will need seven Palm Incense, Dragon Blood, Obsidian Stones, Seven Black Candles, Seven White Candles, Seven Blue Candles, Seven Gray Candles, Seven Green Candles, Seven Red Candles, Seven Gold Candles, as many Colors there will be seven. You need Soil, Salt and Cinnamon brought from some Holy Rock.
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    Light All the Candles, Incense the Palm Incense and say by My Charm let this Smoke rise to Heaven until Orion be the Will of Ara, Burn the Incense of the Dragon's Blood and say Let the Earth hear Ara and his Prophet and his Son Jesus who is the God of Orion and let Mher get out of his door soon. Let this Smoke spread through this Sanctuary and its Spirits through all Earth and Heaven, Heaven and Earth shall pass but their words shall not pass Place the Obsidian stones in your Sanctuary, surround them and say this Mantra 7 times Shall the Light come Each Candle fulfills its counsel Do as it wills so be it so be it Then put the Soil brought from the Holy Rock with a red cloth in your Shrine and say this Prayer Seven times. Blessed are all Witches Father Aran Blesses them, here is the Lamb that dwells on Earth to change the world, no longer Witchcraft is Holy, always Witchcraft is Holy, Forever Witchcraft is Holy, Forever Witchcraft is Holy, Even so, How dead, how cruel, All Dragons listen to it, Everyone listens to it, All Wizards listen to it Everyone listens to it, All Parallel Worlds listen to it Everyone listens to it, All Planets listen to it Everyone listens to it, All Universes listen to it Everyone listens to it

    Then take the Salt, spit your saliva on the paper, burn it in the Fire from those Candles, and pour the Ashes into the Salt, sprinkle the Salt on the Earth, and say: May those who oppose Witchcraft be unarmed, may the Earth swallow those who have malice towards a Witch, let it be so, let it be, let it be, I say by the Power of the Sixth and the Third. come out and circle clockwise seven times, come to your Room and sprinkle Cinnamon on the Ground, write your name on a piece of paper and place it on the Ground and say eight and nine times, this Name I Give to Ara As Dark as it is Harsh, let it Let the candles be burnt with almsgivin et the seven days be over, go to the rock from where you brought the Earth, put it on that Rock along with your name, and bring water from there and drink that Water for seven to 10 days.

    Added to on May 24, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #25 - Call Ara

    This is a Spiritual Spell to connect with the God of the Universe and Jesus Christ
    You may need:

  • You will need seven Palm Incense, Dragon Blood, Obsidian Stones, Seven Black Candles, Seven White Candles, Seven Blue Candles, Seven Gray Candles, Seven Green Candles, Seven Red Candles, Seven Gold Candles, as many Colors there will be seven. You need Soil, Salt and Cinnamon brought from some Holy Rock.
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    You may need:

  • You will need seven Palm Incense, Dragon Blood, Obsidian Stones, Seven Black Candles, Seven White Candles, Seven Blue Candles, Seven Gray Candles, Seven Green Candles, Seven Red Candles, Seven Gold Candles, as many Colors there will be seven. You need Soil, Salt and Cinnamon brought from some Holy Rock.
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    Light All the Candles, Incense the Palm Incense and say by My Charm let this Smoke rise to Heaven until Orion be the Will of Ara, Burn the Incense of the Dragon's Blood and say Let the Earth hear Ara and his Prophet and his Son Jesus who is the God of Orion and let Mher get out of his door soon. Let this Smoke spread through this Sanctuary and its Spirits through all Earth and Heaven, Heaven and Earth shall pass but their words shall not pass Place the Obsidian stones in your Sanctuary, surround them and say this Mantra 7 times Shall the Light come Each Candle fulfills its counsel Do as it wills so be it so be it Then put the Soil brought from the Holy Rock with a red cloth in your Shrine and say this Prayer Seven times. Blessed are all Witches Father Aran Blesses them, here is the Lamb that dwells on Earth to change the world, no longer Witchcraft is Holy, always Witchcraft is Holy, Forever Witchcraft is Holy, Forever Witchcraft is Holy, Even so, How dead, how cruel, All Dragons listen to it, Everyone listens to it, All Wizards listen to it Everyone listens to it, All Parallel Worlds listen to it Everyone listens to it, All Planets listen to it Everyone listens to it, All Universes listen to it Everyone listens to it

    Then take the Salt, spit your saliva on the paper, burn it in the Fire from those Candles, and pour the Ashes into the Salt, sprinkle the Salt on the Earth, and say: May those who oppose Witchcraft be unarmed, may the Earth swallow those who have malice towards a Witch, let it be so, let it be, let it be, I say by the Power of the Sixth and the Third. come out and circle clockwise seven times, come to your Room and sprinkle Cinnamon on the Ground, write your name on a piece of paper and place it on the Ground and say eight and nine times, this Name I Give to Ara As Dark as it is Harsh, let it Let the candles be burnt with almsgivin et the seven days be over, go to the rock from where you brought the Earth, put it on that Rock along with your name, and bring water from there and drink that Water for seven to 10 days.

    Added to on May 24, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #26 - Super-enhanced hearing

    A simple knotwork spell to boost your hearing, designed to be done after the 3 exercises outlined in my alt account potterhead20's spell "To improve your hearing". It is NOT selective.
    You may need:

  • Do after each exercise in my alt account Potterhead20's spell of the same name as this one
  • Small bouquet of daisies to offer to goddess Echo after you perform this spell after you do the first exercise
  • Small dish of rose petals to offer to goddess Echo after you perform this spell after the second exercise
  • Small muffin to offer to goddess Echo after you perform this spell after you do the third exercise
  • Large dish of black salt
  • Yellow cord to knot 9x after doing the first exercise and performance of this spell
  • Blue cord to knot 9x after doing the second exercise and repetition of this spell
  • Red cord to knot 9x after doing the third exercise and repetition of this spell
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    You may need:

  • Do after each exercise in my alt account Potterhead20's spell of the same name as this one
  • Small bouquet of daisies to offer to goddess Echo after you perform this spell after you do the first exercise
  • Small dish of rose petals to offer to goddess Echo after you perform this spell after the second exercise
  • Small muffin to offer to goddess Echo after you perform this spell after you do the third exercise
  • Large dish of black salt
  • Yellow cord to knot 9x after doing the first exercise and performance of this spell
  • Blue cord to knot 9x after doing the second exercise and repetition of this spell
  • Red cord to knot 9x after doing the third exercise and repetition of this spell
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    First performance of this spell:
    1. Gather your items and cast a circle.
    2. Tie one knot at the bottom of the yellow rope.
    3. Say: ''With knot one - this spell is run.''
    4. Sprinkle a small bit of black salt on the cord where the knot is.
    5. Tie another knot a thumb's distance from the first knot.
    6. Chant the following several times: ''Some sounds are here and some sounds are astray so give me the hearing of far away.''
    7. Say: ''With knot two, it shall come true.''
    8. Sprinkle a little bit of black salt where the knot is.
    9. Tie another knot a thumb's distance from the second knot.
    10. Say: ''With knot three, true it shall be.''
    11. Chant the following several times: ''Don't let it show but let it work, don't make my face look foul, give me the hearing of a great horned owl.''
    12. Sprinkle a small amount of black salt on the knot.
    11. Tie another knot a thumb's distance from the third knot.
    12: Say: ''With knot four, I do implore with power''
    13. Sprinkle a slight bit of black salt on the knot.
    14Sit down with your legs spread out, then close your eyes and chant: ''my ears are small but I hear them all, the people a mile away, the mice scurrying under the house, the birds wings flapping in the wind, but only for an hour will my ears stay this way. So mote it be.'' Keep your eyes closed and listen you should be able to hear better, you can open them after about a minute
    15. Tie another knot a thumb's distance from the fourth knot.
    16. Say: ''With knot five, the spell will thrive.''
    17. Tie another knot a thumb's distance from the fifth knot.
    18. Say: ''With knot six, the blessing of enhanced hearing clicks.''
    19. Sprinkle a little bit of black salt on the know.
    20. Chant the following several times: ''La, la, la. I can hear ya''
    21. Tie another knot a thumb's distance from the sixth knot.
    22. Say: ''With knot seven, I send my wish out to heaven.''
    23. Sprinkle a small amount of black salt on the knot.
    24. Tie a knot a thumb's distance from the seventh knot.
    25. Say: ''With knot eight, my hearing shall be great.''
    26. Sprinkle a small amount of the black salt on the knot.
    27. Tie a knot at the opposite end of the rope to the first knot.
    28. Say: ''With knot nine, it will intertwine.''
    29. Say a small prayer to Echo, the Greek goddess of hearing.
    30. Place the rope in a circle and place a small bouquet of daisies inside the rope circle.
    31. Close the circle and wait.
    Second performance of this spell:
    1. Repeat the process with the red rope.
    2. Repeat the prayer & chants at different spaces between knots.
    3. Place the rope in a line outside on the outside of the yellow rope circle and place a small dish of rose petals on the edge of the rope line.
    Third performance of this spell:
    1. Repeat with the blue rope.
    2. Repeat the prayer and chants at different spaces between knots.
    3. Repeat the rope line and place a small muffin on the edge of the rope line.
    Side effects if this works include:
    -ringing in ears
    -hearing voices
    -tightening of throat
    -odd taste in mouth
    -love of music
    -more of a listener than a talker
    -need peace and quiet
    -clapping with fingers because if you didn't it'd bee too loud for your ears
    -sensitive hearing
    -tendency to squeak whenever talking about something potentially upsetting or heard information you were not supposed to know
    -tendency to speak and sing as low as a whisper
    -not enjoying being the center of attention
    -preference to stay in the background
    -tendency to expose people's secrets even if you do not want to
    -rare moments of stress and emotional weakness
    -gift causes you incredible discomfort and suffering, causing you to cover your ears when they are too loud for you
    -need headphones/earmuffs and/or earplugs

    Added to on Apr 28, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #27 - Blessing of Enhanced Hearing

    A simple knotwork spell to boost your hearing, designed to be done after the 3 exercises outlined in my alt account potterhead20's spell of the same name as this one.
    You may need:

  • Do after each exercise in my alt account Potterhead20's spell of the same name as this one
  • Small bouquet of daisies to offer to goddess Echo after you perform this spell after you do the first exercise
  • Small dish of rose petals to offer to goddess Echo after you perform this spell after the second exercise
  • Small muffin to offer to goddess Echo after you perform this spell after you do the third exercise
  • Large dish of black salt
  • Yellow cord to knot 9x after doing the first exercise and performance of this spell
  • Blue cord to knot 9x after doing the second exercise and repetition of this spell
  • Red cord to knot 9x after doing the third exercise and repetition of this spell
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    You may need:

  • Do after each exercise in my alt account Potterhead20's spell of the same name as this one
  • Small bouquet of daisies to offer to goddess Echo after you perform this spell after you do the first exercise
  • Small dish of rose petals to offer to goddess Echo after you perform this spell after the second exercise
  • Small muffin to offer to goddess Echo after you perform this spell after you do the third exercise
  • Large dish of black salt
  • Yellow cord to knot 9x after doing the first exercise and performance of this spell
  • Blue cord to knot 9x after doing the second exercise and repetition of this spell
  • Red cord to knot 9x after doing the third exercise and repetition of this spell
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    First performance of this spell:
    1. Gather your items and cast a circle.
    2. Tie one knot at the bottom of the yellow rope.
    3. Say: ''With knot one - this spell is run.''
    4. Sprinkle a small bit of black salt on the cord where the knot is.
    5. Tie another knot a thumb's distance from the first knot.
    6. Say: ''With knot two, it shall come true.''
    7. Sprinkle a little bit of black salt where the knot is.
    8. Tie another knot a thumb's distance from the second knot.
    9. Say: ''With knot three, true it shall be.''
    10. Sprinkle a small amount of black salt on the knot.
    11. Tie another knot a thumb's distance from the third knot.
    12: Say: ''With knot four, I do implore with power''
    13. Sprinkle a slight bit of black salt on the knot.
    14. Tie another knot a thumb's distance from the fourth knot.
    15. Say: ''With knot five, the spell will thrive.''
    16. Tie another knot a thumb's distance from the fifth knot.
    17. Say: ''With knot six, the blessing of enhanced hearing clicks.''
    18. Sprinkle a little bit of black salt on the know.
    19. Tie another knot a thumb's distance from the sixth knot.
    20. Say: ''With knot seven, I send my wish out to heaven.''
    21. Sprinkle a small amount of black salt on the knot.
    22. Tie a knot a thumb's distance from the seventh knot.
    23. Say: ''With knot eight, my hearing shall be great.''
    24. Sprinkle a small amount of the black salt on the knot.
    25. Tie a knot at the opposite end of the rope to the first knot.
    26. Say: ''With knot nine, it will intertwine.''
    27. Say a small prayer to Echo, the Greek goddess of hearing.
    28. Place the rope in a circle and place a small bouquet of daisies inside the rope circle.
    29. Close the circle and wait.
    Second performance of this spell:
    2. Repeat the process with the red rope.
    3. Repeat the prayer.
    4. Place the rope in a line outside on the outside of the yellow rope circle and place a small dish of rose petals on the edge of the rope line.
    Third performance of this spell:
    1. Repeat with the blue rope.
    2. Repeat the prayer.
    3. Repeat the rope line and place a small muffin on the edge of the rope ling.
    4. Close the circle and wait.
    Side effects if this works include:
    -ringing in ears
    -hearing voices
    -sensitive hearing

    Added to on Apr 21, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #28 - Honey Jar Love Spell (extremely easy)

    This isn't meant to attract someone new, rather than 'sweeten' an already existing connection between you and another person.
    You may need:

  • Honey Jar
  • Pen
  • Paper
  • Tea
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    You may need:

  • Honey Jar
  • Pen
  • Paper
  • Tea
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    Write the name of the intended person on your piece of paper three times. The number three is where the spell gets its power. Next, write down your intention(s). Be very specific and leave no details to imagination otherwise the spell won't work at all or as well.

    Fold the paper three times. Make sure it's small enough to fit in the honey jar. (Again, the power of three.) Before you close the jar, use some honey in your cup of tea. As you drink from your tea, recite this mantra (either out loud or in your head)
    "As I take this tea, you will be this sweet to me."

    Once you're finished with your tea, the spell has been complete. Put the lid on your honey jar and bury it somewhere safe. It’s best if it’s a place nearby blooming flowers or herbs. Wherever there are things blooming or growing is the best thing to do.

    Added to on Feb 11, 2024
    Last edited on Feb 12, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #29 - hair growth

    helps repair and grow hair on any part of your body
    You may need:

  • none
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    You may need:

  • none
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    grab hold of your hair and say "hair hair make it grow like a river it shall flow repair flourish grow" as many times as you wish

    Added to on Feb 09, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #30 - Become a vampire. Real

    This spell has been tested by different people. You may hear it repeated on different vampire websites.
    You may need:

  • Night
  • Alone time
  • Full moon(optional)
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    You may need:

  • Night
  • Alone time
  • Full moon(optional)
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    Say this 10 times. If you mess up start again.

    " Red blood, pale skin, moonlight draw me in.

    Quench my thirst, coursing veins,

    let my body feel no pain!"

    It may take overnight to work, it may take 1 hour, it may take 1 week, or it may take 10-15 minutes.


    Headache, stomach, teeth hurting, sickness, fever.


    Super speed

    Super strength

    Super senses

    You might find that you are pretty and attractive.

    Maybe some extra abilities.

    Some other ways to become a vampire:

    Some other working vampire spells.

    Vampire biting you

    some other ways i haven't found out yet


    Because it may take a week for this spell to work

    Added to on Jan 17, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    3001 Love Spells from Spell Casters