3001 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Ancient Love Spell
- Candle Magick Spell
- Love me
- Truth you speak
- Love spell jar
- To Have Any Wish Granted
- Between-Dream Manifestations
- Enchanted Smoke
- Repair a Relationship (also works for family or friends)
- Make Someone Lust for you
#31 - Ancient Love Spell
Take the sand in your hand and say you want to touch bodies. Drop the sand in the milk. Take the mixture in your hand and say you want to give them your blessing. Now mix the mixture with the honey and say you want to spend your time with theirs.
This will create a connection. For the better. Know each other's good aspects.
#32 - Candle Magick Spell
In a quiet room preferably at you prayer alter and with closed windows and doors, light your sage incense and let the fragrance fill the room. If you find it hard to breathe, you may open the window for some ventilation. I say closed because energies thats positive within should not mix with outside energies. Anoint your candle with oil of your choice and light it. Focus on the candle. Take in the sage fragrance and chant this spell.
Candle so True Flame So Bright
All That Is Wrong Make It Right
Say it a few times, and just focus on the flame whilst absorbing all its positive energy and keeping a positive intent at heart, this spell works each and every time, because you will see a change of what was once wrong.
#33 - Love me
Chant "Magic moon, quarter bright, please give me what I ask tonight,a little love is all I need, I can do the rest indeed ,create no trouble,I just need help to solve this puzzle, the one I love (she/he) needs a nudge,into my arms where (she/he) cannot budge, and there (she/he) will stay, for all our remaining days"
Tips for casting: The moon's phase has a lot to do with this spell's intensity and overall effect, and should be (as with all magic) used with extreme caution. Aim for too little effect, and add on from there. No matter how much you think you like the person, they might wear on you if they're
totally dependent on you for their own happiness
Final thoughts: The ethics of love spells have been widely debated. Again, as with any spell, the end user is responsible for the responsible, safe application of this magic. Any experienced caster knows overdoing it on any sort of magic like this can have highly unpleasant effects that
take a long time to go away, if they indeed ever
#34 - Truth you speak
Light the candle (at night before you go to sleep) and say:
"To see the truth,to know the way. I cast a spell every day. By the power of three,I conjure thee to give the truth to thy,unto me"
Then blow out the candle saying the persons name.
in the morning light the candle and say the spell again and blow it out saying the persons name..... and say it through the smoke of it.
#35 - Love spell jar
Put in the rose,jasmine,lavender,basil,pink salt,rose quartz and garnet and put the cork where it should go. Seal with pink wax and put wherever.
#36 - To Have Any Wish Granted
This spell is done via manipulation of the vowels of the Tetragrammaton, the ineffable Name of God, using the five vowels of Hebrew between each letter. As one can observe, the first vowel (A) never changes; this is because A is the chief and foremost of letters. However, I do suppose one could - if sufficiently desiring - repeat the spell using every permutation of the Tetragrammaton (YEHAWAHA, YEHAWAHE, etc.), but - if I were to put it casually - you can do that. As it stands, this spell is long enough.
#37 - Between-Dream Manifestations
If you have a sleep ritual with any teas, affirmations, or tools to prepare, complete all that needs to get done so you can comfortably move into sleep.
Light your herbs with the intention of energetic protection before you open yourself and lean into your dreamworld.
Once you're done, come to your bed and focus on your breath. Allow it to slow down and feel your energy as you become more aware of yourself. Visualize a space of protection and empowerment around you, both physically and astrally/energetically. As you build your energy, close your eyes and imagine you're right there with your higher self like a friend. Communicate with them what you wish to bring into your life or become more of, the things you want to embody more of leading forward. Allow yourself to drift into an imaginative experience of being and seeing this play out, as you are actively showing it to your higher self. Talk it through, let them give you wisdom and empowerment so that you are more prepared to reach these goals and understand yourself through them. Let yourself keep focused on this communication and connection all the way until you fall asleep and drift off into your rest.
Resources & Spells for support:
For using smoke for protection: https://www.spellsofmagic.com/spells/Love+Spells/Attraction+Spells/28166/page.html
Creating an Astral Space to find your higher self in: https://www.spellsofmagic.com/coven_ritual.html?ritual=4566&coven=6
#38 - Enchanted Smoke
Prepare your space, ensure ventilation and an open door to allow the smoke and energy leave the space. Gather your tools, and setting them in their proper place to prepare for working with them.
Once your tools are ready for use, come to your breath, count 10 deep breaths as you close your eyes, and visualize with you mind and feel with your energy exactly how you want the space to feel. Then hen spark the fire and light up the smoking item as you visualize exactly what you want it to do as if you were doing it and it were done, feel the outcome, and put that energy into the flame, into and into the tool you are using. Really let the enegy move through you and when you are ready, open your eyes, and spread the smoke through your space/tools/however you are choosing to utilize it.
This is a powerful way to use sage sticks for protection, to use bay leafs for. abundance, or to use healing incense for reiki pracitces, or other healing rituals.
#39 - Repair a Relationship (also works for family or friends)
Write your own full name on the piece of paper, followed by that of the individual you wish to repair your friendship with. This can also work for a relative or relationship, and you could theoretically write several names of people you wish to reconcile with - although I wouldn't recommend it, it could weaken the effects.
Draw a circle around the names - it doesn't need to be perfect, but if does need to completely surround the names, and be unbroken.
Place the paper on a surface and position your candle on top of it, in the center of the circle. Light it and watch the flame for a moment. See the way it flickers, smell the burning, watch the circular shadow around the base. Move your hands closer and feel the heat. The energy, the power. This is the same energy that you're channeling into the task.
The more you become aware of that energy, and the more you interact with it, the higher the power and scope of the spell will be. I've even known people to touch the hot wax afterwards, although I obviously can't officially recommend that as it could cause you physical harm. Regardless, this is a relatively basic spell and it shouldn't be overly necessary.
When you've finished initial interactions with the flame, keep watching it, think about the individual you wish to fix things with, and repeat the following phrase 3 times:
“Peace and resolution, I ask from your heart. I make amends in the power I send. Let yesterday stay in yesterday, and tomorrow bring back trust.”
Spells are variable, the words are less important than the intent you're powering behind them - this is why you can usually guarantee that anybody who tells you to use Latin phrases is bluffing. The intent and belief are a form of magic, or what's known as manifestation - that, as well as the energy surrounding that via the candle, are the two most important things you require if you'd like this to work.
Every 15 - 30 minutes, you need to repeat the chant 3 times and keep the image of the individual in your mind again. This is simply to put even more mental power behind the spell - do it too often and you'll be exhausted by the end and may fail to keep up momentum. There's absolutely no benefit from attempting more than 3 chants per 15 minutes.
Whilst waiting between chant sessions, keep aware of the flame and try to clear your mind. Be aware of the light from the flame (an easier task with the light off, if able), be aware of the scent, the warmth. Warm your fingertips and touch them in circles over your heart - feel it. Feel that raw energy.
The spell is not over until the candle has naturally burnt down, and relighting is not advisable. Try to get it done in one session, and under no circumstances should you ever use a candle for multiple spells, even if you extinguish it between uses. This will confuse the energy and could weaken both spells far too heavily to make the process worth your while.
When the candle has burnt, if there's still melted wax, tip some onto the sheet of paper - it shouldn't burn if you're gentle, it'll just dry onto the sheet. If the wax isn't wet enough and has dried too quickly, don't worry too much. Just discard the candle.
In either case, do not let the paper get destroyed until after the spell's results have begun to surface.
Good luck.
#40 - Make Someone Lust for you
Prepare all ingredients, then sit in a quiet room where you can do the deed.
Write the name of your "victim" on a piece of paper. Then while strongly focusing on them, deduct the letters that repeat themselves from his/her name, it will look something like this:
Jacob Jones = Jacob Jones = Jacbones (you can deduct letters as you see fit to make the mantra more pronounceable)
Then, merge all letters into one meaningful symbol, as you are doing all of this you are keepeng them on your mind all the time.
Then draw closed hexagram and put candles at the points of the upper triangle when looking from your perspective, red in the middle black on the right side and white on the left side. Put the paper with the sigil in the middle. Sit meditate, imagine making love with him/her. Imagine it all from your first person, the touch the sounds, words, the more details, the better.
Whilst doing so, imagine energy going from yourself into the sigil and recite the mantra you made from their name.
Repeat the process untill your desire is fulfiled.