3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Love Attraction Jar
- Sexual Wish
- Love Spell
- Temperature spell
- Love
- Summon a Personal Dragon Guardian
- Bring Love To You
- Enchantment
- Lust from Blood
- Passion On Your Doorstep
#641 - Love Attraction Jar
Mix well in jar, leaving flower you chose on top. Then say: "For my love will come to me, this I know, so mote it be." Keep the jar safe.
Last edited on Jan 28, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#642 - Sexual Wish
Put the table cloth and then you put the doll stands on the table. Put the vases on the doll stands. Next, put water in the vases and then put the candles under the doll stands. Light them.
Then, get the sexy food and then put it on the table. Get the bed ready and then invite them over. Chant "Gods, grant my one wish and that he/she will have sex with me".
Last edited on Dec 12, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#643 - Love Spell
First you put the lollipop in a mug. Then put it in a microrave and set to 7 minutes. When it is done you add the contents to a bowl of water. Mix the ingredents together and the rose petals. Say:
"Make these two fall in love ( the boy)and (the girl) will drink this and fall in love so mote it be."
Write a note to them and pour the potion in 2 cups.
Last edited on Jan 30, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#644 - Temperature spell
And also the opposite
As cold as ice as cold as snow make this (object)'s temperature lower
#645 - Love
Light the candle, make sure to be careful. Take your piece of paper and write down facts of the person. Just the basics, like their name, height, physical and personality description. The next person on another piece of paper, using the same diagram as above
Place the two papers in the candle, as it burns say this: "Dea amoris Venerem haec cum potentissimis habes benedicere. (English translation: Goddess of love, Aphrodite, please bless these two with the most powerfull love you have.)"
After you are done, take the ashes and put them in the box. As you do this say: "Dea matrimonium, Hera, adesto auxilio deam amoris erga haec duo anteferretur. (English Translation: Goddess of Marriage, Hera, please help the godess of love in assisting these two's love for eachother.)"
Take the box and bury it in your yard, as you dig the hole say: "Nunc cum duo ex vobis miscere vires binas benedicere amore. (English Translation: Now please, as the two of you combind your powers, please bless these two with love)"
When you drop the box in, say this: "Sicut autem ex altera solem suum oriri super terram, haec duo tanquam mentis amorem incidere. Regere nequit invenient se amore deperibat (English Translation: Now, as the next sun rise comes Upond this land, these two will fall into a love-like trance. Unable to control it, they will find themselves desperately in love)"
When you want this spell to reverse (or no longer work) take out the box while saying this:" Deam Venerem Juno, bene fecistis. Jam quaero tibi tollere amoris habent. (English Translation: Goddess Aphrodite, Godess Hera, you have done well. Now all I ask if for you to take away the love they have.)"
Take the ashes out and flush them down the toilet, as the flush down says these words: "Gratias ago vos pro me auxilium tuum (English Translation: I thank you for your help)"
Last edited on Mar 19, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#646 - Summon a Personal Dragon Guardian
Find a nice place where you not be disturbed and where you comfortable, do not worry becuase everyone has a dragon guardian from before they were born and they wait day and night for you. Once your comfortable light a few candles hold either a pentagram or a crystal of the three colors (white, black, or green) and be very quiet for a moment...ask out loud for your your dragon guardian to draw near....you don't need to yell, just ask in a normal voice.
Say the following:
"Come draconis, I summon you ( stamp 3 times)
By your might and strength I summon you! (stamp 3 times)
By your wisdom, and ancient love, I summon you! (stamp 3 times)
By your magic, deep and old, I summon you! (stamp 3 times)
Come, Draconis, To My Call!"
When the dragon is near you, you'll feel heat, your shoulders will tingle,you may feel their strong presence, and you even "see" him or her approuching you, do not be afraid for dragon are not harmful beings unless you try to hurt or fight them. But even if you try they are 4th dimensional beings so you can't touch them. You may see colors flash.
Once you've connected with your Mon-tey, laugh with them, talk with them play music for them, and when you play music for them you might hear them dance sometimes. Every dragon has a different taste in music but I'm sure he or she will love your music. And when you drift off to sleep, right before to start dreaming you can hear them speak, dragons are known to have a deep voice. once you are connected with your Mon-tey, everything about you changes and your life will never be the same.
Last edited on Apr 08, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#647 - Bring Love To You
So first meditate: it can help boost the power. Meditate for about 10 min then put water in a bowl and the rose petals. Let that sit for about 30 min. Next take the water (rose water): it should smell great if not then wait longer. Add a pinch of salt lots of sugar ( it depends how much you wanna be crazy for each other add more salt if you wanna get in fights a lot)
Then say 3 times: "I love (person you love) and want him/ her to love me. O gods and goddesses bring him/her to me." Then drink it and give some to the other person!
Last edited on Jan 21, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#648 - Enchantment
For the first enchantment method, get your item and a charged crystal. Use different crystals for different intents, rose quartz for attraction, etc. Circle your item with the crystal in a clockwise direction while chanting your intent; "I am viewed as more attractive," "I am wise," etc.
Walk around your item and chant your intent. Kiss it and focus on your intent; great for love related items. Step on it and chant your intent; great for destruction.
Last edited on Nov 08, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#649 - Lust from Blood
When you get close with someone, it can be really hard to know when the time is right or if they are ready. *DISCLAIMER: this spell will not change that and it is not a substitute for consent. If whoever you try this on says no, that means no. It's meant to create lust. That is sometimes not a good enough reason for people to have sex.*
If you are absolutely ready, and you want to test the waters to see if your partner wants the same thing you do, begin with kissing or flirting. Focus on your blood running in your veins. It will begin to heat up. Feel it pumping in your heart as the beat speeds up or becomes irregular. Touch your partner (anywhere, just their hand or arm would do) to form the connection. Be gentle. Being too aggressive or forceful can throw it off or break the spell. Focus on their blood running beneath their skin. It should be heating up, just like yours. This is where the connection is really growing. Focus on their heartbeat, which should be speeding up. If you can feel the energy from this in the atmosphere around you, you will know if the time is right. Again, just because you are ready doesn't mean your partner will be. If you really want it to work out, respect them and what they tell you. NEVER try to force anyone to do something they are not ready for.
Last edited on Dec 09, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#650 - Passion On Your Doorstep
You don't need to be too precise with the herbs. Two or three pinches of each would be fine, just try to use the same amount for all the herbs. Stir everything together in a bowl, while you concentrate on drawing love and passion into your life.
Using your fingers, sprinkle the mixture around your front doorstep. Don't just pour it all out in one spot. Wash your hands well afterwards, and wait for love to come knocking at your door.
Last edited on Jan 21, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.