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3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 3002 Love Spells
3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 3002 Love Spells
  1. Complex love spell
  2. Love from the Ocean
  3. warrior CATS
  4. Ritual for Prosperous Love
  5. Mind Control
  6. Cleansing Spray
  7. Attraction Candle
  8. Power Summoning Ritual
  9. Chants for Love
  10. Obsess Over Me

#661 - Complex love spell

This spell with cause love to come naturally between you and the one you love, it wont bewitch the man/woman to be in a state of trance and have artificial feelings for you like others. It may take three days or a period of months. It took me three weeks but over that three weeks we talked more and exchanged more smiles than ever before. Than he asked me out ^-^
You may need:

  • Voice
  • Belief
  • Strong Heart
  • Pure love
  • Two Pink Candles
  • Three Red Candles
  • One White Candle (larger than pink and red)
  • Four Pink Roses
  • Three Red Roses
  • One White Rose
  • Bamboo Stick
  • Basil (three leaves)
  • Honeysuckle Blossoms
  • Jasmine Flowers
  • 1 Lemon
  • Lavender (five sticks)
  • Cinnamon (three sticks)
  • Miniature Roses (three yellow ones)
  • Three Orchids
  • Two Sticks of Rosemary
  • Rose Quartz 5
  • Crystal Quartz
  • Chrysocolla
  • Imperial Topaz or Citrine (either will work, one isn't better than the other, only use one)
  • Chrysoprase
  • Peridot
  • Azurite
  • Watermelon Tourmaline
  • Pink Chalk
  • Red chalk
  • White Chalk
  • Vanilla Or Rose perfume preferably but any that you have, one that you wear on a day to day basis will work great as well
  • Picture of the one you want to seek love with
  • Foot Of Red Yarn
  • Three Inches of Pink Yarn
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    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Belief
  • Strong Heart
  • Pure love
  • Two Pink Candles
  • Three Red Candles
  • One White Candle (larger than pink and red)
  • Four Pink Roses
  • Three Red Roses
  • One White Rose
  • Bamboo Stick
  • Basil (three leaves)
  • Honeysuckle Blossoms
  • Jasmine Flowers
  • 1 Lemon
  • Lavender (five sticks)
  • Cinnamon (three sticks)
  • Miniature Roses (three yellow ones)
  • Three Orchids
  • Two Sticks of Rosemary
  • Rose Quartz 5
  • Crystal Quartz
  • Chrysocolla
  • Imperial Topaz or Citrine (either will work, one isn't better than the other, only use one)
  • Chrysoprase
  • Peridot
  • Azurite
  • Watermelon Tourmaline
  • Pink Chalk
  • Red chalk
  • White Chalk
  • Vanilla Or Rose perfume preferably but any that you have, one that you wear on a day to day basis will work great as well
  • Picture of the one you want to seek love with
  • Foot Of Red Yarn
  • Three Inches of Pink Yarn
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    Get all your ingredients together before you start, and memorize the chants your going to need to do. Dont do this spell with any screen in front of you, memorize the chants to the point where they flow out of you, forgetting a part and redoing it could lead to the spell not working, this is advanced, NOT for the faint hearted.

    Put all your ingredients organized around you (all flowers should be fresh) Take your white chalk and draw a large heartagram,look it up if you dont know what it is but its very simple. Do not draw it with you inside and do not step inside at any time.
    its love i seek,
    if i dont get it i shall weep.
    My heart is pure,
    as is this romance,
    but please dont put him/her in a trance.
    This love is true,
    so mote it be,
    if i love you,
    and he love me''

    Cast a simple protection spell around your heartagram than step inside, i have a short simple one and i will put the link on the bottom. Take your red chalk and color in the inside of the circle of your heartagram, not the triangle or heart. Than take your pink chalk and color in the heart, not the triangle which is the middle section. Take your white chalk and color the triangle white. Your heartagram should be red, pink, white. Representing, Love, Romance, and trust. Take your pink roses and take out all the petals, sprinkle them evenly around your heartagram.Put your Red candles on the sections where the red chalk lies, top, right, left, bottom left, bottom right. If you did the coloring correctly this should make sense XD Put your pink candles where the pink chalk is and finally put your single white candle in the center where you filled in white chalk. Take one red rose and take out the petals and sprinkle them around your white candle, the petals should stay in the center. As soon as your clock hits 12:00 at night turn off the lights and strike a match, light your white candle. Than light the pink ones, than the red ones. Now, gather all of your stones together. Pair them like this:
    Rose Quartz+ Chrysocolla (To stabilize a rocky relationship)
    Rose Quartz+ Chrysoprase (To overcome jealousy)
    Rose Quartz+ Peridot or Azurite (To open yourself to new experiences)
    Rose Quartz + Imperial Topaz or Citrine (To overcome fear or apprehension associated with matters of the heart)
    NOTE- You may not feel these now but later in the relationship they may occur. It will help stabilize the romance later on.
    Keep them paired and put them around the heartagram behind the rose petals, evenly spaced from eachother. Than put your crystal quartz under your white candle and your bamboo stick over it, take your two basil leaves and put them with the tip facing up on the right and left side of your candle. Take your cinnamon sticks and arrange them around the white candle, bamboo stick, basil and crystal in a square, none of the corners should touch. Put the Honeysuckle Blossoms in between where the corners of the cinnamon sticks would touch. It should remain in a square.
    ''May these items receive my blessing,
    binding together with pure love,
    with truth from the feather of this white dove''
    Put the white doves feather over the flame and let the middle catch fire, than put it out. By now you should have some melted wax pooled by the wick. Take your rosemary sticks and one at a time dip the end in the wax, stick it into the white candle, than do the same with the other, it should look like the rosemary is growing out of the candle.
    ''As this rosemary grows,
    his love for me will begin to show.
    Although we'll take it slow,
    everyone will know,
    that we are not alone''
    Take your lavender and put it around your heartagram, put each one over where there's a gap between the stones you've already put down. The lavender should look like its ''sprouting'' up. Take your lemon zest and sprinkle it over the outer pink rose petals.
    (NOTE- all the plants you have been using help bring love)
    Put your jasmine flowers around the heart of your heartagram and say, ''may our love be as pure, innocent, and sweet as the flowers before me''. Take your mini yellow roses and put them in a triangle around your cinnamon sticks. Now take your parchment and quill, write the persons full name at the top than below that list all the qualities you like about them and how that person makes you feel. on the right side draw a heartagram and write the persons initials in the middle. At the very bottom write a poem for them, it doesnt have to rhyme and you dont even need to be good. Just say how the person makes you happy, how they make you smile, how love is blossoming and things like that. Let the words come from your heart. Drip some red wax on the picture of your loved one and press it under the heartagram you drew. Than drip some red wax on the corner of the parchment, wait for it to BARELY harden than press your lips onto it so its literally, ''sealed with a kiss''. Write, ''Blessed be'' very small under your lip mark. Spray you're perfume on it and than place it in the center of the heartagram. Step out and walk around it blowing out all the candles as you pass. Leave the middle one lit. step back into the heartagram and chant.
    The one i love has now been kissed and in his/her mind i will be missed later in life i will be blessed with the the feeling of his/her lips
    Place the picture on top of the flame to put it out. While doing this, picture the person you love thinking of you and than you kissing. Pick up the candle and than place it on top of the picture. Gently tip the candle a little to let some wax drip down the side and onto the picture. Than chant, my spell is over, i am done, my fight is over, and i have won. Than step out of the heartagram and turn on the lights. Gather up all you're materials and put them in separate piles so flowers are with flowers, stones with stones, etc.. don't remove the white candle or picture. Erase the triangle from the heartagram so all thats left is a heart with the picture and candle in the middle. Than sprinkle rose petals inside the heart around the picture. Place the stones around the outside of the heart. Bury everything else. Leave the heartagram and everything overnight. Than first thing when you wake up remove the petals and sprinkle them over where you buried everything else. Light the candle and let it burn until it's almost gone. Than if you can remove the picture, kiss it again, say i love you. If not thats okay. Carry the picture around with you and every night at midnight kiss it, say i love you, and than put it under your pillow. Do this for a full moon cycle. Don't erase the heart. Bury the candle next to where you buried the materials. On the last day of the moon cycle at midnight lay down in the middle of the heart and put the picture over your heart and think about what you want your relationship to be. You can do this for however long you want. The longer you do, the stronger it will be. At the peak of your feelings of how much you love this person, kiss the picture. Than step out of the heart. Draw a heart on the picture with a sharpie, can be any color and any size. Than write the number of how many years you want this relationship to last. Just the number in the middle of the heart. You can erase the heart now if you want but you must erase it without breaking contact with the heart. Than keep the picture where you'll see it everyday. If you messed up at all or got distracted at all during any part of the spell, or are doing this in vain. It won't work.

    Added to on Jan 14, 2017
    Last edited on Jul 31, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #662 - Love from the Ocean

    This spell will help you find love.
    You may need:

  • Fabric
  • Stuffing
  • Pearl
  • Saltwater
  • Five days
  • Small glass
  • Sand
  • Five Shells
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    You may need:

  • Fabric
  • Stuffing
  • Pearl
  • Saltwater
  • Five days
  • Small glass
  • Sand
  • Five Shells
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    Cut your fabric into two heart shapes and sew them together, heart must be small. Leave a small opening and put in your stuffing, than set it aside. Take a small glass and fill it with saltwater, you really don't need a lot for one pearl.

    Put in your pearl and sprinkle the sand over it, it should just be a pinch of sand, smaller than a quarter. Leave the pearl in the saltwater for five days, place the shells around the glass. starting clockwise, touch each shell and think of these,do this every morning (it will put emotions into the pearl)-

    1. First shell on first day- Think of Honesty (yellow)
    2. Second shell on second day- Think of kindness (pink)
    3. Third shell on third day- Think of Happiness (green)
    4. Fourth shell on fourth day- Think of Calmness (blue)
    5. Fifth shell on fifth day- Think of love (red)

    Note: The colors are the feeling strands, do not just think the colors.

    On the night of the fifth day, take out the pearl and move the glass out of the center of the shell circle and set the pearl down in the middle instead. Than think of the first color (yellow) as a glowing strand, than think the next one (pink) and imagine the emotion flowing through it. Imagine all the feeling strand flowing together and creating a ball of light, move the light down into your pearl. Now place the pearl into the center of your heart and sew it up the rest of the way. Now you can keep your heart with you whenever you need it, the sea will help you.

    Added to on Jan 14, 2017
    Last edited on Aug 16, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #663 - warrior CATS

    You may need:

  • HOPE
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    You may need:

  • HOPE
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    Added to on Jan 14, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #664 - Ritual for Prosperous Love

    This ritual will strengthen the eternal bond between you and your lover, but both must be willing and believe in the power of the ritual. Your lover does not need to be physically present for the ritual, but aware that you are doing it.
    You may need:

  • 1 Pink Candle
  • 1 White Candle
  • 1 Blessing Sign
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    You may need:

  • 1 Pink Candle
  • 1 White Candle
  • 1 Blessing Sign
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    Have the symbol marked on the back of each partners hand. Light the white candle, and repeat the first incantation. "Manibus hos, benedicito corde, caritas Benedicat anima nostra. Est Anima amoris mundi et postera saecula teneantur."

    Light the pink candle, and repeat a second time. "Manibus hos, benedicito corde, caritas Benedicat anima nostra. Est Anima amoris mundi et postera saecula teneantur."

    Focus your energy, holding hands with your lover if they are present, and finish the incantation. "Manibus hos, benedicito corde, caritas Benedicat anima nostra. Est Anima amoris mundi et postera saecula teneantur. Dique deaeque Per virtus trium hoc optamus, ut fiat."

    Added to on Jan 11, 2017
    Last edited on Jan 20, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #665 - Mind Control

    AWhat is called black magic can be used for malicious or self-centered reasons. On the other hand, white magic is magic that is used exclusively for good purposes such as healing the sick. The mind control spell I will show you is considered to be black magic, so please proceed with extreme caution.
    You may need:

  • Candles
  • Circle
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    You may need:

  • Candles
  • Circle
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    First, place the candles in a circle but do not light them. The best way to make an accurate circle is by placing a candle in each cardinal direction (example: North, Northeast, East, Southeast, South, etc.). Make sure that the circle is at least a foot in diameter. Place the photograph or object in the center of this circle. Before you light the candles, utter these words:

    "Spirit guides, connect my ethereal cord with name of the person.
    Let us converge like the Moons light and darkness.
    May we be one and the same in thought and spirit."

    Afterwards, light the candles with your lighter or matches. This might be common sense but please be sure that you conduct this ritual on a concrete or wood floor if you're indoors. Never do this ritual on a rug, carpeted floor or any material that can easily catch fire. You may use candlesticks as well. This will not affect the casting of the spell. Once the light has filled up the room, stand in front of the circle of candles. Look down at the photo or object. Your concentration should be quite intense at this point. Don't think about anything else except the person you are attempting to enchant. Imagine that they can psychically feel you at that moment. Whisper their name 30 times in a row while concentrating on their picture or object. To finalize the ritual and close the link to the spirit world that you just opened up, say this prayer:

    "May my mind and soul become one with Name's mind.
    When I walk, they will walk with me.
    When I speak about apples, they will taste their sweetness.
    When I feel melancholy or love, their heart will respond in kind.
    I thank you, spirit guides, for helping me.
    May you make the cord between me and Name strong like the chains of a prisoner."

    In the end, close it with..
    "We are no longer two as one.
    I am myself and you are yourself.
    Your mind is now again your own."

    Added to on Jan 06, 2017
    Last edited on Mar 27, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #666 - Cleansing Spray

    A simple spray for cleansing.
    You may need:

  • A spray bottle
  • Salt
  • Water
  • Sage
  • Heat
  • Cauldren or pot
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    You may need:

  • A spray bottle
  • Salt
  • Water
  • Sage
  • Heat
  • Cauldren or pot
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    Cleanse all ingredents first and equipment by saying "cleanse (item) for my spell". Put all ingredients into boiling water, then allow them to cool. Once done, put them into a spray bottle and use as needed.

    Added to on Jan 05, 2017
    Last edited on Jan 20, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #667 - Attraction Candle

    Use this spell to get someone to fall in love with you. People who have a crushes mostly cast this spell and they feel that they are their true lovers.
    You may need:

  • 2 white candle
  • 3 white and unwritten
  • 2 pieces of paper
  • 1 red pen
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    You may need:

  • 2 white candle
  • 3 white and unwritten
  • 2 pieces of paper
  • 1 red pen
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    The process of casting the spell when casting this spell, You need to be alone and be in a place whereby no one will most likely disturbed. Cast spell on Wednesday or Friday around Midnight.Get two pieces of paper and write your (full name) on each of papers and your crush's (full name) of the other piece of paper.

    Write both your names starting with yours place the three papers in this order. The one with
    your name on the right, the one with both names in the center and the other on the left. Get the two white candles and light them. Put one candle on each of the papers with your names. The one with both names should be left there.

    Meditate for two to three minutes and start thinking about the good times you want to have with this person. Persuade him and her to fall in love with you with your eyes glued to
    the middle paper. For the power of this spell, you might need certain oils from the best spells caster.

    Added to on Jan 04, 2017
    Last edited on Jan 19, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #668 - Power Summoning Ritual

    This will help you develope the one power that your subcosious desires.
    You may need:

  • White Chalk
  • Candels (optional but advised)
  • Ashes
  • Dead Flower Petals
  • A Clear Mind
  • Your blood
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    You may need:

  • White Chalk
  • Candels (optional but advised)
  • Ashes
  • Dead Flower Petals
  • A Clear Mind
  • Your blood
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    Draw a triangle on the floor, and place the candels on the outside corners.

    Drop the ashes in a circle inside the triangle, then light the candels while chanting -Scalvier, Kanhora- over and over until you stand in the middle circle. Put the dead flower petals in you hand and chant -Zandorthre, Sawanga- three times.

    Then, put a drop of your blood on the flame of the candels, and put your bloody hand inside the circle. You should recive your powers gradually. Message me if it works!

    Added to on Jan 02, 2017
    Last edited on Jan 16, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #669 - Chants for Love

    Chants that will bring you love.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Please chant this spell 305 times:

    "Love from above.
    Love from below.
    Love from within bring me loves

    Added to on Jan 02, 2017
    Last edited on Jan 20, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #670 - Obsess Over Me

    This is a spell where the person you try it on is absolutely obsessed over you. They completely need you, lustfully and all.
    You may need:

  • Rose Petals
  • Tea of choice (or water)
  • Spoon
  • Cinnamon (Sprinkled)
  • Petal of yours and your victim's favorite flower (If not a rock of both your favorite colors)
  • Banana
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    You may need:

  • Rose Petals
  • Tea of choice (or water)
  • Spoon
  • Cinnamon (Sprinkled)
  • Petal of yours and your victim's favorite flower (If not a rock of both your favorite colors)
  • Banana
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    Set the tea down and grind the clean rose petals into a pulp with your teeth or clean hands. If you chewed it, spit into the tea. If you used hands, make sure you drop the juices and the pulp into it. The chewed one should work better.

    Now, peel out the banana and cut it into pieces. Make sure there are exactly eight slices, and then cut them into fourths from the part that is the inside of the banana.
    Stir as much as you can, grinding up the ingredients.
    Sprinkle a small amount of cinnamon into the potion.
    Put the cleaned petal or cleaned rock of yours and your victim's favorite into this. Stir along with the cinnamon.

    Chant this and concentrate on your victim:

    "Here's my potion, here it is, my love for (Name) shall be returned to me by them,
    Thou shall love me, obsess over me, need me, and lust for me.
    Goddess and God of love, give me my obsession from them, mote this be as they drink this."

    Thanks for reading my hand written spell!

    Added to on Dec 27, 2016
    Last edited on Nov 13, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters