3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Temporary Lucky Charm Enchantment
- Gender
- Hair Growing
- Love Me or Die
- How to become a Babai
- Love for Love
- Love Spell
- Love Perfume
- Re-bond a Broken Friendship
- EWW: Emma and Jax
#681 - Temporary Lucky Charm Enchantment
Lay your item to be enchanted on the flat surface. Meditate before enchantment or it won't work. Cup your hands over the item crossed. Focus on what you need of the item and the items details.
Chant: "By the power of God's and goddesses alike, by power of luck bring power to me when needed most, then lose the power after the need has passed". 1x.
Then put the item on, you should feel the enchantment in the object.
Last edited on Jan 03, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#682 - Gender
First, get to a comfortable place sitting cross-legged. Then close your eyes and imagine you male part receding and your breast and butt expanding. Once your man part has now just become nothing, imagine it now becoming like a second butt, this time out the in front. Now imagine that your hair us growing longer and longer, turning into the color you want it to. Once the transformation is complete, say or whisper this:
"Gods and Goddesses, I have a wish, and please let it be. Let me be a female, only for an hour. I just want to see. If I must, I will let you use my power. Make me pass out to complete the process. When I wake up, it shall be complete. This is my will, so mote it be."
As the spell says, after a couple of minutes you should pass out. You will wake up in about 30 minutes and you will be female. After an hour you will pass out again, this time going back to a male.
Last edited on May 17, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#683 - Hair Growing
Mix all ingredients and put in hair. Wrap it up so that it all stays together and wait 24 hours.
Last edited on Jan 07, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#684 - Love Me or Die
On the night of the full moon write their name on a piece of paper. Then cut yourself let the blood drip on the paper. Chant:
"Think of me
As I bleed
Think of you
The one I need"
Focus on the face of the person you love.
Last edited on Jan 06, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#685 - How to become a Babai
Go to a quite place where no one is around with the ingredients mentioned above(best places your room, outside).
Take a few breathe before you begin,now say this prayer with faith and believe and do not be distracted by anything.Here is the prayer:
"Oh great God of magic, I have finally decided to become a Babai for I know if I become one I will be more stronger and gifted with the power of Vistu(magic) if I have not yet gotten the power. Please lord Babavram take me as your humble servant and also your son/daughter because I believe that in you I will have my strength and power growing stronger and stronger everyday as I am under your care."
Then conclude by saying:
"Today I officially declare myself as a Babai and dedicate myself onto you lord. Take me and teach me more and also to know how to control my Vistu (magic). Thank you."
After this light the candles and place in the form of letter V,then write this prayer on a paper
"Oh my lordi have finally acknowledged that you are our lord and also known of your existence. Please God may I find favour in your side and may your mercy fall on me as I have become a Babai thank you."
Now write your full names at the end of the paper then burn on the candles placed in the form of V.
Welcome to the world of magic. Have fun,and mail me for more information. Thank you
contributed by a rank 5 //Babai
Last edited on Nov 29, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#686 - Love for Love
Write out the qualities you want in a lover on the sheet of paper using the pen.
Next spritz the paper with your perfume.
Fold the paper and place it in the envelope.
Now take the flower petals, hold them in your RIGHT hand. Envision yourself happy and in love, squeezing the petals tight in your hand. Keep envisioning this scene.
Drop the petals into the envelope. Seal the envelope closed and seal the whole spell with a kiss. Apply the red lipstick and kiss the envelope!!
Place in a safe place. Never open it again, if you do this will break the spell.
*Note: Do not use characters/qualities specific to a certain person.
Last edited on Jan 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#687 - Love Spell
On a Friday evening, light your pink candle. With your favorite pen and a white piece of paper, write your first name and your lovers last name. Draw a circle around the names and close your eyes and meditate on what you want (the two of you together, how happy you will be, etc.) Repeat three times:
"Our fate is sealed
We are one
So mote it be
It is done!"
Watch your pink candle for at least 15 minutes while meditating about the person you want and the wonderful love you will have together. If possible, meditate until the candle burns out. You may also use a larger candle and do the spell every night for seven nights, meditating 15 minutes each night.
Last edited on Jan 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#688 - Love Perfume
Stand (so that no one will see you) where your beloved lives or will be and blow the powders, don't wipe off from your hands-add perfume/cologne and rub your hands to generate heat and add more powders then blow and say:
''Wandering wind carry my spell, make ________ love me well, Herbs and scent make ______ mind see me, make his/her love turn to me''.
Wear this perfume whenever you will be near them.
#689 - Re-bond a Broken Friendship
Your paper needs to be sideways.
Write the peoples names you wish to rebond on opposite sides of the paper in the black pen.
Ex: Elizabeth Alexis
In the black pen, put a heart between the two names. Color the heart in with the red pen while saying:
"Lord and Lady rebond these two. Fighting is all they seem to do. Revive all my friends from their headaches and pain, and bring these two back together again. So mote it be!"
Draw a line to each name in red, connecting them to the heart and each other. Fold the paper in half (hamburger style) and put it under your pillow for 1 night. After that night, put the paper somewhere safe so their friendship can last.
Last edited on Jan 29, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#690 - EWW: Emma and Jax
Spell: "I wish to have powers like (person you want to be here). I want to have their powers and use them wisely. Please let me be who I want to be. Please grant my wish."
This spell is mostly recommended to be done during the full moon at night time. But make sure it's in your view. Don't do it during a new moon or a waning moon. It won't be as affective
Last edited on Jan 06, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.