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3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters

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3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 3002 Love Spells
  1. Attraction Spell
  2. Spouse Find a New Lover
  3. Ritual of Saraswati
  4. Wisdom Mantra of Manjushri
  5. Make Enemy A Friend Mantra
  6. Dharmakaya Hayagriva Mudra Protection
  7. Love Bond
  8. Attraction
  9. Becoming a Druid
  10. Having Trouble Making A Specific Friend

#771 - Attraction Spell

A spell to aid in someone falling in love with you. Because this spell is "forcing" someone to do/feel a certain way, bad luck is often a huge side effect. Making someone fall in love with you usually would make the relationship not real and can fade quickly. You have been warned.
You may need:

  • Picture of the person
  • Paper
  • Pen/marker - no pencil
  • Candle, white, pink, purple, or red.
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    You may need:

  • Picture of the person
  • Paper
  • Pen/marker - no pencil
  • Candle, white, pink, purple, or red.
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    It is best to meditate before hand, for at least 10-15 minutes.

    You may place soft, relaxing music or "love songs" to get you in the mood of this spell. Music has a strong effect over us, and can help aid in a spell a lot. Keep this music playing.

    Place the picture of the person aside. Make sure you visualize what this person looks like clearly. Memories of the person can also help aid in the spell.

    Light your candle(s).

    Grab a piece of paper and rip off a small corner. You only need a tiny piece of paper.
    In pen (preferably) or marker, write down the following:
    Your name + Your crush's name
    fall in love
    today's date: mm/dd/yyyy OR dd/mm/yyyy

    Fold the paper to where it is about the same size or smaller than a coin.

    Either place the small, folded paper in the candle. Or, place the paper in the flame then set it on a non-flammable item to let it burn.

    Chant the following until the paper is in complete ashes:

    "With all of my heart's desire,
    Hope yours I do acquire,
    with energy from me,
    with energy from the ground,the sky, the universe,
    the earth, the wind, the fire, the water, the spirit,
    Here I say my wish to be,
    let this wish come true,
    so mote it be."

    While you chant, imagine your energy going into the spell. Direct it to do what you wish: making the person love you.

    Imagine the outcome.

    this spell does not work if one person is an adult while the other is a minor.

    Do's and Don't's:
    If you mess up during a chant, do NOT go back and fix it. Keep going.
    Do not have anyone else in the room.
    You may do this during the day time or night time.
    if you wish, you may place a pentagram on the ground below you where you cast your spell.
    please be careful when messing with fire. If you are a minor, this is not recommended.
    love spells can backfire, cause bad luck, or even unwanted events. Love spells are a form of black magick because you are forcing someone to feel a certain way or do a certain thing.
    Love spells will often not make the relationship "real" because the relationship can easily fade. Some fade fast, while others last for years. Sometimes love spells can be good sense you learn from them.
    Make sure you only concentrate on the person and the outcome. Anything else you think about (For example, thinking of bad luck) can result.

    It is best to charge the spell beforehand. This spell is not usually for beginners because of it's energy usage. In fact, most spells with less ingredients are for those who practiced magick for a long time. Beginners are often better with spells with more ingredients.

    Added to on Jun 18, 2016
    Last edited on Nov 30, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #772 - Spouse Find a New Lover

    If you're in a love-less, non passionate marriage, stale, and your both unhappy and to the point of no salvage, you cant find the strength to leave yourself, cast this spell to make your spouse find another lover and happiness.
    You may need:

  • 1 White candle (optional)
  • 1 Red candle (optional)
  • Photo of spouse and or you and spouse together (optional)
  • Visual image
  • Concentration
  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • 1 White candle (optional)
  • 1 Red candle (optional)
  • Photo of spouse and or you and spouse together (optional)
  • Visual image
  • Concentration
  • Voice
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    Go to your most relaxing spot where you will not be interrupted.
    Light your candles (optional)if you choose to do a protection chant or invocation you may. Focus on your photo and Find your concentration getting into the mind of your spouse. Picture them happy with someone else and in love, picture yourself happy. Picture your lives non stagnant.
    Chant the following:

    Were not in love anymore
    Find happiness before its too late
    Let us find Love again."

    "By light of day By dark of night,
    Let us apart without a fight.
    By the power of 3X3 so mote it be."

    Chant this as many times as you like until you feel your energy is strong enough and confident.

    Added to on Jun 18, 2016
    Last edited on Dec 06, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #773 - Ritual of Saraswati

    Saraswati is the Hindu goddess of wisdom, knowledge, music, and of the arts. She is the consort of Lord Brahma and is peaceful. In Buddhism, her consort is the wise bodhisattva Manjushri. In Buddhism, Saraswati has a wrathful form which is Magzor Gyalmo. Magzor Gyalmo is an attendant of the great wrathful protector, Palden Lhamo(also known as Shri Devi, but this is not to be confused with Lakshmi). Saraswati is also a form of the great goddess Tara. In Tibet, she is known as Yang Chenno or when in musical form, Piwa Karpo. In Mongolia, she is Keleyin ukin Tegri. In China, she is Tapien-ts'ai t'iennu or Miao-yin mu. In Japan, she is the goddess Benten. She is the source of illumination and is the goddess of water and rivers. Chanting her mantras will ensure her blessings of success in studies, education, music, art, and will grant forth her protection. Since she is the patron of students and musicians, this will ensure success in tests and performances
    You may need:

  • -Incense(give your best)
  • -2 white candles(vanilla scented, lavender, or jasmine is highly recommended)
  • -Flowers and petals of Palash, Marigold, Gardenia, Hibiscus, Sandhyamalati, Shefali/Shiuli, and/or Dahlia
  • -Picture or statue of Saraswati
  • -Fresh fruit offerings
  • -White robes or white simple clothing to wear(no jewelry, make-up, or perfume allowed)
  • -Faith
  • -Thursday(you must start worshiping her on that day) or fifth day of the new year's waxing moon(optional, this is her sacred day)
  • -Books, instruments, writing utensils, and/or school supplies
  • -Ghee lamp(though this is not always needed since you have incense)
  • -Rosary(optional, to keep track of the amount of chants you say)
  • -Conch(though this is optional, any horn will do or even bells, singing bowls, and gongs. But, you don't need to do this part)
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    You may need:

  • -Incense(give your best)
  • -2 white candles(vanilla scented, lavender, or jasmine is highly recommended)
  • -Flowers and petals of Palash, Marigold, Gardenia, Hibiscus, Sandhyamalati, Shefali/Shiuli, and/or Dahlia
  • -Picture or statue of Saraswati
  • -Fresh fruit offerings
  • -White robes or white simple clothing to wear(no jewelry, make-up, or perfume allowed)
  • -Faith
  • -Thursday(you must start worshiping her on that day) or fifth day of the new year's waxing moon(optional, this is her sacred day)
  • -Books, instruments, writing utensils, and/or school supplies
  • -Ghee lamp(though this is not always needed since you have incense)
  • -Rosary(optional, to keep track of the amount of chants you say)
  • -Conch(though this is optional, any horn will do or even bells, singing bowls, and gongs. But, you don't need to do this part)
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    First, fast and do not do any sinful things before the ritual. Then on a Thursday or the fifth day of the new year's waxing moon, wear white clothing that's humble. Unless you're a girl and it's Saraswati's sacred day, then wear a light orange shade called besanti(though that's optional, it's traditional). Do not wear any perfume, jewelry, or makeup and make sure you're clean. Place the picture or statue of Saraswati in front of you to the north and the white candles in front of her. Place the ghee lamp or incense in front of her between the two candles. Have the flowers and petals decorate the now made altar and prepare the offerings in front of her. Don't forget to put the books, instruments, writing tools, and/or school supplies in front of her.
    After you're done with that, light the candles and incense. If you have a ghee lamp, then light it. If you have a conch or horn or any gongs, bells, or singing bowls, then blow the conch or horn, or ring the gong, bell, or singing bowl to signal the beginning of the ritual. But anyway, after lighting the candles and incense, go into prayer position on your knees. Close your eyes while thinking of Saraswati and chant at least 5 malas(540 times):
    ''Om namah padmasne shabadrupe aim hreem kleem vad vad vag vadini swaha''
    ''Om shreem hreem Saraswati namaha''
    Yaa Kundendu Tushaara Haaradhavalaa, Yaa Shubhravastraavritha
    Yaa Veenavara Dandamanditakara, Yaa Shwetha Padmaasana
    Yaa Brahmaachyutha Shankara Prabhritibhir Devaisadaa Vanditha
    Saa Maam Paatu Saraswati Bhagavatee Nihshesha Jaadyaapaha''

    Bow down respectfully when you're done. Then make a short prayer to Saraswati for success in studies, exams, tests, performances, music, or whatever. Present the fruit offerings and flowers and petals to Saraswati while chanting three times:
    ''Saraswati maha-bhage vidye kamala lochane
    Viswa-rupe vishalakshi vidyangdehi namastute
    Esho shachandana pushpa bilvapatranjali
    Namo Saraswatvayi devyayi namo''
    Bow down respectfully to her again and then ask her to accept to the offerings you just made. Then, make another short prayer to Saraswati of thanking her for joining you and ask her for her blessings. Bow down, and then say farewell or good bye to her. The ritual is then over.

    Added to on Jun 10, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #774 - Wisdom Mantra of Manjushri

    This mantra of his will grant protection, his blessings, and great wisdom. When in his wrathful form, he becomes Yamantaka who destroys death.
    You may need:

  • Picture, statue, or visualization of Manjushri
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    You may need:

  • Picture, statue, or visualization of Manjushri
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    Go in prayer form and think of Manjushri with your eyes closed. Chant for one mala(108 times) or more of his mantra:
    "Om ara pa cha na dhih."
    "Om ara pasa na dhih"
    After that, bow down. Soon after this, anytime you recite his mantra, wisdom will be granted to you.

    Added to on Jun 09, 2016
    Last edited on Nov 20, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #775 - Make Enemy A Friend Mantra

    This is a Hindu mantra that will not only protect you, but turn an enemy into a friend.
    You may need:

  • -Picture of victim
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    You may need:

  • -Picture of victim
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    Place the picture of your enemy in front of you. Chant for one mala or 108 times:
    "Om aghore aghore karma karale.
    Hum phat svaha.
    Netratrayaaya vaushat.
    Om phat svaha.
    Astraya phat svaha."
    Do this process for a total of 3 days in a row. It's best to forgive. If we keep on being enemies, how is that going to help? All that's going to come is harming each other. It's best to forgive and make peace to create balance and good karma.

    Added to on Jun 09, 2016
    Last edited on Nov 24, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #776 - Dharmakaya Hayagriva Mudra Protection

    This is another Buddhist mudra that will give you protection.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Cross both of your wrists and have all four of your fingers(except the thumb) from both hands clasp each other. Bend the thumbs down and have them have their nails touch each other. Let them move to and fro. Then chant as many times as you want(108 times or mala being best):
    "Om Amridhushiva hum svaha."

    Added to on Jun 09, 2016
    Last edited on Nov 19, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #777 - Love Bond

    Writes your fate who you use it on in who you end up living your life with.
    You may need:

  • A sword (preferably a katana)
  • Etching acid
  • Something to etch with
  • A runic alphabet
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    You may need:

  • A sword (preferably a katana)
  • Etching acid
  • Something to etch with
  • A runic alphabet
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    Take the sword and dip it into the etching acid. Use a tool to etch your and the significant other's names.

    Chant: "A-yum E-fi I-sa O-dub." 3x

    Added to on Jun 07, 2016
    Last edited on Nov 17, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #778 - Attraction

    Easy attraction spell.
    You may need:

  • 1 Pink candle
  • 4 Tea light
  • 5 Dried rose petals (any colour, but preferably red or pink)
  • 3 Dried lavender petals
  • 1 Smalll piece of paper
  • 1 Pen
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    You may need:

  • 1 Pink candle
  • 4 Tea light
  • 5 Dried rose petals (any colour, but preferably red or pink)
  • 3 Dried lavender petals
  • 1 Smalll piece of paper
  • 1 Pen
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    1. Arrange tealights and pink candle to form the pentagram, with the pink candle at the apex.
    2. Place your petals in the center, preferably in something fire-resistant Cast your circle
    3. Write down the initials of whom you wish to attract or leave the paper blank if you wish to use this spell as a general attraction spell
    4. Light the paper and drop into the petals
    5. Drip three drops of the wax from the pink candle into the center

    Added to on Jun 06, 2016
    Last edited on May 13, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #779 - Becoming a Druid

    If you read and understand the concept of this then you might be a actually druid.
    You may need:

  • Open Mind
  • Yourself
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    You may need:

  • Open Mind
  • Yourself
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    What is druidry?
    Its a spiritual way and practice that speaks to three of our greatest yearnings:

    To be fully creative in our lives, to commune deeply with the world of nature, and to gain access to a source of profound wisdom. Each of these yearnings comes from a different aspect of ourselves that we can personify as the sage. in druidry, Bardic teachings help to nurte the storyteller within us:

    The creative self; the druid teachings help to develop our inner wisdom:

    The sage who dwells within each of us.
    the spell is very simple but difficult and slow to contact with the druids but there are some ways to speed up the process like, doing yoga or just looking at the moon while praying to isis, the egyptian goddess of magic, your beliefs in becoming this type of spirituality.

    "Do gach duine níos fearr, ba mhaith liom an nádúr, creidim i cad atá ceart, i mo veins, bheith ar an saoi."

    Now you may have the tingly in your fingers, as a sign of telekinesis. or you may have a severe headache which is a side effect of getting telepathy. now, but, there are also many other type of magic you can possess as a druid, but those are the most common ones.

    Added to on Jun 02, 2016
    Last edited on Nov 30, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #780 - Having Trouble Making A Specific Friend

    You have trouble trying to make a specific friend? Or "it made you" in big trouble and misery to try making friendship with the specific friend?
    You may need:

  • 1 Rose Quartz ( To improve the love in the friendship)
  • 1 Red Candle
  • Person His/Her Full Name
  • Dark Room
  • Photo Of Person(you can copy a photo from the person His/Her Facebook or Twitter you want to be friends with, put it on a USB and go to the copyshop and copy it).
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    You may need:

  • 1 Rose Quartz ( To improve the love in the friendship)
  • 1 Red Candle
  • Person His/Her Full Name
  • Dark Room
  • Photo Of Person(you can copy a photo from the person His/Her Facebook or Twitter you want to be friends with, put it on a USB and go to the copyshop and copy it).
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    Go sit in a quiet and dark place that no one disturbs you. Then do a 10/15 min. meditation to clear you're self from negative energy.

    After meditating put on the red candle and place the Rose Quarts in one hand and begin focusing on the photo in you're other hand of person you tried to be friends with.
    While doing so, use you're willpower now to fantasize about you and you're specific person that you have a great time toghether, maybe some romance or whatever you want to fantasize about this person, and while doing so stack up you're agilated feelings for this person.

    After you stacked up, with your will and the feelings you need to say the next. "Friend, Friend, Friend : (person's name) do become my friend. Let us become friends so we can make the trouble finally to a end".

    Now after saying the spell, put out the candle with full willpower and stacked up good feelings. Try not to think about it to much, let the magick do its work and soon enough it will easy your try to make this person your friend,or this person would realize to become you're friend and do almost everything to become it.

    Added to on Jun 01, 2016
    Last edited on Dec 16, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters