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2998 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2998 Love Spells
2998 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2998 Love Spells
  1. Look like Anyone
  3. Levitate An Object
  4. Magic of Friendship
  5. Full Moon Binding Latin
  6. 3 Wishes
  7. Forget a Friend
  8. Power
  9. Truth
  10. Revive Friendship

#851 - Look like Anyone

Disclaimer: You cannot look like anyone that is a different race to you, has a different eye colour, but only somebody who looks sort of alike to you.
You may need:

  • A photograph of the person you would like to look like.
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    You may need:

  • A photograph of the person you would like to look like.
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    1. Lie down in a room you feel calm in, eg. your room. Nobody can know what you are doing, and that you are in your room.

    2. Inform God who you would like to look like, and if the reason is good enough, you should start to feel a tingling sensation on a spot on your face. If your reason is not good enough, your spell will simply not work that day, and you will have to wait until you have found a better one.

    3. Gaze at the picture, and imagine yourself slowly floating to a parallel universe. Of course you aren't, but you must believe.

    4. Keep doing this until you finally look like them, you will forget everything, and you will look like how you wanted to look like in all photographs, videos, etc, that you have been featured in. Plus, the opinions of people will change depending on if they like your new appearance. Also, the person you wanted to look like will appear to look slightly different, but society will still have the same opinions on them.

    Something to know:

    You must know the person that you want to look like, and they cannot be famous. They also must be the same age as you!

    Added to on Feb 21, 2016
    Last edited on Oct 27, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.


    D I S C L A I M E R : This will only work for people who have a storng belief in magic, and becoming the person of their choosing... If not, this is not the spell for you...
    D I S C L A I M E R : Must be someone you know & similar age.
    D I S C L A I M E R : You cannot look like somebody well-known in the celebrity industry, or somebody who looks very different to you, as unfortunately, magic cannot change your face majorly. Yes, magic can do wonders, although changing your face will change all pictures, videos and even people's opnions will change depending on what they would think of your appearence.
    D I S C L A I M E R: You cannot look like anyone in a different race, as i have mentioned above, this spell will not manage to do major adjustments to your face!
    The fifth and final disclaimer: This will not change your body at all, it will only alter your faceshape, eyesbrows, eyes, nose, mouth.
    You may need:

  • A picture of the person...To some questions, no a gif will not work.
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    You may need:

  • A picture of the person...To some questions, no a gif will not work.
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    ^O^ Look like anyone of your choosing! REMEMBER: BELIEVE ! ! (If it does not work, then please tell me EXACTLY what you are doing, and i will tell you why

    Added to on Feb 20, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #853 - Levitate An Object

    You will be able to levitate an object with easy steps.
    You may need:

  • A magic wand
  • A marble or crystal (optional)
  • Object you want to levitate
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    You may need:

  • A magic wand
  • A marble or crystal (optional)
  • Object you want to levitate
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    For beginners look here but for advanced look down below for a more challenging way.

    First take your object you want to levitate and put it in the center of a table or flat surface. Then if you have crystals then put them on both sides of the object. Finally, ake your wand and with your wand you point at the object you are levitating and say "levitatious" about 5 times or as many times as you need.

    You only need your wand and a heavier object since you already have enough spirt power you don't need crystals or marbles and say the exact same thing as the beginners, how many times you need to do it .

    Added to on Feb 20, 2016
    Last edited on Mar 26, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #854 - Magic of Friendship

    Have you and your friends ever wanted to use the magic of friendship Just like the Mane 6? Well, this is your chance, you just have to cast this spell correctly, otherwise, it will all blow up!
    You may need:

  • Honesty Orange Potion
  • A few Sprinkles of Kindness Powder
  • Laughter Light Blue Liquid
  • Generosity Purple Glitter
  • Red Loyalty Fire
  • An Empty Flask
  • Magic Magenta Dust
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    You may need:

  • Honesty Orange Potion
  • A few Sprinkles of Kindness Powder
  • Laughter Light Blue Liquid
  • Generosity Purple Glitter
  • Red Loyalty Fire
  • An Empty Flask
  • Magic Magenta Dust
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    Hum the MLP:FIM Theme Song, and each whisper an element of harmony, for exemple: Honesty, and then whisper:

    Kindness, and so on until each element of harmony is whispered, the final friend shout:

    Magic!!!, so then if an super evil person is bothering you, you won't doubt in gathering your friends and using the Magic of Friendship on him.

    Added to on Feb 18, 2016
    Last edited on Dec 07, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #855 - Full Moon Binding Latin

    To bend your beloved to your Will and make him/her come back and never leave.
    You may need:

  • 4-6'' red candle
  • Picture of your beloved (if you are in it that is fine)
  • 4'' nail to use for inscribing
  • 2'' pins (1 must be sterilized)
  • 6'' red satin ribbon
  • Rose incense
  • Rose water
  • Matches
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    You may need:

  • 4-6'' red candle
  • Picture of your beloved (if you are in it that is fine)
  • 4'' nail to use for inscribing
  • 2'' pins (1 must be sterilized)
  • 6'' red satin ribbon
  • Rose incense
  • Rose water
  • Matches
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    Perform on the night of the Full Moon when she is in Taurus, Leo, or Scorpio. If you do not have a FM in these sign, do so when she is waxing in either one of them. (Please do not bind yourself to time. If you need to do this right away... do it!)

    1. Inscribe your beloved's information on the candle. (i.e. name, dob, current location city, state, province, country.)

    2. Light the candle.

    3. Chant the following incantation with all the energy you can muster as you gaze at the picture. Repeat the incantation for a total of three times. Hover the picture over the incense to infuse it with its scent as well as to seal in your desires. Place the picture in front of the candle (ensure it will not catch fire), and allow the candle to burn completely.

    "(Your beloved's name), ut loquerer omnia verba ista virtutis talem facere non possem. Diliges alius praeter me. Ambitiosi et alius praeter me. Et me solum desiderare. Tu credis unicam meam. Mollia tu mihi loquere solus. Tu vero dic. Tu ad me. Es meus. Ex hac die, sed voluntatem tuam; desiderium vestrum desiderium est; meae sunt necessaria. Desiderium, non me vereri. I hæreditate possidebunt te!"

    English translation:

    "Your beloved's name, as I speak these words of power, you bend to my will. You will love no other but me. You will lust for no other but me. You will desire only me. You will trust only my love. You will only speak tender words to me. You will only speak the truth. You belong to me. You are mine. From this day forth, my Will is your will; my Desire is your desire; my Wants are your wants. Your desire for me never wavers. I own you!"

    4. Take the picture, and pierce your beloved's heart with the non-sterilized pin, and speak:

    "Cor tuum mihi et solum mihi" (Your heart belongs to me and only me!")

    Note: If the flame is strong, there is much power in your spell and little resistance. If it is small and flickering, you may have some outside influences. Place a black candle encircled in blessed salt, light it, and command any influences of resistance to move into the black candle to be burned away.

    5. Take what is left of the candle, wrap it in the picture. Bind it all with the red satin ribbon, seal the knot with a drop of your blood (using the sterilized pin) then speak, "In perpetuum!" (For all time!)

    8. After the blood has dried, place the packet under your pillow until your beloved returns to you.

    7. When he/she does, bury the packet under a tree (preferably near your place of residence), to help your love grow strong then speak, "Non in perpetuum conteram, et ligabis! Signatum est in aeternum!!" (No one will ever break this bind! It is forever sealed!)

    8. Walk away (Do not look back.)

    Added to on Feb 18, 2016
    Last edited on Nov 03, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #856 - 3 Wishes

    This spell will give you three wishes, but choose wisely.
    You may need:

  • 1 Container
  • 2 Grains of Salt
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    You may need:

  • 1 Container
  • 2 Grains of Salt
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    1. In the container, put the two grains of salt.
    2. Rub the container and say your wishes.

    Your wish will come true in 2 hours!

    Added to on Feb 17, 2016
    Last edited on Oct 27, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #857 - Forget a Friend

    Bonds are hard to break. This spell will allow you to move on from someone who is still on your mind.
    You may need:

  • Something that represents you and your former friend's bond (e.g. A friendship necklace)
  • Something your former friend has written on (Preferably something about/addressed to you)
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    You may need:

  • Something that represents you and your former friend's bond (e.g. A friendship necklace)
  • Something your former friend has written on (Preferably something about/addressed to you)
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    1. Wait for the sky to be completely dark
    2. Gather the object that represents your bond and the thing your friend has written on.
    3. Get rid of the object, make sure is out of your sight, and others sight too. E.g. Bury it (I threw my object into a gutter and it worked)
    4. Chant this however many times you wish: "Tonight this bond shall shatter. I shall think of you no more (person's full name). This longing shall cease. I swear it on (a god/goddess/the moon/sun-anything you wish) Aeternum vale* (person's full name.)"
    5. Rip up the thing they have written on into as many pieces as possible, dispose of this how you wish.

    Added to on Feb 13, 2016
    Last edited on Oct 27, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #858 - Power

    It's a spell to give you powers.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    "Power of the sea,
    power of the earth.
    Give me this power,
    give me this curse.
    I ask from the Gods/
    Goddesses grant me
    this power please.
    I ask you now
    So mote it be!"

    Added to on Feb 09, 2016
    Last edited on Oct 24, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #859 - Truth

    This spell will make anyone tell the truth.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    First have the person in sight and say:

    "Tell me the truth
    Straight to my face
    If you do lie
    Your tounge will pay"

    Go to the person and ask them a question and say: "Tell the truth." While looking directly at them. If they lie the spell will backfire, and they will bite their tounge.

    Added to on Feb 08, 2016
    Last edited on Oct 24, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #860 - Revive Friendship

    This spell is for a Male friend so I apologize if that's not what you seek.
    You may need:

  • Acacia
  • Barley
  • Chamomile
  • Sage
  • A lighter or matches
  • A cauldron or somewhere safe to burn your mixture
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    You may need:

  • Acacia
  • Barley
  • Chamomile
  • Sage
  • A lighter or matches
  • A cauldron or somewhere safe to burn your mixture
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    Set up your materials at your alter or some place safe. Feel free to light any candles of your choice.

    Sit comfortably and relax your body and mind. Find your want and need for this person, feel the magic running through your veins and open your soul to the divine.

    Put into your Cauldron the ingrediants one by one, using as much or as little of each as you please.

    Light your mixture and hover your hands over the smoke and imagine an image of the person you wish to bring into your life and repeat the following three times:

    "Through love and hate

    and thick and thin

    You were my very closest friend.

    No secrets kept from one another,

    You were just like my big(optional) brother.

    And right now,

    I'll try and see,

    if you will come back to me.

    Divine spirits, Maiden, Mother, and Crone

    I ask of you to heal this wound.

    Let him find his way back to me,

    Not forcefully, but naturally.

    Mend our hearts and relieve our pain,

    so I may see my friend again."

    When you are finished say " As I will it, so mote it be!".

    Thank the divine spirits and goddess for their help. Take the ashes sprinkle them in your yard or somewhere in your home, or for the best way, keep thm in a pouch or locket around your neck.

    I want to clarify that it can take time and it won't be imidiate. Magic will work when the time is right, we can not force it to happen when we want it to, it will happen when it's meant to.

    Added to on Feb 08, 2016
    Last edited on Nov 24, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2998 Love Spells from Spell Casters