3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Crestovich
- Water Element
- Bring Love to Your Life
- Bring any Toy to Life
- Revenge love spell
- Black Cat Jinx
- Honey Love Potion
- Friendship Knot
- Attract Your Crush
- Love
#961 - Crestovich
Sit or lay in a comfortable position, breath in and breath out continuously throughout the spell, close your eyes and say:
"Crestovich, Crestovich, Stanlak Stokloe Stevenki Cornanoutanai"
Imagine yourself doing something almost impossible. Think of moveing something with your teeth, or maybe punching a hole through a brick wall.
Last edited on Sep 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#962 - Water Element
Chant: " Water, water, blue as the sky. Give me the power to control you with my mind."
Last edited on Jun 25, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#963 - Bring Love to Your Life
1. Relax your mind and body for a while as your about to undergo this spell casting. ( Can be done inside or outdoors as long as its quiet and there is enough space)
2. Cast a circle.
Method to cast circle for this type of spell: Invocation of the Divine
Invoke the Dieties by asking them to join you for your magical workings.
"God and goddess, I ask that you join me here to assist with my magical workings."
*Note: state why you have called them here for and continue on with the spell.
3. Once it is at least 3pm hold the amber on both palms of your hand and start chanting 10 or more times if needed.
"Goddess Aphrodite please hear my plea, fill my life with passion and joy. Bring me my one true soulmate who he/she will accompany me for eternity. Please bless this charm held in my hand, and bring me my one and only. So mote it be."
4. Thank the divine that has joined you.
Close the circle: starting from west, walk counter-clockwise around the circle three times as you say:
"The circle is open, but never broken. So mote it be!
Merry meet and merry part, and merry meet again!"
I really don't know if this works or not haven't tested it. Give it a go, and if it works message me and rate this five stars.
Last edited on Sep 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#964 - Bring any Toy to Life
Place the toy in front of you.
If you have a wand wave it over the toy while saying the spell.
Chant this 3x
"Gods and goddesses hear my plea,
Fill this toy with personality,
Make this toy loyal to me,
Make this toy loyal to those with the name of thee (person/people's FULL name),
Give this toy the personality of how it looks,
Give it the personality described in books,
Gods and goddesses please do this for me,
So mote it be."
Last edited on Oct 26, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#965 - Revenge love spell
Do this on a Friday on either a waxing or full moon.
Do all the things you normally would in preparation of spell work. Take a cleansing bath, meditate, cleanse your space etc. Get all your items together; personally, I would arrange the two of cups in front of me on the left, the devil on the right, and the picture in the middle with my piece of rose quartz right above it. The rest of my crystals I would arrange in a circle around the cards, or around myself.
Draw your circle; it is up to you if you want to call the quarters or any deities. If you want to light your candles or incense. Stare at the picture of you and your lover. Remember how it felt when he told you he loved you. Feel the security of his arms around you, remember how his lips feel against yours, bring back to yourself how much love you felt/still feel for him. It's real, painfully real. Draw specifically on the two of cups and raise energy. It's okay to smile, even encouraged. Remember how when you looked at him you felt that wave of elation sweep through you. Embrace that energy, fill the circle with that energy of love. Now spend some time thinking about things reversed. About how he hurt you. Think about him calling you up telling you he misses you that he was a fool to let you go and hurt you. Imagine him being completely enveloped and consumed by love for you and obsession with you. After you've spent a substantial amount of time meditating on that and making it real in your minds eye, raise more energy. Feel it vibrating through you. During this part you will want to focus on the energy of the Devil. See it clearly melding with the energy you already raised. It is okay to feel rage here. To feel how he betrayed you and how you want to reciprocate it. Now imagine yourself and the love and obsession you have felt for him as red ribbons that snake around you and bind you. Imagine this energy unwinding from you. The energy of the love that has bound you is different from the energy you raised, but now you will let the energy you raised feed the energy that bound you. Let it grow and meld into an intense love and obsession. Finally, once it is strong enough, close your eyes and send it to whoever it is intended towards. See this energy snaking around him and binding him with love and obsession and as you send it say the words ''let him experience the devotion he professed to have for me let him be made to feel in full what he evoked in me, let me be freed from the chains of love so that he may be bound by them. So mote it be.'' Close the circle and ground.
Last edited on Jul 15, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#966 - Black Cat Jinx
First take bowl of water and put black cat hair and focus your wand and think negative. Concentrate on it. Leave it whole night. The next morning spray the water on your enemy's object and you will have cursed them.
Last edited on Jul 19, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#967 - Honey Love Potion
All herbs are optional except the honey and sugar; you may add or remove any you like! Light the candles and incense before you make the potion to sweeten the mood.
Pour the water into the saucepan and let it come to a slow boil. Add all ingredients. Let it boil for 1 minute then turn the heat to low and simmer for 20 minutes.
When it has finished simmering, run it through the strainer into a jar while chanting:
"Aphrodite, goddess above, the man/woman who drinks this will fall hopelessly in love. Love that is sweet, and love that is fair, let him/her hold me in his/her tender loving care. Let our love forever be strong and passionate eternally. May we never, ever part and hold each other in our hearts."
Last edited on May 06, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#968 - Friendship Knot
Take your string/ribbon and start to think about why you deserve new friendship and why you need one. Its very important step, because it makes you self aware and helps universe understand you more, so please dont skip it. Take your time and dont make up false reasons. Be honest with yourself, otherwise its not going to work.
Now that you are aware why you need new friend you can start to call to them. Take your string/ribbon once more and think about what traits you want them to have. Now tie a knot for reach of those traits. Once the knots are tied you can wear your ribbon as bracelet or hide it in safe place until youll meet your new friend.
Last edited on Sep 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#969 - Attract Your Crush
Put the picture of your crush in the center of the pentagram. Place one rose petal at each pentagram point. Put one candle at each pentagram point. Chant the spell 3-5x
"Gods and goddesses of love and hate
Bring ( ) to me to date
I am the only one that ( ) will want to be seeing
( ) will love me with all of his/her being
Let me be ( )'s only desire
Let our love be as intense as a burning fire
I want ( ) to love me with all of his/her heart
Let ( ) love me until the day I wish to part
Gods and goddesses hear my plea
Give ( )'s love to me
So mote it be"
Last edited on May 13, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#970 - Love
Memorize the following "I wish for a love, a love that is true, a love from above, that will lead me to you!". Say this 3 times when the moon is full and try to put as much energy and hope and power into it as possible
Last edited on Sep 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.