halfwolf1's Profile

Member Info
Name: halfwolf1
Location: My own magical world
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Sun, 24 Apr 2016
Membership: Contributor

Website: view

Personal Bio
~please don't message me looking to hook up. I'll gladly be friends with any one but I'm not looking to hook up~
About Me:
Gender:bigender (I am both male and female)
Pronouns: she/her/he/him
Sexuality:polysexual (attraction to multiple but not all genders)
Asexual (sex repulsed or never wanting sex)
Status:single(and not looking for a partner)
Magic(k) and Supernatural
Species: half wolf (in between therian and wolf shifter)
Wolf side: I do not know much of my wolf side
Pack: Nigtshade wolf pack
Power:I can read minds (I was born with this)
Religion:I practice wicca
Coven: the shooting stars
Familiar:Bower (he is a dog)
Spirit animal(s): Lightning: a tiger
Lucy: a wolf
Favorite show: supernatural
Favorite book: the mortal instruments
Favorite food: pasta(carbs basically)
Hobbies: I enjoy reading. Writing and drawing. (May post some drawings not sure)
I live with ghosts.
My brother can see ghosts.
I'm a very weird and dark person. Don't message me if you can't handle the darkness.
I have dream shifted before.
I've suffered from depression although not severe. I got over it and now am proud of myself and body.
I have social anxiety but not enough to need medication or anything.
Everyone is created equal and everyone deserves to be treated equal. I will not bash you for your race religion gender or sexuality. I'm a feminist. I believe it's a person's body if they want an abortion they can get one. I don't say woman because not everyone with a vagina is a woman. I'm not sure of any other heavily political topics right now other than Isis. Which is not the Muslims fault by the way.
Okay now that you know about me feel free to message me any questions or thoughts or anything at all. If you have problems I'll try and help that all I can think to say so blessed be!