2352 Luck Spells from Spell Casters
- Love Cards
- Forsee the Future
- Real Wish
- Healing
- Real Working Revenge
- Necklace of Power
- Love prayer to the Norse Gods
- Revenge
- Toxic Swap Spell
- Power Charm
#1131 - Love Cards
2. Pour the water into the bowl.
3. Find a picture of someone who you want to marry. Chant his name 5 times.
4. If you have a piece of jewelry, hang it on to the picture.
5. Find a red, pink, or white candle.
6. Put the candle into the bowl.
7. Stir the candle wax and the water together.
8. Dip the picture (and the jewelry if you're using it) into the mixture.
9. Wait 10 seconds, and then place your cards into the water.
10. After a minute, take the cards out of the water, and do what you did in my spell ''Forsee the Future''.
11. Hopefully you predicted if the person you want to marry will love you.
#1132 - Forsee the Future
When you're ready, put your cards on the towel.
Light the candle (optional).
Shuffle and cut the deck.
Pick and place a card from the deck on the towel.
Repeat step 5 until the pattern is complete.
Study each card closely; where it falls in the pattern, whether it is right-side-up or upside-down, and what each card means in relation to each other.
Hopefully you'll get your fortune!
#1133 - Real Wish
Go outside at night or at day time then make sure your alone then say the spell 3x:"I wish for this please hear my plea, let this wish come true for me".
Last edited on Jun 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1134 - Healing
Put the candles on the floor. Sit crossed legged and meditate (between the candles). Then thnk the good times you had together then say, "Gods of love,gods of peace heal (name) from sickness that is within him. Hear my plea oh gods hear me! Give him/her another chance to live. So mote it be!"
Last edited on Jun 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1135 - Real Working Revenge
First take the white candle and set it on the altar, then light it with the lighter. Kneel before the alter and recite this chant 3x
"With the hate in my heart and soul for thy enemy (enemies full name) I call upon the gods of hate and karma to punish (enemies full name) for all the wrong he/she has caused"
Imagine a ball of hate and imagine thy enemy and strike him/her with the energy ball.
Last edited on Jun 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1136 - Necklace of Power
Note: You should always carry the necklace. It makes your magic more powerful. If someone else gets it, it can be used for black magic.
Last edited on Sep 27, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1137 - Love prayer to the Norse Gods
Contact me if it worked for you
So, as I said, right before you go to sleep, chant this three times (if it's a female, feel free to change the spell as you chant):
'I'm in love, but he is not
I need him, but he does not
Make that switch up
Make him love
Make me the one he should love
By the power of the Norse gods
I'm begging for a miracle
For he's the only one I need
I'm awfully consumed by greed
He should want me to only be his
Until the end of time I shall chant this
Goddess Freya of Norse love and passion
Make his heart mine, so none of us will suffer
I wish for my eternal prayer to be heard,
Hear me gods, so mote it be.'
after you've done this, try to fall asleep, and feel free to repeat this spell anytime throughout any day after that. Just a reminder; this is a strong spell, only use it if you're really desperate and determined, or else the Norse gods won't hear your call.
Last edited on May 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1138 - Revenge
Light the black candle and while the name paper Burns, quickly chant: "As your name burns you'll have 2 hours bad luck" Then light the red candle and as their picture burns say: "As you burn you'll have 7 years bad luck"
Last edited on Jun 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1139 - Toxic Swap Spell
#1140 - Power Charm
Step 1:
Write all the powers you want in the piece of paper.
Be sure to believe that you are able to use the powers you want, too (The spell will work most effectively if you want 30 powers or less).
Step 2:
Wrap the amulet/piece of jewellery with the piece of paper, and whisper the powers you want to the amulet/piece of jewellery.
It doesn't have to completely cover the piece of jewellery, and you must whisper all the powers you have written in the paper.
Step 3:
3A (If you have water)
Dip the amulet/piece of jewellery into the water.
Leave it for 13 days, never touching it.
3B (If you don't have water)
Place the amulet/piece of jewellery somewhere that sunlight and moonlight can reach.
Also leave it for 13 days, never touching it.
Step 4:
In the 13th day...
If it's an amulet, keep it with you.
If it's a piece of jewellery, wear it immediately.
Good luck and Blessed be!