2352 Luck Spells from Spell Casters
- White Wings Spell
- Time
- Amulet of Good Luck
- Indigo Wings Spell
- Summon a Demon
- Wishing Spell
- Overnight Wish
- Help From the Gods
- Eye Color
- Writing letter to universe
#1471 - White Wings Spell
Last edited on Oct 31, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1472 - Time
Get a clock. Look at the clock and see what time it is. Then think of the time you want it to be. Chant this:
"Time line let me see
Let it be ( time that rhymes with see)
I wish I wish I wish it be
So mote it be!"
Then close your eyes and think of the hands on the clock turning to the time you want. Then open your eyes and you will see that the time has changed
Last edited on Apr 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1473 - Amulet of Good Luck
First, place the sprig of basil, iris flower, lilac flowers in the mortar. Grind them to a very fine powder. Then, place in a small bowl for later. Next, place nettle, oregano and black pepper corns in the mortar. Grind them to a very fine powder. Place in the same bowl. Place and grind the strawberry leaves and yew needles.
Place in the same bowl and stir the dry mixture well. Now you slowly drop the essential oils in as needed. Stir the mixture well. Now add enough lavender water to make a tea-like fluid. Stir until all of the powders have dissolved in the lavender water. Recite this incantation while stirring:
"Gods and goddesses of protection, good luck, and wisdom, I ask you to not let negativity befall me. Let lies and jealousy not tamper with my heart and mind. Let no evil pain my heart. Let me be happy and joyous while wearing this amulet. May I have good luck, a clear mind, and a light heart. So mote it be" (Recite until the mixture fully dissolved.)
Then dip the acorn into the potion and let it sit in the light of the full moon and sun for three days.
For Necklace:
You need to drill or carve a hole through the upper half of the acorn. Get your thin string or cord and string it through your prepared acorn and even it out at the top. Now you need to drill or carve a hole though the center of your bamboo chunk. Afterward, you will string both ends though the bamboo and pull it near the acorn. Tie the ends together (Hopefully into a big knot.).
Last edited on Jul 28, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1474 - Indigo Wings Spell
Powers of light and powers of dark, grant my wish, allow wings to sprout from my back.
-Wings of strength, carry we where ever I need to be.
-Wings of night, be as swift as the dancing shadows.
-Wings of gentleness, may thee fly gracefully like the winds of Earth
-Wings of pain, burst from my back and be a reminder of my mortality.
I beg and plead for my wings. May my feathers be (like an [insert feathered creature here.]'s)([Or] of the color [Insert color here.]). The wings will burst in a small size and grow to full in (Insert number) days/weeks/months. This is my wish, my dream. So mote it be.
#1475 - Summon a Demon
Light the red and the black candle
Close your eyes and think of evil thoughts
Open your eyes then focus on the candles for 10 seconds then say:
Demons! Come to me! Bring your evil to the earth! I command you! So mote it be!
Say that 5 x looking at the candles. Then you
Will hear a noise. It should be a demon.
My friend has tried this and she said it worked. Just believe her.
Good Luck
#1476 - Wishing Spell
Draw a pentagle on a peice of paper with the pen.
In the middle of the pentagle write what you want
Fold the paper up and hold it in your hand and chant:
"I wish for (_____)
that's all I ever wanted
I want (____)
Give me what I want
so mote it be!"
Chant 1 time. Then take the paper and hide it where no one can find it.
Then in 1 to 2 weeks you will get your wish.
Last edited on Apr 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1477 - Overnight Wish
Chant 2 times:
"Gods and goddesses hear me plea
I want one wish please make my
One wish come true (put wish here )
So mote it be!"
Last edited on Jun 08, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1478 - Help From the Gods
Draw the pentagram on the paper then put it on the side. Get candles lit up and put each one in each tip of the pentagram. Then leave that on the side. Use the ouija board and tell what ever you want to the gods 4 times out loud and then when you finish saying what you want get the glass of milk and pour it on the board.
Last edited on Apr 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1479 - Eye Color
First, draw a pentacle on your right hand. Close your eyes, and say the following words.
"Precious eyes change for me,
Change change from
(color you have) to (color you want),
Change change to
(Color you want) from (Color you have).
This is my desire, this is my wish.
Gods and Goddesses grant it please
By the power of three so mote it be.
And blessed be"
Last edited on Apr 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1480 - Writing letter to universe
Light a candle... make the place calm, if you need, insert earplugs so nothing can distract you
Write a letter to universe without stopping in between or rereading your letter
Just write everything in a flow
If you want a guy start writing his qualities, if anything is missed, leave it.
Let the paper be near candle for some time. Do not cut or make changes.
Do not get up to change pens... pray a bit... and fold the paper towards you.
You can either keep paper near your bed or in safe almirah
You can offer some rose petals or pomegranate juice to whoever letter is addressed