2350 Luck Spells from Spell Casters
- Celebrity Find You on Facebook
- lucky me spell
- Creation Curse
- Star Wishing
- Heartbreak City
- Amber Wish Spell
- Transformation Necklace
- Luckiest person
- Calling Your Love
- Wish Fulfillment
#1661 - Celebrity Find You on Facebook
Get the picture of the celebrity. If you love them, kiss it. Hold it above lit candle and say:
"Oh ( celebrity's name) how I want to meet you, at (whatever time) you will be on Facebook and find me as a cool person and should add me. So mote it be!"
Last edited on Feb 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1662 - lucky me spell
how long the spells last is closely connected to how long and deeply you concentrate
this spell is powerful and but don't do anything to get in trouble on purpose
no jumping in front of cars
no picking fight
because you do that and this spell backfire and give you exactly what you are looking for because of your intent
lastly if you can bring divinity into it to stir the spell just in case you for get you cast it and do something crazy
see for as long as possible
after say harming none, never cursing me, breaking no will so may it be
#1663 - Creation Curse
"Of birth, of life I curse your line
Of past, of death your ancestors
I curse the day of your creation
I curse the day you offended me
I curse your life, your power
Those below those above your line
I curse and you as well!"
Last edited on Feb 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1664 - Star Wishing
Once you're ready say this to your chosen star. It is best to do this at night when you have a clear view of the sky.
"Oh holy star hear me.
All I ask for is a simple wish.
Oh great and mighty star.
Please grant my wish,
It's all I ask for.
My wish is from the heart and mind.
Grant my request.
I wish for (insert wish)".
Last edited on Feb 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1665 - Heartbreak City
2. Set the black cloth in the middle.
3. Light the candles, as you light them say,
''This pain I feel,
Let it be known,
To the one I used to love,
Make them feel,
How I feel,
Don't protect them from anything.''
4. Light up the heart paper first.
5. Light the picture on fire.
6. Once everything is completely burned, gather up the ashes and send them out on a windy day.
#1666 - Amber Wish Spell
STEP 1: Get a piece of amber. STEP 2: Hold the stone in your left hand while focusing on your wish... and visualizing how it will FEEL when your wish comes true. Not "if"... but "WHEN". STEP 3: While you are visualizing, rub the amber with your left thumb in a clockwise motion. (This is very important) STEP 4: During the day, keep the amber in your left pocket and rub it periodically during the day. STEP 5: At night, place it in your favorite charm bag and place it under your pillow. ------------------- PS- If you have successfully cast the spell, then you will get a dream about your wish at night. And soon the wish will turn to reality.
#1667 - Transformation Necklace
Say "These two things a necklace will do: turn into a _______ then turn back into a human"
Last edited on Feb 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1668 - Luckiest person
''Brimstone, moon, and witch's fire,
candlelights bright spell,
good luck shall I now acquire,
work thy magic well.
Midnight twelve, the witching hour,
bring the luck I seek.
By wax and wick now work thy power
as these words I speak.
Harming none, this spell is done.
By law of three, so mote it be!''
Blow out the candle and close the circle.
#1669 - Calling Your Love
Before you go to sleep put the candle on top of the picture in front of your window, light it, and meditate on your love for as long as you think is necessary. Then chant the spell:
"Gods of faith please hear my plea,
Send me the love I so desperately seek.
Spirits of love please hear me beg,
Send me the love I so desperately lack".
Meditate in between for a short while. Then the 2nd, meditate, and then the 3rd. Let the candle burn out naturally while your sleeping.
Last edited on Feb 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1670 - Wish Fulfillment
For this you need no matter what the candle, or more (I suggest purple, because purple candle supports every spell), a clean piece of paper, turned quiet, peaceful music (who wants to) and a pen or pencil. Light a candle, and write on a piece of our request, the phrases "please", "I want / I" and end "Thank you" as someone would like, you may sign your name. When you write, it consists of 4 parts sheet and burn the candle płonieniu. Then the ash falling apart in the yard. But it is important to also smoke candle. It is important in a page goes.