lucky me spell

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SpellsLuck  ► Good Luck  ► lucky me spell
gives good lucky this includes test contest, not getting in trouble. You'll find free food if hunger, you'd find fun stuff if you're bored, really this spell is great

how long the spells last is closely connected to how long and deeply you concentrate

this spell is powerful and but don't do anything to get in trouble on purpose
no jumping in front of cars
no picking fight
because you do that and this spell backfire and give you exactly what you are looking for because of your intent

lastly if you can bring divinity into it to stir the spell just in case you for get you cast it and do something crazy

Casting Instructions for 'lucky me spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • mind
  • visualization
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • mind
  • visualization
think of lucky things stuff that are higly lucky to you and than imagine that green energy around you that holds these thing
see for as long as possible
after say harming none, never cursing me, breaking no will so may it be


Added to on Jan 13, 2013
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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this pray is an incomplete prayer . It could be better. My Lord, I say this prayer with all my heart, without harming anyone, without cursing me, without breaking anyone's will. so mote it be.

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