If you want to Make your own spells and rituals use this.
You may need:
Book of Shadows
You may need:
Book of Shadows
Think about the requirements of your spell, the title, and the incantation. Get your book of shadows or a piece of paper. Write down the spell and all information about it.
Take some time to focus on your belief and faith that the spell will work. Do not fear the consequences or have lingering doubt as you prepare for the spell.
This is my first working spell now here's what to do. First clear your mind and turn off any noises so your positive there are nothing in your mind. Second, Put the item in your mind. Now say this
''tears,tears in my eye a lost item gone bye bye hear me out i need this item where is it? Where is my ____ ?.
Now start looking and you should find it. This does not work with things you did NOT own previously.
I used it when i lost a video game lol im such a nerd.
Get a peice of paper and pencile or pen and wright down your wish then go to your mirror then say your wish the same time as your age then keep saying it for the same amout of days as your age allso then bang your wish might come true but it doesnt allways come true sometimes.
WARNING: If you skip a day then your wish will defantly not come true and you can not start over.
Put the necklace on. Go through your normal day without touching the necklace!!! Keep looking down to see if the clasp is at the front. If it is totally at the front, then make a wish, and put the clasp back to the back. When it comes back to the front, then your with should become granted!
I used this spell that I wrote, and my wish came true within 6 days! I wished to have a dream about someone.
You may need:
1 sheet of notebook paper
Cooking pot
1 Bay leaf
You may need:
1 sheet of notebook paper
Cooking pot
1 Bay leaf
Best time: 12:00 a.m.
Best moon: Full moon
First, say this 100x
"I summon the demons of darkness!''
Next, use a pencil towriteyourwish on the paper . Then place the bay leaf, ginger, and cinnamon in the middle of the paper, and twist it tightly. Then hold the paper with tongs over the cooking pot, and light it. After that, throw the paper away, and forget all about your wish. But you might want to wait until those red hot glowing embers cool down so you don't burn your house down! :)
Take the bone, think of that "special" person, and say, "demonus, courtim, enflaem, devilos!" Then, write the initials of the person on the bone. Then, toss the bone in the fire. Once it's charred, take it out. Then, you must get the person to WILLINGLY accept the bone. Once they have it, the curse will effect them unless they get you to take the bone.