2354 Luck Spells from Spell Casters
- Sleep potion
- Chaos magic sigil
- Visualisation, chant and prayer 3-in-1 for your team to win
- thunder storm
- Crystal Luck
- How To Make Powerful Moon Water
- Candle Protection Spell
- Revenge spell
- Success spell jar
- Wish granted
#11 - Sleep potion
Add in whole Catapres, and powdered lavender.
Mix well.
Let simmer for 5 minutes, then remove from heat.
Place loose-leaf tea and crushed Catapres in a separate pan with the other 2 cups of amethyst water.
Scoop out the tea leaves when the separate mixture is well-infused enough.
Combine the two separate pans of mixture and mix well, visualising safe sleep and sweet dreams.
Say this blessing a few times: I bless this potion by Sun and Moon, day and night, to bring about sweet dreams and soothing sleep and protect me as I rest from harm and bad dreams, by my will it shall be that I am unharmed by nightmares and general harm!
Strain mixture into a mug.
Sip and enjoy warm. Store remaining potion in a 3-litre bottle for future use.
#12 - Chaos magic sigil
This isn't really a spell, but a general way to make a sigil and how to 'charge' it.
A sigil is a symbol made of your desire, you write out your intention, and then remove repeated letters, and then randomly rearrange them into a arbitrary, abstract graph, you can simplify it if you find it too complex.
Now you want to charge it, in chaos magic, the way is to achieve a altered state of consciousness called 'gnosis' they are a state where your mind is fixed into one point, ways to do this is, for example, running until you are completely exhausted and upon breaking down the sigil is visualised or looked at, some other examples include sex, fasting, death posture, etc, use whatever you like, you can either write the sigil on a piece of paper, look at it at the peak of your action, and then destroy and forget about it, or just visualise it at the peak and forget, both are okay.
#13 - Visualisation, chant and prayer 3-in-1 for your team to win
Then, light the candle and light the fire, draw 4 victory sigils of your choice on the page with the team's logo inside the logo in the victory oil, and say a quick chant to charge it.
Next, place the wick of ONE candle at a time up to ONE corner at a time of the sheet with the team's logo on it.
After, draw 7 victory sigils of your choice inside the logo in the green ink, say another quick blessing, and fold the paper 7 times.
Lastly, draw another victory sigil on the paper in the green ink on one side and the victory oil on the other side, crumble the bay leaf crown up, sprinkle it onto the folded sheet, sprinkle the victory mix onto it and place it into the fire while visualising the outcome of the game and put the candles in, with the remains of the crumbled bay leaf crown and spell mix while saying your prayer and say a quick chant to reinforce your intention.
The spell is done.
#14 - thunder storm
go outside and in the dirt draw a pentigram with the stick. the draw symbols of clouds and lightning and anything the might speak to you around it. stand in the center of the pentigram (could sit but it wont work as well) and make a wish and wait outside in the center of the pentigram for one minute. then go inside and go to sleep.(you need to do this at night)in the next 3 days there will be a thunderstorm.
#15 - Crystal Luck
Put the jade gently in your palm. Focus only on the crystal and your breathing for about 1 minute. Then, say the incantation out loud or in your head 3 times
"Jade crystal, bring forth luck, so that tomorrow I can fell confident in what I do"
You may replace "Confident" with another word.
This spell cannot be cast on others.
#16 - How To Make Powerful Moon Water
During a full moon, but a glass bowl of water outside, or a place where the moonlight will shine on the water. Pray to Nyxe for 30 minutes, then leave and go to bed, but leave the bowl of water where it is. Overnight it will become moonwater. But YOU MUST take the bowl of water ( now moon water), and take it away before sunlight shines on it, or IT WILL NOT WORK, and then put a lid on the bowl and label it Moon Water. Glass cups work too.
It can hex, how to make money, used in spells, and more. My former friend told me this. You might find that spells using moon water has a higher chance of working.
#17 - Candle Protection Spell
Cast a circle, and sit in the middle, with your candles in front of you. Make sure your candles are in the circle with you. Light each candle. Pray to your gods/goddess for protection
#18 - Revenge spell
i need revenge
On this black day
To make my troubles go away A curse, a pox, a chanted hex Any one should do To make you, (target), understand
The hurting caused by you
Tips for casting: Please, above all else, make sure this spell is used responsibly and in moderation. Serious problems should be mediated by non-magical authorities, like the court system or the police. You also risk incurring the Rule of Three if you overdo the spell, or if you use it in a way inconsistent with the general use of black magic. If it requires more revenge than you'd be willing to take in person, we strongly advise you forget using this one altogether. If not,
you'll wish you did later. I promise.
Final thoughts: There is little good to using black magic outside of the diversion. We all know the success stories of those qualified in black arts
#19 - Success spell jar
Add the lemon balm,bergamot,cinnamon,ginger,tigers eye,pyrite and citrine into the jar and add the cork. Seal with the gold wax and put wherever.
#20 - Wish granted
Light your candle and chant the following:
"oh gods and goddesses above,hear my words. I wish for good fortune this is my plea,so mote it be!" Then think of what you wish for (eg:money,love,etc). After go to sleep and you wish will be granted within a week.