2354 Luck Spells from Spell Casters
- New Moon Good Luck Spell
- To Have Any Wish Granted
- Best Money and Abundance Spell (Ancient Egyptian)
- Lost and Found
- Bright Blessings
- Attracting Extra Money
- Baby Blessing
- Waning Moon Bad Luck Banishment
- A Wish Spell
- Favorable Outcome
#21 - New Moon Good Luck Spell
Please always practice fire safety when using fire in any capacity! Also, this spell is designed to be cast on a new moon.
First, spend a few minutes focusing on the fire and meditating.
Next, say the following three times while staring into the fire.
Fire lend me your power
Give me strength so I do not cower
Fire burn bright on this new moon night
Bringing hope into sight
Fires of rebirth cleanse and burn
Good fortune and health return
With the power of fire and the new moon
Renew me now and help me bloom
As I will it, so mote it be
Three times three
#22 - To Have Any Wish Granted
This spell is done via manipulation of the vowels of the Tetragrammaton, the ineffable Name of God, using the five vowels of Hebrew between each letter. As one can observe, the first vowel (A) never changes; this is because A is the chief and foremost of letters. However, I do suppose one could - if sufficiently desiring - repeat the spell using every permutation of the Tetragrammaton (YEHAWAHA, YEHAWAHE, etc.), but - if I were to put it casually - you can do that. As it stands, this spell is long enough.
#23 - Best Money and Abundance Spell (Ancient Egyptian)
Prepare all items, and then:
Sit and meditate, try to concentrate your willpower into paper ankh, imagine your wish down to detail.
Burn up the candle before you, separate the T looking part of ankh from O atop of it with scissors and repeatedly "stab" T part trough O part while your read this out loud:
"Kha ta heneket, kha ka-u apedju, kha shes menekhet, kha hetep jefa! A thousand of bread and beer, a thousand of cattle and birds, a thousand of alabaster and clothes!"
Then while T part of paper ankh is still inside O part, set it aflame and leave it inside your bowl. Leave ashes in bowl, dont throw them out, and as you repeat this ritual, bowl will fill with more and more ashes. When bowl is almost half full, put one simple feather on top of the ashes, and say:
"Akhet peret shemu!" (which means "flood growing harvest!")
Then fill the bowl with pure water. If feather floats, your desires are of benovelent intentions and will come true, if feather sinks well, then contact me i will tell you what to do!
#24 - Lost and Found
1. Carefully light the green candles, reciting part one of the incantation as you light them. In between lighting each candle, turn on the spot, clockwise.
2. Place the gold candle closest to you, near the picture of what is lost.
3. Recite the second part of the incantation as you light the gold candle.
4. Wait for the candles to burn out, and then the spell will start to work.
Turn this object's fate around.
What is lost shall now be found.
Show me what I need to find.
Relieve the worry on my mind.
#25 - Bright Blessings
- Put a few pinches of salt in the jar, and light the incense stick.
- Visit each room in the house; Carry the jar in one hand and the incense stick in the other.
- In each room: make a picture in your mind with the salt soaking up the negative energies.
- Waft the incense smoke around the room. Particularly the doors.
- Speak the incantation. " Unseen powers, cleanse and clear, any pain that was once here. Make this home feel fresh and new, inside out and through and through."
#26 - Attracting Extra Money
Gaze up at the moon
Hold the money in your two hands
Repeat this incantation. "Goddess of light and love, I pray. Bring fortune onto me this day."
#27 - Baby Blessing
Say three times for a more powerful spell.
Blessed be this baby
May (s)he know health and safety
Please allow (name) to love and be loved always
May (s)he be protected all his/her days
May (s)he have a bright light of protection around him/her forevermore
Grant him/her an abundance of happiness as I implore
Protect him/her from harm and pain
Drive away all negativity and bane
Give him/her hope and laughter
Bring him/her joy hereafter
Water, cleanse him/her of negativity
Fire give him/her passion and ignite creativity
Earth ground him/her and keep him/her balanced for all his/her life
Air send away bad luck and strife
Blessed be this baby whom I love so dearly
These gifts I send sincerely
By the moon and sun
This spell is done
These words I have spoken
Are never to be broken
Blessed be
So mote it be
#28 - Waning Moon Bad Luck Banishment
Chant three times:
As the moon does decrease
May my troubles cease
Take away the strife
Bring only good into my life
Maiden, mother, crone
Take away that which I bemoan
As I see the moon wane
Take away my bad luck and pain
This I decree
So mote it be
#29 - A Wish Spell
Cleanse all materials with incense or herb smoke before beginning. Write your wish/intentions on paper. Arrange ingredients and candle on top of the paper while putting thought into your intentions and light the candle.
#30 - Favorable Outcome
Cleanse all materials with incense or herb smoke. Write what you want to happen on paper and be very specific. Place your candle on the paper next to or on top of the strawberry leaf. Meditate for a bit on your intentions and goals.
Last edited on Aug 21, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.