2354 Luck Spells from Spell Casters
- Mend Broken Relationship Spell
- Wishgranting/Manifestation Technique that really Works
- Backstabbing Friends
- Basic Love Spell
- Wish spell
- Anti plagiarism spell
- Protection Bowl (Lesser) / Spirit Trap
- To Receive Book Recommendations
- Unlucky Penny
1. Say, "ITS BORING" or anything like that.
2. Then say "ACTIVATE SPELL" then new friends will appear and everytime its boring it will bring you and loved ones new friends, especially to people on earth where its bad, (Except like racists cause using a african god, it was was god that was killed by hangings.)
And it starts looking for new friend upgrades for you that are surfer like who gives you rides and stuff everywhere, if you dont like that, just dont accept that, just designated driver out there though please. Comes with small money spell. its very mexican rainforest spell so you gotta be like just protective of mexico and kicks into full gear. if you turn though just turns off.
from there just think about spell and new friend appears, it tells you like where there is a new friend being worked on. gift from mexican rainforests, puts friends since since a long time ago too tells you who they are.
#32 - Mend Broken Relationship Spell
Sit in a quiet area or place.
Sit in a comfortable postion and relax, Try to think happy thoughts.
Hold the photo or name in your right hand.
Chant this 3 times with your eyes closed.
"I wish to mend my broken relationship, I wish for us to be happy again, I wish for things to go back to how they were before, I want us to be normal again, This is what I want. So mote it be."
Thank Magic or Any higher power you believe in.
After casting this spell, Live life as you normally would, You should feel calm and happy and that is how you know the spell worked for you.
Give the spell a few days, Do not rush Magick.
Have a blessed day.
Last edited on Aug 26, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#33 - Wishgranting/Manifestation Technique that really Works
Print out picture of your desire, be it wealth, great body figure, or any concept that can be put on a picture.
Tape it to some point that you can see from your bed.
Go buy alarm clock that can be turned off by hitting it, and a flashlight that glows only while you hold the button.
This is important part, so listen. On that poster, write short message with paint in that color which stands out from the rest of the picture, so your subconscious mind can implement it with ease, for example, if you want sexy body, print out picture of some model that you want to become, and on bottom of picture write with capital letters "ME", if you want to win someone over, print their picture and write "my wife/husband", its always good to go to the extreme, even to the far fetched unrealistic things, because your subconsciousness knows no limits, and if you achieve even a part of your goal, if your goal was something insane, real results should be just what you actually wanted.
Then, all you need to do is set alarm clock to wake you in your nightsleep , 2 to 4 hours from when you fall asleep, and keep that flashlight close by or in the bed. When you wake up, stop that alarm immediately, take that flashlight point it towards the poster, light it up for few seconds while you look at it, then turn it off for moment or two, blink your light few more times, then turn around and go back to the sleep.
DISCLAIMER: If you are not ready for thing you are reprogramming, dont do this, since you will imprint this subliminal message heavily in your subconscious mind
#34 - Backstabbing Friends
- Take the piece of paper and write your friend's name on it
- Then take their DNA and place it on top of the name
- After that, take your dead flower petals and put them with the name and DNA
- Fold up the paper, put your magic charm in one hand and the paper in the other one and chant: "Backstabbing friends is what you are, talk behind my back as much as you want, but you messed with the wrong witch so feel my pain, getting revenge the new modern witch way, this is my will so mote it be."
- Now burn the paper and bury it outside away from your house/home
#35 - Basic Love Spell
1 - first of all, cleanse the area by means of incense.
2 - then, ask tarot about how this spell is going to process.
3 - rub the essential oil between your eyebrows and bless the candles with oil.
4 - light the candles in the name of the god/goddess/spirit you're working with
5 - put the ingredients into jar, imagining the intention happening.
6 - write the name of your platonic crush (if you have one), or (if you don't) write "i attract love and affection" on a piece of paper and put it in the jar.
7 - close the jar and seal it with wax.
8 - spray your favorite perfume on the jar and then on yourself.
#36 - Wish spell
Write your wish on the paper and fold it.
Chant 3x:
Magic magic, universe universe
Please, make my wish come true
I beg you
No matter how big or how small is
Thank you
Repeat the word every day until your wish comes true.
After this, you can bury the paper in the dirt and wait.
Last edited on May 15, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#37 - Anti plagiarism spell
Chant this three times:
From now on, by law
For plagiarism, I never passed
who dare
plagiarize anything of mine
By karma and disgrace
the culprit will pass
Last edited on May 15, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#38 - Protection Bowl (Lesser) / Spirit Trap
Take the holy water and pour it in some unsealed jar without a lead, put few fragments of frankincense in the water, cover it with pure cloth and leave it overnight.
Tomorrow filter out that water in a crystal bowl, and if there is any kind of residue, burn it and bury the ashes in the ground that will not be desecrated in any way.
Make a bouquet out of the basil, and use it to make sign of cross on the waters surface three times as you read psalm 51, 91 and 23
Put that Bowl in front of the icon of the saint, and keep it all safe. Bowl is not covered with anything, so water will evaporate overtime, thusly particles of holy water in your vicinity will create powerful atmosphere of Holy Uncreated Energies of God, and bowl works like a true ghost buster marvel! Anything unclean, be it spirit or curse or bad energy will be sucked into the water and trapped in it! If there is bad influence around you, water will become murky, and that is good! do not throw out that murky water yet! let it absorb as much as it can, then go some place outdoors dig up small hole in a ground that will not get desecrated in any way and pour that water with your new "catch" in it. Ofcourse after that you will need to create another bowl, and if water gets murky again, well, just be stubborn and repeat process over and over like real ghost buster!
#39 - To Receive Book Recommendations
During an hour of Mercury, recite the following:
Myths and tales from ancient times,
Stories of heroic deeds,
Emanate from realms divine
Bound in ink for us to read.
Tales more real than flesh and bone,
Far beyond the realms of men,
Stories from the worlds unknown
Bound in paper, ink, and pen.
As above, thus so below,
As below, thus so above,
Stories truer than we know
Bound in ink and scribed with love.
Books of paper, ink, and pen,
Spirits, kindly recommend.
When this is spoken, you will find that people will recommend books to you constantly, nearly every day, and very fine books at that.
Last edited on Oct 28, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#40 - Unlucky Penny
At twilight on a Saturday night, take a coin and hold it in your left palm. As you do, focus on becoming exceptionally angry; simple irritation will not suffice. When you are angry, so much that your blood begins to boil in your veins, recite the following:
"My wrath will not subside, my anger will not cool, my fury will not cease. I channel all this hatred into this coin, so that it may feel the same wrath that I do. Whomever takes you next, may this wrath fall upon him. Thus I command, and thus it is done."
With this done, place the coin in your pocket until you find a place to leave it. Make sure it is tails-up when you leave it somewhere, lest the spell be for nothing. Thus, whomever picks it up next will be cursed, and your wrath will be upon them.
Additional Notes:
- Do not allow the sun to go down on your anger. You must calm yourself after reciting the spell.