2351 Luck Spells from Spell Casters
- Backstabbing Friends
- Basic Love Spell
- Wish spell
- Anti plagiarism spell
- Protection Bowl (Lesser) / Spirit Trap
- To Receive Book Recommendations
- Unlucky Penny
- A Simple Spell To Bring Friends
- Mercurial Hex
- Powerful Dark Charm - Luck
#31 - Backstabbing Friends
- Take the piece of paper and write your friend's name on it
- Then take their DNA and place it on top of the name
- After that, take your dead flower petals and put them with the name and DNA
- Fold up the paper, put your magic charm in one hand and the paper in the other one and chant: "Backstabbing friends is what you are, talk behind my back as much as you want, but you messed with the wrong witch so feel my pain, getting revenge the new modern witch way, this is my will so mote it be."
- Now burn the paper and bury it outside away from your house/home
#32 - Basic Love Spell
1 - first of all, cleanse the area by means of incense.
2 - then, ask tarot about how this spell is going to process.
3 - rub the essential oil between your eyebrows and bless the candles with oil.
4 - light the candles in the name of the god/goddess/spirit you're working with
5 - put the ingredients into jar, imagining the intention happening.
6 - write the name of your platonic crush (if you have one), or (if you don't) write "i attract love and affection" on a piece of paper and put it in the jar.
7 - close the jar and seal it with wax.
8 - spray your favorite perfume on the jar and then on yourself.
#33 - Wish spell
Write your wish on the paper and fold it.
Chant 3x:
Magic magic, universe universe
Please, make my wish come true
I beg you
No matter how big or how small is
Thank you
Repeat the word every day until your wish comes true.
After this, you can bury the paper in the dirt and wait.
Last edited on May 15, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#34 - Anti plagiarism spell
Chant this three times:
From now on, by law
For plagiarism, I never passed
who dare
plagiarize anything of mine
By karma and disgrace
the culprit will pass
Last edited on May 15, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#35 - Protection Bowl (Lesser) / Spirit Trap
Take the holy water and pour it in some unsealed jar without a lead, put few fragments of frankincense in the water, cover it with pure cloth and leave it overnight.
Tomorrow filter out that water in a crystal bowl, and if there is any kind of residue, burn it and bury the ashes in the ground that will not be desecrated in any way.
Make a bouquet out of the basil, and use it to make sign of cross on the waters surface three times as you read psalm 51, 91 and 23
Put that Bowl in front of the icon of the saint, and keep it all safe. Bowl is not covered with anything, so water will evaporate overtime, thusly particles of holy water in your vicinity will create powerful atmosphere of Holy Uncreated Energies of God, and bowl works like a true ghost buster marvel! Anything unclean, be it spirit or curse or bad energy will be sucked into the water and trapped in it! If there is bad influence around you, water will become murky, and that is good! do not throw out that murky water yet! let it absorb as much as it can, then go some place outdoors dig up small hole in a ground that will not get desecrated in any way and pour that water with your new "catch" in it. Ofcourse after that you will need to create another bowl, and if water gets murky again, well, just be stubborn and repeat process over and over like real ghost buster!
#36 - To Receive Book Recommendations
During an hour of Mercury, recite the following:
Myths and tales from ancient times,
Stories of heroic deeds,
Emanate from realms divine
Bound in ink for us to read.
Tales more real than flesh and bone,
Far beyond the realms of men,
Stories from the worlds unknown
Bound in paper, ink, and pen.
As above, thus so below,
As below, thus so above,
Stories truer than we know
Bound in ink and scribed with love.
Books of paper, ink, and pen,
Spirits, kindly recommend.
When this is spoken, you will find that people will recommend books to you constantly, nearly every day, and very fine books at that.
Last edited on Oct 28, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#37 - Unlucky Penny
At twilight on a Saturday night, take a coin and hold it in your left palm. As you do, focus on becoming exceptionally angry; simple irritation will not suffice. When you are angry, so much that your blood begins to boil in your veins, recite the following:
"My wrath will not subside, my anger will not cool, my fury will not cease. I channel all this hatred into this coin, so that it may feel the same wrath that I do. Whomever takes you next, may this wrath fall upon him. Thus I command, and thus it is done."
With this done, place the coin in your pocket until you find a place to leave it. Make sure it is tails-up when you leave it somewhere, lest the spell be for nothing. Thus, whomever picks it up next will be cursed, and your wrath will be upon them.
Additional Notes:
- Do not allow the sun to go down on your anger. You must calm yourself after reciting the spell.
#38 - A Simple Spell To Bring Friends
The following incantation should be spoken seven times on a Friday during a daylight hour of Venus:
"Let not loneliness seize us, lest we become a delight to our enemies. Iao Philophoros."
Because this is a simple incantation, its effects may not be immediately apparent, and the friends it brings may take some time to come. Nevertheless, it is a faithful spell that brings with it wonderful companionship.
Additional Notes:
- The spell is to be spoken seven times because it is both a sacred and holy number as well as the number of Venus.
- IAO is an ancient Greek transliteration of the Tetragrammaton. Pronounce it as "ee-ah-oh".
- Philophoros is Greek meaning "friendship-bringer", used as an epithet attached to the Tetragrammaton.
Last edited on Oct 04, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#39 - Mercurial Hex
Perform the following operation on a Wednesday at night, during the 15th or 22nd hours after sunrise (that is, during a nocturnal hour of Mercury):
Take a stolen pen and, on pure and unblemished paper, write the full name of your victim eight times, clearly and legibly. Build a fire of wood and throw the paper in the fire. As it burns, say the following: "Ad luctum per verba. Ad morbum per ignis. Ad mortem per magia. In nomine Mercurius, imprecare NN." ('NN' is the full name of your victim, middle name[s] included).
When you have said this, put out the fire. Misfortune will begin to affect your chosen victim, so long as you keep the operation a secret.
An Explanation of Certain Items:
- The stolen pen is necessary, for all stolen things contain a bit of Mercury's power in them, as Mercury is the god of thieves.
- In English, the Latin text reads: "To sorrow through words. To sickness through fire. To death through magic. In the name of Mercury, curse NN."
#40 - Powerful Dark Charm - Luck
1. Choose one of the following minerals, the one which suits you the best: Blue Lace Agate, Amethyst,Ametrine, Blue Apatite, Blue Calcite, Howlite, Lapis Lazuli, Lepidolite, Labradorite, Merlinite, Sapphire, Sodalite, Spectrolite, Sugilite, Blue Tiger’s Eye, Blue Tourmaline, Turquoise
2. Obtain a dead frog and replace its heart with the mineral you have in your posession
3. Obtain at least relatvely fresh horse dung, pile should be at least twice in size compared to the frog
4. Go somewhere secluded in the nature, at the first thursday you can, after October 16, but i repeat be earliest thursday as you can, just be sure you know the area, since you dont wanna get lost and you will need to operate there in the coming period. the place you will operate in, must be ruled by number 4, so 4 rocks or trees or mounds, (but not 4 little pebbles or 4 little twigs!)
5. Dig up a hole in a shape of a square, and lay 4 different herbs in the four corners, these are herbs you can use: African Violet, Agrimony, Alexander, Alfalfa, Aloe, Arrowroot, Asparagus, Betony, Bluebell, Blueberry, Borage, Cardamon, Carnation, Cedar, Chestnut, Cinnamon, Cinquefoil, Clove, Clover, Currant, Dandelion, Deerstongue, Dock, Dog Grass, Fig, Henna, Hyssop, Jasmine, Juniper, Lavender, Lila, Liverwort, Lungwort, Magnolia, Maple, Milkweed, Mistletoe, Moneywort, Mulberry, Mustard Seeds, Narcissus, Oak, Red, Oak- White, Oakmoss, Pine, Sage, Sandalwood, Sarsaparilla, Sumac, Sweet Briar, Sweet Cicely, Tonka Bean, Violet, Wallflower. Remember or write down exact herbs you used!
6. When you dig the hole fill it with herbs and horse dung, then place frog in the dung and then cover the frog with dung and finaly with dirt. mark the place so you can find it later in the last thursday before november 4th. let the time pass, and when last thursday before november 4th comes, go back to this site, dig up the frog, take it and place upon stony area where you can start fire safely. use same 4 herbs you used when burying, place them alongside with any kind of fuel you will use to start fire and burn anything that remained around the stone
7. take the ashes and the stone and roll them up in the tin foil. put that in your little pouch bag
8. take it all home to your room or altar or wherever, draw simple square on a piece of paper and leave your pouch four days inside a square. After four days you will have very powerful luck charm!
-For much more powerful version contact me via messages here on this site! if you are not member, make an account, its free!