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2354 Luck Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2354 Luck Spells
2354 Luck Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2354 Luck Spells
  1. A Simple Spell To Bring Friends
  2. Mercurial Hex
  3. Powerful Dark Charm - Luck
  4. Mojo Message
  5. Satanic Wish Spell
  6. Super shenron
  7. Mana Surge
  8. porcelain doll spell
  9. Any power you want
  10. No more hiccups (An easy working spell for baby witches)
#21 - #30
#41 - #50
#61 - #70
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#41 - A Simple Spell To Bring Friends

A simple incantation that encourages friendship.
You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    The following incantation should be spoken seven times on a Friday during a daylight hour of Venus:

    "Let not loneliness seize us, lest we become a delight to our enemies. Iao Philophoros."

    Because this is a simple incantation, its effects may not be immediately apparent, and the friends it brings may take some time to come. Nevertheless, it is a faithful spell that brings with it wonderful companionship.

    Additional Notes:

    • The spell is to be spoken seven times because it is both a sacred and holy number as well as the number of Venus.
    • IAO is an ancient Greek transliteration of the Tetragrammaton. Pronounce it as "ee-ah-oh".
    • Philophoros is Greek meaning "friendship-bringer", used as an epithet attached to the Tetragrammaton.

    Added to on Oct 04, 2022
    Last edited on Oct 04, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #42 - Mercurial Hex

    A curse of misfortune brought upon whomever you find deserving.
    You may need:

  • A stolen pen (black ink)
  • Firewood and a way to light it
  • Paper
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    You may need:

  • A stolen pen (black ink)
  • Firewood and a way to light it
  • Paper
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    Perform the following operation on a Wednesday at night, during the 15th or 22nd hours after sunrise (that is, during a nocturnal hour of Mercury):

    Take a stolen pen and, on pure and unblemished paper, write the full name of your victim eight times, clearly and legibly. Build a fire of wood and throw the paper in the fire. As it burns, say the following: "Ad luctum per verba. Ad morbum per ignis. Ad mortem per magia. In nomine Mercurius, imprecare NN." ('NN' is the full name of your victim, middle name[s] included).

    When you have said this, put out the fire. Misfortune will begin to affect your chosen victim, so long as you keep the operation a secret.

    An Explanation of Certain Items:

    • The stolen pen is necessary, for all stolen things contain a bit of Mercury's power in them, as Mercury is the god of thieves.
    • In English, the Latin text reads: "To sorrow through words. To sickness through fire. To death through magic. In the name of Mercury, curse NN."

    Added to on Oct 02, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #43 - Powerful Dark Charm - Luck

    Strong luck charm very compact to carry around
    You may need:

  • Certain type of half-precious stone
  • Certain period of time
  • Certain Herbs
  • A dead frog
  • A horse dung
  • A pouch bag
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    You may need:

  • Certain type of half-precious stone
  • Certain period of time
  • Certain Herbs
  • A dead frog
  • A horse dung
  • A pouch bag
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    1. Choose one of the following minerals, the one which suits you the best: Blue Lace Agate, Amethyst,Ametrine, Blue Apatite, Blue Calcite, Howlite, Lapis Lazuli, Lepidolite, Labradorite, Merlinite, Sapphire, Sodalite, Spectrolite, Sugilite, Blue Tiger’s Eye, Blue Tourmaline, Turquoise

    2. Obtain a dead frog and replace its heart with the mineral you have in your posession

    3. Obtain at least relatvely fresh horse dung, pile should be at least twice in size compared to the frog

    4. Go somewhere secluded in the nature, at the first thursday you can, after October 16, but i repeat be earliest thursday as you can, just be sure you know the area, since you dont wanna get lost and you will need to operate there in the coming period. the place you will operate in, must be ruled by number 4, so 4 rocks or trees or mounds, (but not 4 little pebbles or 4 little twigs!)

    5. Dig up a hole in a shape of a square, and lay 4 different herbs in the four corners, these are herbs you can use: African Violet, Agrimony, Alexander, Alfalfa, Aloe, Arrowroot, Asparagus, Betony, Bluebell, Blueberry, Borage, Cardamon, Carnation, Cedar, Chestnut, Cinnamon, Cinquefoil, Clove, Clover, Currant, Dandelion, Deerstongue, Dock, Dog Grass, Fig, Henna, Hyssop, Jasmine, Juniper, Lavender, Lila, Liverwort, Lungwort, Magnolia, Maple, Milkweed, Mistletoe, Moneywort, Mulberry, Mustard Seeds, Narcissus, Oak, Red, Oak- White, Oakmoss, Pine, Sage, Sandalwood, Sarsaparilla, Sumac, Sweet Briar, Sweet Cicely, Tonka Bean, Violet, Wallflower. Remember or write down exact herbs you used!

    6. When you dig the hole fill it with herbs and horse dung, then place frog in the dung and then cover the frog with dung and finaly with dirt. mark the place so you can find it later in the last thursday before november 4th. let the time pass, and when last thursday before november 4th comes, go back to this site, dig up the frog, take it and place upon stony area where you can start fire safely. use same 4 herbs you used when burying, place them alongside with any kind of fuel you will use to start fire and burn anything that remained around the stone

    7. take the ashes and the stone and roll them up in the tin foil. put that in your little pouch bag

    8. take it all home to your room or altar or wherever, draw simple square on a piece of paper and leave your pouch four days inside a square. After four days you will have very powerful luck charm!

    -For much more powerful version contact me via messages here on this site! if you are not member, make an account, its free!

    Added to on Aug 17, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #44 - Mojo Message

    Good revenge spells can be handy when it’s time to right a few wrongs in your life .This spell is specifically to be used in situations where another person has already wronged you, not simply because they are in your way about something.
    You may need:

  • Black paper
  • Black envelope
  • White paint or paint marker
  • Whole bay leaf
  • Black pepper
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    You may need:

  • Black paper
  • Black envelope
  • White paint or paint marker
  • Whole bay leaf
  • Black pepper
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    On one side of the paper, write what this person did to you in white. Doesn’t have to be too detailed, just a reference to what has happened. On the other side, write “return to sender” in big letters across the page. Fold the paper into quarters, then cut it in half with scissors.

    Place both folded pieces of paper into the envelope, add the bay leaf and a generous sprinkling of black pepper. Seal up the envelope. Fold it in half and hold it in both hands. Repeat the words, “Your attack, I send it back“.

    Focus your energy on the person, and then repeat the words again. Bury the envelope, still folded, outside to complete the spell.

    Added to on Aug 02, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #45 - Satanic Wish Spell

    This is a Satanic spell that is good in a variety of circumstances. And yes, you do need access to a graveyard to make it work.
    You may need:

  • A square piece of black fabric
  • A pinch each of comfrey, rue, tobacco and bloodroot
  • A pinch or two of freshly burnt wood ash
  • One small bone
  • Slip of paper
  • A length of string or twine
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    You may need:

  • A square piece of black fabric
  • A pinch each of comfrey, rue, tobacco and bloodroot
  • A pinch or two of freshly burnt wood ash
  • One small bone
  • Slip of paper
  • A length of string or twine
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    1. Gather everything together and put the herbs, ash and bone in the center of the cloth.
    2. Write your wish on the paper, fold it up, and add it too.
    3. Fold up the corners, and then tie the entire packet up with the twine.
    4. Use a firm sturdy knot.
    5. Hold the charm bundle in your hands, and say “Be powered by the fires of Satan”. Repeat four times. Then you need to go out after the sun has set, and bury it at the entrance to a cemetery. You don’t need a big conspicuous hold, just get it underground .

    Added to on Aug 02, 2022
    Last edited on Aug 08, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #46 - Super shenron

    To make a divine dragon that can grant any wish
    You may need:

  • Seven plastic balls,the same colour,
  • 1 red permanent marker,
  • Day light
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    You may need:

  • Seven plastic balls,the same colour,
  • 1 red permanent marker,
  • Day light
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    Take the marker and draw a star on the first ball,

    Then 2 stars on the second,

    Three stars on the third,

    Four stars on the fourth ball and so,on

    Arrange the balls in a circle, then chant : oh these spheres i power thee , in charge of shenron you will be , whenever the divine language is spoken, my wishes and spells shall never be broken,with all joy and delight, absob all Energy that is divine.

    Then leave the balls out side for an hour,then you can use them . And the divine language (the words used to summon and communicate with the dragon are : emoc htrof enivid nogard dna tnarg ym hsiw peas and carrots) read the each words used to summon super shenron backwards and you will know how to speak the divine language.

    Added to on Jul 29, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #47 - Mana Surge

    This spell gives you a surge of mana. Mana is the energy used to power spells.
    You may need:

  • Imagination and knowledge of animals
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    You may need:

  • Imagination and knowledge of animals
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    The spell technically has to be cast as fast as you can, ideally .22 seconds. So take your time remembering the actions you need to take and then perform the spell. If you are having a hard time remembering this spell, imagine a rabbit and then a horse. Complete that action within 3 minutes and within 30 minutes of the spell to enhance your memory. Also, the imagination might need some help from a starter spell, but the starter spell will take some of your mana over time. To aid your imagination first imagine an octopus, within 3 minutes of casting spell. This will allow you to imagine things at a faster pace. Then the actual mana surge spell is done by imagining a bat, then a dog, a cat, and lastly a frog. I recommend imagining petting the cat to feel the spell. Imagining an octopus can make you feel hyper and sluggish at the same time, so I recommend imagining a rodent, within 30 minutes of imagining the octopus. The imagining of the octopus should take .25 seconds or less and the imagining of the rodent should take .25 seconds or less. Imagining a rodent doesn't consume mana if you imagined an octopus. Lastly, if you are finding it hard to stay motivated to complete this spell, imagine a shark, then a fish, and lastly a butterfly, and imagine those last three things in 3 minutes and within 30 minutes of doing spell.

    If this spell is done successfully, you will have acquired good luck and enhanced function. This may be cast multiple times. Also, some spells may consume more mana than this spell generates.

    A surge of mana will cause one to grow and create tranquility in one's life.

    Added to on Jun 25, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #48 - porcelain doll spell

    this spell is made to bless a porcelain doll or curse it.
    You may need:

  • porcelain doll
  • crystal (any kind)
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    You may need:

  • porcelain doll
  • crystal (any kind)
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    get the porcelain doll. say this 3x for blessing

    "i ask of you to Bless this doll,(godess name here)

    may it bring positivity and happiness

    so mote it be."

    for cursing say 3x

    (insert god name here),i ask of you to curse this doll

    may it bring unhappiness and starvation.

    so mote it be"

    Added to on Jun 12, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #49 - Any power you want

    this spell will give you any power you want. just do it right. this spell comes in english, latin and Gaelic. which ever one you wish to speak in.
    You may need:

  • 1 green candle (for Earth to the North)
  • 1 red candle (for Fire to the South)
  • 1 yellow candle (for Air to the East)
  • 1 blue candle (for Water to the West)
  • 1 silver candle (for Moon in between North and West)
  • 1 gold candle (for Sun in between South and East)
  • 1 piece of Bloodroot
  • 1 small bundle of vervain
  • 1 burning bowl
  • a circle of Atlantic Sea Salt
  • 1 strand of hair for each power (from your own head)
  • a piece of paper with the name of the power(s) or picture of the person who has the power(s) you want
  • belief in yourself and Magick.
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    You may need:

  • 1 green candle (for Earth to the North)
  • 1 red candle (for Fire to the South)
  • 1 yellow candle (for Air to the East)
  • 1 blue candle (for Water to the West)
  • 1 silver candle (for Moon in between North and West)
  • 1 gold candle (for Sun in between South and East)
  • 1 piece of Bloodroot
  • 1 small bundle of vervain
  • 1 burning bowl
  • a circle of Atlantic Sea Salt
  • 1 strand of hair for each power (from your own head)
  • a piece of paper with the name of the power(s) or picture of the person who has the power(s) you want
  • belief in yourself and Magick.
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    place the the candles accordingly within the salt circle, then place the burning bowl in the center with you. place the vervain, bloodroot, piece of paper/picture and hair strands into the burning bowl in that order. light the candles in a clockwise manner starting with green, then yellow, ten gold, then red, etc.. after that, return to the center with the burning bowl i your hands and before you light the ingredients inside the burning bowl speak this spell:


    "I call upon the divine energies, I call upon the Gods, Goddesses and Spirits of reality. I call upon you to grant this/these great power(s)/this person's power(s) unto me. Let me be gifted with this/these power(s) in this reality. This is what I ask of thee. So blessed be, so mote it be, so shall it be, so let it be."


    « Divinas vires invoco, Deos, Deas ac spiritus rerum invoco. Te obtestor ut hanc mihi tantam tribuas potestatem, huius personae potestatem. Fac me hac donari. /Haec potestas in hac re. Hoc est quod peto a te. Sic benedictum esto, fiat festuca, sic erit, sic esto".


    'Bidh mi a' gairm air lùths dhiadhaidh, bidh mi a 'gairm air na diathan, ban-diathan agus spioradan fìrinn. Bidh mi a 'gairm ort gus seo a bhuileachadh / an cumhachd (ean) sgoinneil / cumhachd (ean) an neach seo dhòmhsa. Leig leam a bhith air a thìoladh leis an cumhachd seo / seo san fhìrinn seo. Is e seo a dh 'iarras mi ort. Cho beannaichte a bhith, mar sin mote leis, mar sin bidh, mar sin leig leis a bhith. '

    Then light the buring bowl.

    the time length for manifestation of the power(s) will vary person to person.

    Added to on Jun 07, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #50 - No more hiccups (An easy working spell for baby witches)

    This will make your hiccups disappear for a day. The results might be immediate if you use enough energy.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Sit in a meditative position, and picture yourself with a pentagram surrounding you. I like to visualize hiccups and energy leaving my body.

    Chant the following as much as you want:

    "Gods and Goddesses,

    I call upon thee,

    to seize these hiccups

    feasting on me.

    my energy shall be your reward,

    as the sun and moon call north.

    So mote it be."

    Added to on Apr 13, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2354 Luck Spells from Spell Casters