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7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7157 Spiritual Spells
  1. Wash Off Negative Energy
  2. Keep Away Spell
  3. Home Success Magnetism Spell
  4. Summon the Storm
  5. Bring Back An Ex
  6. Change Your Eye Color
  7. Cleansing Ritual
  8. Protection Spell
  9. Wolf Pack Spell
  10. Altering energy to the Moon

#1061 - Wash Off Negative Energy

If you're having a bad day or are just feeling crummy this should help you.
You may need:

  • Yourself
  • A Shower
  • Visualization
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    You may need:

  • Yourself
  • A Shower
  • Visualization
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    Fix your shower like you normally would. (No need for any special herbs or shampoos but if you want to use something that is absolutely fine. Do what works for you!) Put shampoo in your hair and visualize the negative energy from yourself coming out of your head and into the shampoo and when you wash the shampoo out of your hair visualize all that negative going down the drain. (If you condition your hair imagine the good stuff seeping into you.)

    When you are done with the top draw (with your finger) a protection symbol on your forehead.(I usually just do a pentagram.) Then when you move down to your body. (It is important that you go from top to bottom. That is the only necessity to this.) Wash your body like you normally would but when you do this imagine that negative being washed off, as you rinse your body off, of you. Then draw the protective symbol (with your finger) on your torso. Then do your legs and feet similar to the torso and when finished draw the protective symbol on the soles of your feet.

    What I do after this is grounding and collect positive energy from mother earth. (If you don't do this then do it your way!! That's how the magic happens!) Merry Meet. Blessed be.

    Added to on Oct 01, 2017
    Last edited on Jun 25, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1062 - Keep Away Spell

    This is a spell to keep someone away from your significant other. Use with care.
    You may need:

  • a small bowl, jar, or some container with raised edges
  • a larger container that the first one can fit into
  • a picture of your significant other
  • nails or some sharp objects
  • a taglock* of the person you want to keep away
  • the name of the person you want to keep away
  • the name of your significant other
  • water
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    You may need:

  • a small bowl, jar, or some container with raised edges
  • a larger container that the first one can fit into
  • a picture of your significant other
  • nails or some sharp objects
  • a taglock* of the person you want to keep away
  • the name of the person you want to keep away
  • the name of your significant other
  • water
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    1. Place the smaller container inside of the larger container.
    2. Put the picture of your significant other inside the smaller container.
    3. As you place the picture, imagine your relationship with this person. Imagine your relationship as being strong.
    4. Now, place the nails (or sharp objects) inside the smaller container, on top of the picture of your significant other. These nails are being used for their protective properties. Envision the nails acting as a protective barrier around your significant other, keeping away anything you don't want near them.
    5. Put the taglock in the larger container, outside of the smaller container. There is a physical barrier between the person you want to keep away and your significant other.
    6. Pour water into the larger container, covering the taglock. Do not put the water in the container with the picture of your significant other.
    7. Say this chant while visualizing the goal you want to achieve (the person staying away from your significant other). Fill in the blanks with the correct names, and use the correct pronouns:
    "[name of person you want to keep away] will stay away, and he/she/they won't come near [significant other's name]. If he/she/they tries, First, he/she/they will drown in his/her/their own guilt. Second, he/she/they will struggle to communicate with [significant other's name], And third, he/she/they will be plagued with pain unending. If [name of person you want to keep away] knows what is best for him/her/them, then he/she/they will stay away. As I will it, As I know it, So be it."
    Say this chant with conviction and visualize what it says. Feel free to repeat it as needed. * A taglock is something that represents a person and their energy. It can be a photo, hair, nail clipping, the name of the person written out, a sigil of the person's name, or anything like that. *DISCLAIMER* Controlling the people your significant other can see or interact with can quickly turn into abusive behavior. Be confident in your reasoning for doing this spell. Consider whether or not your actions could be abusive.

    Added to on Sep 30, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1063 - Home Success Magnetism Spell

    This spell will remove negative energy from your home, including illness & sickness...& turn your home into a positive energy that attracts success & prosperity...& other goodies!
    You may need:

  • Frankincense oil
  • Sandalwood oil
  • Olive oil
  • 1 Short blue candle
  • a saucer or plate
  • disposable tablecloth or newspaper
  • Sea salt
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    You may need:

  • Frankincense oil
  • Sandalwood oil
  • Olive oil
  • 1 Short blue candle
  • a saucer or plate
  • disposable tablecloth or newspaper
  • Sea salt
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    Blend essential oils of frankincense & sandalwood into Olive oil.

    Use this to dress a small blue candle.

    Place the candle onto a saucer or plate.

    Place the saucer on top of a disposable tablecloth or newspaper.

    Cast a large circle with sea salt on the paper around the saucer & candle. The circle must be large enough for you to maneuver comfortably within in.

    Enter the circle; You may either stand or knee in the paper, & light the candle.

    Close the doors & let the candle burn out(always maintain an eye on fire safety

    When the candle is finished,gold everything up securely inside the tablecloth or newspaper.

    Do not spill even one grain of salt.

    Take it to a moving body of water. Side all biodegradable materials I to the water.Throw everything else into a trashcan at a distance from your home.Walk away & don't look back.

    NOTE:- Repeat every year at the end of summer.

    Added to on Sep 29, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1064 - Summon the Storm

    This is very powerful spell but easy to do. Do this with full of concentration & as much energy as you can.
    You may need:

  • Water
  • A pan
  • Some dust
  • Believe in magic
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    You may need:

  • Water
  • A pan
  • Some dust
  • Believe in magic
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    Take a pan with half a litre water & place it on a stove.

    Let the water set until boiling.

    Then Chant:

    "Water boil, water cling

    To the dust, as I sing

    Not just here but everywhere

    Just like this at which I stare."

    Say this 3 times & each time release some of the dust. You must not say this not so quickly or too slowly.

    Now look outside.

    Added to on Sep 29, 2017
    Last edited on Feb 26, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1065 - Bring Back An Ex

    The power of a spell to return a lost lover so enormous that it can make you more attractive than what you were in his or her eyes.
    You may need:

  • 1 organic chicken wing
  • 1 red candle
  • 1 sterile needle
  • 3 drops of your blood
  • Yarn or threads
  • Matches (made of wood)
  • 1 large sheet of parchment paper
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    You may need:

  • 1 organic chicken wing
  • 1 red candle
  • 1 sterile needle
  • 3 drops of your blood
  • Yarn or threads
  • Matches (made of wood)
  • 1 large sheet of parchment paper
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    Light the red candle with a wooden match not a lighter.

    Use the organic chicken wing to draw your lover name on the parchment paper. You won't see the name which is fine. On the top of the name write your name.

    Use the candle to drop 7 drops of wax in the paper.

    Use the sterile needle to get 3 drops of your blood from one of your fingers & drop it in the paper.

    While you are dropping the wax & blood focus in your wish for your partner return to you. Try to build up as much energy as you can.

    Blow off the candle & say:

    Ratiki Bustako''

    Wrap the chicken wing in the paper & use the yarn or thread to pack it into a little package.That same day bury it.

    Light the remaining candle on the following full moon until it burned itself out.

    NOTE:- It'll be work if you love him or her so much. & you need to believe in black magic.

    Added to on Sep 29, 2017
    Last edited on Mar 02, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1066 - Change Your Eye Color

    So you might not be able to change your eye color, but you can try. Also you can have two different eye colors.
    You may need:

  • 1 eye drop can (or 2 to make it stronger) (can be empty).
  • Imagination
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    You may need:

  • 1 eye drop can (or 2 to make it stronger) (can be empty).
  • Imagination
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    Take the can (or cans) and put them next to you. Say :

    "Oh God's and goddesses take to me (say the color or colors that you want) this special color shall be nicer than the old I love you new eye (or eyes ) color. Imagine the colors or color swirling around you. Then wait one hour. Also you can put away the thing now."

    Added to on Sep 28, 2017
    Last edited on Nov 04, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1067 - Cleansing Ritual

    A ritual to cleanse your body from all negative and toxic effects.
    You may need:

  • a pot of water (holy water)(1 liter)
  • Dandelion (x
  • garlic (one to two cloves)
  • a honey comb
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    You may need:

  • a pot of water (holy water)(1 liter)
  • Dandelion (x
  • garlic (one to two cloves)
  • a honey comb
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    Warm up the pot of holy water after which place the dandelion inside the pot and let the water start boiling.
    Crush the garlic and place it into the boiling water, let it boil for a few minutes.
    Stir until it becomes a homogenize mixture, after which pour a glass of the cleanse, now follow the instructions very carefully.
    Take a bite from the honey comb and then drink the mixture so that you can wash it down.

    The honeycomb represents a net which will trap every negative effect in your body, while the mixture of holy water, dandelion and garlic will cleanse your body.

    Added to on Sep 27, 2017
    Last edited on Sep 30, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1068 - Protection Spell

    To protect oneself.
    You may need:

  • A good size glass bottle with the screw lid type
  • A broken glass shard and powdered them using pestle and mortar
  • A drop of Hemlock poison ( handle with care )
  • Sulphur
  • Cinnamon powder
  • Salt
  • Your petition paper
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    You may need:

  • A good size glass bottle with the screw lid type
  • A broken glass shard and powdered them using pestle and mortar
  • A drop of Hemlock poison ( handle with care )
  • Sulphur
  • Cinnamon powder
  • Salt
  • Your petition paper
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    Bless/charge the listed ingredient individually as per intent.
    Put the listed ingredient into your chosen bottle and make sure to handle with care with the poison.
    Bless/charge again the bottle as per intent before sealing it shut.
    Carry with you always.

    Important note:
    Feed the bottle magically once every three days to keep it strong.
    This type of spell is not bound to the phases of the moon and therefore you can do it anytime you wish, during the day or night.

    Also important:
    As witches, it should be known that in order to employ spells you need to know the witches pyramid power before hand.

    If you have any question with this spell please PM me.

    Added to on Sep 27, 2017
    Last edited on Sep 30, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1069 - Wolf Pack Spell

    So you and your new pack will be like wolfs like from twilight.
    You may need:

  • Day or Night
  • Outside
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    You may need:

  • Day or Night
  • Outside
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    Form a circle with your new pack then hold hands
    Then all of you say 3x or more:

    "Gods and goddesses hear us plea as we form this circle that hold us together we wish for your grant to transform us into a wolf like from the movies twilight. we shall be both human and wolf. We shall have enhanced speed, agility, strength,senses as well as healing factor. We shall be able to transform to wolf at will."

    The Alpha says:

    "I as the alpha will protect and lead the pack."

    Then everyone say:

    "That is our will so mote it be!!!"

    Added to on Sep 26, 2017
    Last edited on Sep 30, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1070 - Altering energy to the Moon

    This is a spell of my own designee. it takes the casters current energy and much like a blood trans fusion replaces your energy with that of the moons. This is extremely useful because it can amplify your energy and you can transfer it in to other things. So like making moon water now all you need is a dark space with some quiet time to transfer some of the energy into the water.
    You may need:

  • - Three white candles
  • - Salt
  • - A black blanket (big enough to sit on)
  • - A moon phase of your choosing (the phase gives of different energys so pick wisely)
  • - And what ever else like a wand and what not.
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    You may need:

  • - Three white candles
  • - Salt
  • - A black blanket (big enough to sit on)
  • - A moon phase of your choosing (the phase gives of different energys so pick wisely)
  • - And what ever else like a wand and what not.
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    Pick a spot to lay out your blanket in direct moon light. Be it a window or in the park or your yard just make sure the light is on the blanket. But before you lay out the blanket bless the space and your Items. Now take your blanket and lay it down. sprinkle the salt on the blanket. Now when you sit on the blanket put one candle behind you and the other two on ether side of you (do not light the candles). Meditate and clear your mind. then say the following.

    To mother moon I am true my love and your light are all that is in me tonight. Bless me on this blessed night with all my might make me your star child to night. Replace what is with in and fill me though out for this is my request for you my lady of rest. Ego enim anima mea in sempiternum et si iungi miscerique vobis polliceor. Cum enim quamdiu subsistam, et non estis nunc ad altare tuum sit.

    Now meditate and pick every thing up go take a cold shower no talking for one hour. Immediately go to sleep after the shower. Your energy should change over night if not try one more time that normally does it. So best of luck casting friend and blessed be.

    Added to on Sep 25, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters